"Isn't this garden a small tourist place?" It would be great if I could live here, no matter...

You can enjoy the beauty of a garden and the scenery of the West Lake.”

The photos of Tong Liya and Zhao Liying cheering and cheering are like staying in this beautiful manor for a night.

The gardens in the south of the Yangtze River are now state-owned, and it is really very difficult for private individuals to live in them. I didn't expect that there would be a chance now.

Wang Zhengyu smiled lightly, "It's just possible, because everyone has four other 44 options."

As soon as the words fell, the second photo was brought, it was a luxurious villa.

"As you can see, one of the most luxurious villas by the West Lake, a luxury villa in Plum Blossom Manor, has the most luxurious facilities inside, and there are rockeries, fountains and private swimming pools outside."

"Come on, don't choose it, choose Guozhuangzhuang Forest!"

"Yes, no matter how luxurious this villa is, I won't choose it!"

"Let's start by talking about how to live in Guozhuangzhuang Forest!"

Seeing the five 55-year-old girls staring at Guo Zhuanglin all the time, Wang Zhengyu smiled and stopped talking.

The staff promptly lifted out a 65-inch large TV, and there was a connected machine next to it. Once the power was turned on, it would directly enter a fruit-slicing game interface.

Wang Zhengyu said: "Everyone needs to rely on this fruit-slicing game to choose a place to stay for the night. If you want to live in the private garden of Guozhuang, you need to hit the score of fruit-slicing to 188 points within twelve minutes, and you must There are a lot of points, one point is not bad, if there is less, you can only choose the next-level luxury villa, if the points exceed, you can only choose the last place to stay."

Tong Liya curiously asked: "What is the last accommodation condition?"

"The custom homestay in Hangzhou only has an area of ​​[-] square meters."

"Twenty square meters can't be just one room"

"It's a Chase shop."

Swish! The fifth girl subconsciously glanced at Han Changsheng, her eyes were a little strange.

There are five 55-year-old girls here, and Han Changsheng is the only man. If he lives in a Tongpu at night, he will make a lot of money.

Zhao Liying said bluntly: "Master, you have to work hard to play the game later, otherwise I will suspect your purpose of being lazy."

Liu Sisi echoed: "Yes, if you lose this game, it will be all up to you."

Han Changsheng rolled his eyes, "You guys decided you would lose before the game even started, are you two trying to put the blame on me?"

The second girl stuck out her tongue and remained silent. They said this in advance just to prevent something that shouldn't happen.

For example, sleeping in a Datong bunk.

Wang Zhengyu said: "Everyone, you have made your choice."

Tong Liya asked: "How many points do you need for the second luxury villa?"

"Score, just exceed it"

"We ask one person to practice three times."




3% for apples, 4 points for oranges, [-] points for sweet oranges, [-] points for mangoes, [-] points for pineapples... Swish, Swish, Swish... The sound of chopping fruit kept ringing out, and the six of them practiced twice in turn, all satisfied Nod.

This game is easier than imagined, nearly 188 points can be scored in two minutes, and if you control the time well in twelve minutes, you can definitely get [-] game points.

Just... one thing, the score needs to be controlled at 188 points at the last moment, otherwise I can only live in Tongpu.

"I'll come first!"

Liu Sisi walked out first, looking at the game interface with a serious face.

Because the master belongs to her tonight, she was very motivated during the practice just now, resulting in her highest score in the game.

That being the case, it's better for her to cut it first, to make a sample for the sisters in the back, so that they can have some confidence.

She thought so, but when it came time to cut the fruit, Liu Sisi's performance was very different from what she imagined.

Swish, swish, swish... Maybe because of the romance at night, she seemed a little irritable, her left and right hands moved very fast, but her error rate was even higher, and she only scored 12 points in [-] seconds.

Seeing Liu Sisi like this, Han Changsheng couldn't help saying in a deep voice: "Sisi, calm down and don't worry, I'm still behind."

The magnetic sound brushed over the eardrums, and Liu Sisi's impetuous heart immediately calmed down a little. Her left and right hands were steady and did not move quickly until it was time to cut the fruit, and the success rate increased a lot.

It's just that the error rate in front of her is still very high, so the score behind her is not too high.

Two minutes later, Liu Sisi scored 222 points, which is more than 333 points less than her initial score of 100 points.

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Chapter 262 Hurry up to help Tangtang! (Third watch for subscription)

Yu m.com "Don't be depressed, there is still my third sister."

Zhao Liying patted Liu Sisi on the shoulder, and walked out confidently.

The master belonged to her alone last night, so she can live wherever she wants at night, and her mood is very stable.

Swish, Swish, Swish... Zhao Liying, on the other hand... did what she said, and the emotional stability brought about.... The movements were very standard and fast, and the success rate directly reached more than 80%, and she scored 351 points in two minutes.

"Total score 573."


Liu Sisi jumped three feet high, holding Zhao Liying in her arms... ummmmmmmmm.

Although my own score is low, fortunately, my third sister's score is high enough to directly improve the scores of the first two clubs.

There are 4 more people behind, if the second sister, Tangtang and Nazha each scored more than 300 points, they would have 150 base points.

The last 388 points, the boss will definitely get it! "Second sister, come on!"

"Second sister, Ollie!"

Tong Liya gave a victory gesture and walked out confidently.

Her physical flexibility may not be as good as that of the third and fourth sisters, but when it comes to her hands alone, her success rate is higher than them.

And it's all because she practiced Yin-Yang Fist with the master, and she can basically achieve both distraction and double-use by fighting left and right.

Swish Swish Swish...In fact, Tong Liya did better than she imagined. The first twenty or so fruits were 100% successful, and she directly scored 88 points.

Even though there were more and more fruits later, the success rate remained above 90%.

Just when her score increased to 200, a small black ball that was smoking suddenly appeared on the screen.

Tong Liya's left hand subconsciously cut it directly, realizing that it was too late when the bomb wanted to stop.

Boom! The explosive bomb exploded suddenly, and the whole screen was instantly darkened, and the rising smoke seemed to be mocking Tong Liya.

Tong Liya froze for a while... Then she came back to her senses, pointed at the 95-second game time and said, "Why are there explosive bombs in here?"

"The fruit-slicing game has always had explosive bombs, and the program crew only pressed the pause button, but didn't turn on the restart button."

Han Changsheng glanced at the program crew who were giggling aside, and said flatly.

He also discovered this problem before, but he didn't want to remind Yaya.

Because once he reminds Yaya, Yaya will feel nervous, and it is easy to make bigger mistakes when she is distracted.

"Obviously, the program team doesn't want our family, Han, who is mentally ill, to live in Guozhuang's private garden."

"Could it be that the purpose of the program group is to let people live in luxury villas?"

"I think they want our Han Jingshi and Wuduo to enter the folk houses in Hangzhou. Thinking about Datongpu, I'm very excited."

"Upstairs, keep your mind healthy. This is a recorded program, and nothing will happen in the store."

"On the top floor, there are not enough flower scriptures outside, can you stop filling Han's house all the time? His villa is almost full!"

Wang Zhengyu walked out, and said with a faint smile: "The bomb exploded, the game time for Tong Liya's children's shoes is over, and the current total score is 73 points.

Follow-up children's shoes, please pay attention, once you cut to the explosive bomb, you can only get the current game score, and you cannot continue the game."

Afterwards, Tang Yan, the children's shoe, walked out with confidence, took two deep breaths, and still couldn't calm down his nervous mood.

The explosion just now exploded unexpectedly, but it gave her a big jump, and she still hasn't recovered.

"Master, help Tangtang..."

Liu Sisi tugged at Han Changsheng's sleeve, and pointed pitifully: Tang Yan who took a deep breath.

Han Changsheng shrugged and said flatly, "What can I do?"

"I know you have it. The second sister said that when she was riding a roller coaster with you, you stroked her back a few times to make her heartbeat return to normal."

"But your girlfriend is a woman!"

Liu Sisi pursed her lips and said, "I don't care anymore, what do you care about, hurry up and help Tangtang!"

Han Changsheng: "..."

Why does he feel that Sisi's position is reversed "Tang Yan children's shoes..."

Han Changsheng pointed at the screen, and said to Tang Yan who turned his head: "My fourth son, in order to prevent your game score from getting too low, wants me to help you calm down. My hand will touch your back, please ask do you allow"

Tang Yan twitched her eyebrows, "It's just my heart"

Han Changsheng nodded and said "yes"


Tang Yan glanced at Liu Sisi who was nodding repeatedly, thought for a while, and then nodded calmly in agreement.

If it's just a matter of hindsight, I'm not afraid of being taken advantage of, and judging by Sisi's appearance, there should be nothing wrong with her.

After all, given how nervous Sisi and the other three were to Han Changsheng, they would not allow close contact.

Han Changsheng raised his right hand and pressed it against Tang Yan's soft back, a light blue arc flashed away, both of them trembled for a moment, and then calmed down again.

Qingdi's long-lasting anger was condensed in the palm of his hand, and he slowly swam into the back of Tang Yan's heart, allowing her heart to return to a steady beating state little by little.

Tang Yan felt that the big hands on the back of her heart started to burn hot, and then instantly became icy cold, allowing her heart to return to its normal state within a few seconds.

But no matter how normal the heart recovers, this emotion cannot be achieved to the same extent.

Tang Yan suppressed the curiosity in his heart, took two deep breaths, and fixed his eyes on the screen in front of him, not daring to look back.

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