"It's not premeditated. Sisi said that in order to relieve everyone's pressure, she decided to go on a group spring outing today. That's why I came back early."

"I went out alone just now, but this time I went out with a group for the spring outing. You little brain is turning around very quickly!"

Han Changsheng patted Di Lieba's forehead, angrily and amusedly said: "Don't hang on to the oil can, if you want to go out to play, just pack up the things that should be prepared, and don't forget things when the time comes."

"Yeah! Master, you are the best!"

Di Lieba jumped three feet high, picked up the phone and called out, "Eldest sister, second sister, third sister, fourth sister, I've already dealt with the master, go home immediately and pack your things."

Han Changsheng: "..."

You can be prepared for one person digging a pit, but five people dig a pit for defense!

Chapter 243 Hypocrisy is a disease that can be cured

In Yunmeng Gorge on m.com, Yang Mi and five people agreed on a wild outing in the morning.

After receiving the notice, Yang Mi, Tong Liya, Zhao Liying and Liu Sisi divided into two teams and bought the necessary items. After returning home, they picked up Han Changsheng and Di Lieba and drove directly there.

Departure at 10:1, close to 5:[-], two BMW [-]s drove to the destination, a small open space with few people next to the river.

When we arrived at the place, before we had time to appreciate the surrounding cliffs and the strange rocks in the creek, the five Mrs. Han surprised Han Changsheng.

The first thing they did was to open the trunks of the two cars, take out the barbecue grills, charcoal, beef and mutton and other ingredients inside, and then looked at Han Changsheng eagerly.

Han Changsheng: "..."

There is a saying, a big pit is surrounded by a small pit, there is still water in the pit, there is mud in the water, and there are nails in the mud.

And obviously, the hole dug by the five Mrs. Han is... that's it.

Han Changsheng looked up at the sky, "Are you sure you can barbecue here and not cause forest fires?"

Liu Sisi grinned, "Don't worry, master, the fire prevention period in the capital is from November 11st to May 1st of the next year, and besides, it is next to the river, so there will be no fire at all."

Han Changsheng had nothing to say, he just gave two thumbs up, sighed and started to grill.

The pits have jumped, and if you want to eat lunch, you can only do it yourself.

"Master has worked hard, we are here to help."

The fifth girl also knew that digging a hole was a wrong thing, so she started to remedy it when Han Changsheng was grilling.

If you rub your shoulders, let me fan you, if you wipe your sweat, come to my assistant, in short, let the master concentrate on being the chef, and they will take care of everything else.

"It smells so good."

The five girls ate the meat skewers and vegetable skewers in their hands, and drank their homemade iced drinks. While having fun, they also fed the hard-working Chef Han Changsheng.

An hour and a half later, the picnic was over, and everyone was [-]% full.

After packing up the things, the family of six held hands, stepped on the small stones by the river, and walked lazily forward.

Yunmeng Gorge Scenic Area is a scenic corridor with a deep gorge and clear streams, with steep cliffs on both sides, strange rock pines growing between the cliffs, and clear small streams flowing slowly.

The breeze blew past, and the faint water vapor rushed on the face, bringing a kind of refreshing, which instantly dispelled the heat just now.

Liu Sisi and Di Lieba were full of childishness when they fell to the ground, picking up small stones as they walked, splashing small water splashes on the stream, and laughing happily every time.

Seeing the two girls playing happily, Zhao Liying also joined in, happy like a child.

Yang Mi and Tong Liya were somewhat ladylike in their bones, plus they wanted to maintain the majesty of the eldest sister and the second sister, they kept walking forward holding Han Changsheng's arm, and did not join the happy team.

"very nice!"

While walking, Yang Mi suddenly let out a sigh of emotion, her face was full of happy smiles.

Han Changsheng raised his eyebrows, "What's so good?"

Yang Mi has been surrounded by no one around, and she smiles, "I don't have to wear any coverings, and I don't need to wear any masks to face others, so I can truly feel the beauty of nature. This feeling is great. .”

Tong Liya smiled sweetly, showing two small dimples, "Master, if you come out together, then this feeling will be multiplied by ten."

Han Changsheng looked left and right, shook his head and said, "This is pure hypocrisy, this is a disease, and it needs to be cured!"

Yang Mi frowned, "Master! We both feel so good to have you, but you are complaining about us!"

Tong Liya pouted, "Master Smelly, you ruined our good mood, you have to pay for it."

Han Changsheng rolled his eyes, "Please, this is the truth. You enjoy all the beauty brought by stars, but you still lament the lack of freedom of being a star. Isn't this hypocritical?"

"You still say! Yaya, hit him."

"Hit him, hit him, hit him."

"Come on!"

Yang Mi and Tong Liya acted coquettishly, chasing Han Changsheng for a meal: small fist.

Seeing this, Zhao Liying and the three of them also imitated the example, chasing and beating their master, very unhappy.


While fighting, Di Lieba tripped over a rock under her feet, and an uncontrollable front appeared, her face was about to fall to the ground.

Before the four daughters of Yang Mi exclaimed, the figure flashed, and Han Changsheng's big hand had directly wrapped around Di Lieba's small waist, and directly hugged her in his arms.

"Hi, woo, lord, hello!"

Di Lieba groaned twice, hugged Han Changsheng tightly, her body was still trembling with lingering fear.

"Pang Di, you little confused bastard, you scared us to death!"

Yang Mi patted her beating heart, and let out a long breath.

Tong Liya, Zhao Liying and Liu Sisi went up to check and rolled their eyes.

There is nothing wrong with this little girl, and she is enjoying the warm embrace of the master at this time.

Slap! Liu Sisi slapped Di Lieba behind... and said angrily: "Pang Di, you are enough! It's not enough to scare us, do you still want to turn flopping into enjoyment?"


! "

Di Lieba glared at Liu Sisi, who was disturbing her good business, and jumped to the ground hugging Han Changsheng's neck, but did not dare to let go...his strong arm.

The scene just now really frightened her. It is said that women are the ones who please themselves. If her face is really broken, she really doesn't know if she will still have it.... Courage to stay by the master's side.

Di Lieba was honest for ten minutes, her mood gradually calmed down, and suddenly she saw the grass at the bottom of the cliff with sharp eyes.

Pointing curiously, "Master, what kind of bug is that black thing?"

Han Changsheng glanced over and explained: "A small wild fruit, scientifically called Longkui, also called Heitian, Black Star, this small fruit is mainly used for cough, sore throat, and loss of voice."

"can eat"

"Now it's ripe, it can be eaten, and the taste is not bad."

Di Lieba patted Liu Sisi, "Takikui, I must eat you."

Liu Sisi rolled her eyes, "I'm not Takikui."

"Didn't you play Taki Aoi before?"

"That's different."

"I don't care!"

Di Lieba proudly raised her white jade-like neck, and ran over in a swift motion.

She grabbed a 1 Takikushi, carefully put it into her mouth, her eyes lit up immediately.

This Takikui looks black, but it tastes sour and sweet, and it tastes really good.

Happily grabbed a handful, and ran back happily.

Glancing at Liu Sisi, she said with a smirk: "Master, Eldest Sister, Second Sister, Third Sister, I have Takikui children's shoes to eat here, it's sour and sweet, it's delicious."


Liu Sisi pouted her mouth and turned her head, then teased Di Lieba and began to eat Takikui.

In the joyful atmosphere, the time passed quickly, at 4:[-] p.m., the family of six got on the car and returned on the same road.

Tong Liya and Liu Sisi drove the car when they came, and Zhao Liying and Yang Mi drove the car when they went back.

Di Lieba, because of the confusion just now, was ordered to leave the steering wheel and sit in Yang Mi's car with Han Changsheng.

"Hey, there are a lot of missed calls."

Di Lieba picked up the mobile phone on the car, and suddenly saw 33 missed calls on it.

When they were strolling just now, in order to avoid being disturbed by others, they put their phones in the car. Who would have thought that so many people would call in less than two hours after leaving.

"Me too, from Brother Bo, from Teacher Sha... Even Dean Shan called."

Han Changsheng looked at his mobile phone and found that there were more missed calls than Fatty's, reaching 104.

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Chapter 244 If you want to cry, cry out loud (Subscribe for the third watch)

Yu m.com "Maybe someone is in a hurry, call back and ask."

Yang Mi glanced at the missed call on her mobile phone, and spoke quickly.

But Yang Mi spoke quickly, and Di Lieba moved even faster, before she finished speaking, Fat Di's phone call was already made.

"Sister Ruoshui, I'm with eldest sister, yes! What! It's real or not, I know, I'll see right away."

Di Lieba hung up the phone excitedly, took out the tablet computer for a meal: tinkering, then looked at the picture on the screen with dilated pupils, and a ecstatic smile bloomed on her face.

"Yay! That's great!"

Yang Mi glared at Di Lieba from the rear-view mirror, and said angrily: "You girl, don't care about being happy! It's a good thing for you to talk about it"

Di Lieba grinned and shook the tablet in her hand, "I can't say what's good in advance, big sister, please find a place where you can park, or I'm afraid of a car accident."

"Crow's Mouth!"

Yang Mi glared at Di Lieba, but she didn't activate her stubborn temper, she found a buffer zone at the intersection ahead and stopped directly.

Seeing this, Tong Liya behind her also stopped.

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