Han Changsheng rode on the snow, took Yang Mi and the five daughters for a run, and quickly got into the yurt.

Riding wildly in winter, you can really feel what it feels like to be cut by the wind.

Yang Mi and the five daughters recuperated in bed, while Han Changsheng went to the kitchen to boil hot water.

The six of them had been outside for a day in the cold, he was fine with a strong body, but the fifth girl couldn't.

If they don't drink some hot tea and take a hot bath, they will definitely not sleep well at night.

Han Changsheng had just entered the room with hot water, when Yang Mi suddenly waved: "My lord, come quickly and take a look, something is wrong."

"What's wrong"

Han Changsheng doubtfully took the tablet computer handed over by Yang Mi, and checked the articles on it.

["I'm Immortal" and "Green Snake" were upset again and again, and the ratings of the Golden Dragon Award jumped to the first place in the same period. The script is well written, the director is also good, and the acting is also superb. I admire such a person! I look forward to his next movie hitting a new box office record!] [Fan Shuishui: Tong Liya and Zhao Liying’s acting skills impress me. Xiaoqing's inside knowledge is vividly displayed, and I am ashamed of myself!] [Buddhist people speak, angrily pointing at "Green Snake" to slander Zen Master Fahai] [Buddhism is powerful.....Frankly speaking, although Zen Master Fahai is proficient in Buddhism, he is absolutely Can't fly to the sky and escape from the ground] [Shaolin Temple Shi Yongxin was disappointed by "Green Snake" slandering Zen Master Fahai] Shaolin Temple Shi Yongxin Han Changsheng clicked on Shaolin Temple Shi Yongxin's article.

"My Buddhist disciples practice themselves, just meditate and meditate.

The Miaofa Lianhua Sutra says: If a person sits quietly for a while, it is better than building the Seven Treasures Pagoda of Hengsha.

Sitting in meditation can free us from dust and labor, make our body and mind peaceful, make our self-nature perfect, and liberate us from life and death.

For a moment, in an instant.

If a person returns to the light with a pure mind and sits for a long time, even if he cannot realize the Tao, it is precisely because the Buddha-nature has been planted that he will achieve it.

If you work hard enough, you can become a Buddha in a moment.

If you don’t want to practice Zen and meditate, you can also walk in the world to help the world and save the people to sharpen your mind. With such a righteous way, why use the hands of others to hone your emotions and desires. The "Green Snake" shows that it is a crooked way!"

Shi Yongxin of Shaolin Temple was followed by various loud speeches that seemed to be from the Buddhist sect. Seeing this, Han Changsheng frowned.

Needless to say, Feng Dagang and Fan Shuishui, the sincere praise was purely to praise him and Yaya Yingbao, and then let the three of them fall to the high ground and die.

But the sudden speech of the Buddhists made him a little puzzled.

If these people want to speak, they should have spoken within three or two days after "Green Snake" aired. To slander Fa Hai, these... The monks in the outer temple eat radish and don't worry about what they do.

Chapter 350 The world is nothing but fame and fortune

Yu m.com "It seems that some people have exerted their strength."

Han Changsheng was wondering, Yang Mi suddenly opened his mouth with narrowed eyes, his eyes were a bit sharp.

"some people"

Han Changsheng raised his eyebrows.

"Fu Yu, Hua Yi, Feng Dagang, Fan Shuishui, and those... secret people who envy and hate us!"

Yang Mi stretches out her right hand and spreads out her five fingers, and the five fingers represent many people who are making moves.

Fu Yu didn't explain, this old lady was at odds with the six members of the Han family.

Hua Yi will make a move, except... because "I" and "Green Snake" were not screened in Hua Yi's theaters and did not make Hua Yi make money, and because of the rise of Honey World, the brothers of the Wang family felt threatened.

Feng Dagang and Fan Shuishui will work hard because the grand prize was snatched away. Everything they wanted to get was in vain. Feng Dagang didn't have the director's salary, and Fan Shuishui got nothing with zero salary.

There are many people in the dark, TV dramas, music, movies, major film and television drama producers, in short, they are basically people who have been robbed of their interests in various aspects by the six members of the Han family.

"These people can make Shaolin Temple Shi Yongxin and other Buddhists take action"

Di Lieba was still a little confused after hearing the elder sister's explanation.

Although people in the showbiz have connections with Buddhism, they are...basically lay disciples. I have never heard of anyone who has the ability to invite Buddhist people to deal with others.

Han Changsheng said with emotion: "Shaolin Temple is a group company, not a temple. Shi Yongxin is the abbot, but he is also the leader of the group. Besides, there are conflicts of interests among Buddhist sects."

Han Changsheng clicked on a report and asked Fatty and the others to read the title and content.

[The number of tourists at Jinshan Temple suddenly increased tenfold, and they had to accept a limited number of visitors. The local government said that many tourists will come and return satisfied] Jinshan Temple's explosion means that for a period of time, Buddhist believers will focus on On the Jinshan Temple.

As for other temples, the donations that should have been received will definitely be reduced a lot.

Zhao Liying understood and said: "Master, do you mean that we are now involved in this conflict of interests?"

Han Changsheng nodded and said, "Almost! In this conflict of interests, we are also the one being targeted."

"how it should be"

"Let me think."

"Tears are a little sweet and a little salty, your fierce chest kisses my side face..."

Before Han Changsheng could come up with a solution, his cell phone rang suddenly, and something showed that it was the Great Monk of Compassion.

After answering the phone, I listened to the words on the other side, nodded slowly, "I will fly there tomorrow morning, don't worry, your compassionate monk wants your Jinshan Temple to be a pure land, and I also want my heart to be a pure land.

Hahahaha! You are much higher than me in terms of the realm of Buddhism, after all, I have never believed in Buddhism, okay, see you tomorrow."

Yang Mi took out her mobile phone to book a flight ticket for Han Changsheng, and asked, "Master, why are you flying to Jinshan Temple tomorrow?"

Han Changsheng said indifferently: "Shi Yongxin and others have already visited Jinshan Temple, and the compassionate monk also wants to solve this problem, so let's solve it together!"

"Let's go with you!"

"Buddhism is pure to go to what so many people do.

"Then let Yaya go with you. She, Bai Suzhen, has been tricked by you. You have to give her an explanation."

Yang Mi hugged Tong Liya and joked.

Han Changsheng held Tong Liya's hand, said with a faint smile, "Yaya, you go with me, solve the problem tomorrow, and I will definitely be able to rush back to your home the day after tomorrow, and I won't let my father-in-law and mother-in-law wait."

Receiving the father-in-law and mother-in-law who met for the first time, naturally cannot be in the Han family villa, otherwise it would not be a reception but a provocation.

Fortunately, Yaya has a house in the capital, so she can receive her there.

Tong Liya nodded gently, "I will listen to the master."

Han Changsheng sat down on the chair, pointed at the scissors next to him, "Shave me bald again."


"If you shave your head and fight again, it's like monks fighting each other."

Tong Liya was taken aback, "You want to fight with them"

Han Changsheng smiled lightly and said: "If those monks can't argue with me, and they become angry and angry, then I won't be able to beat them up. Don't worry, I will definitely protect your safety first."



Jinshan Temple, the former holy land of Buddhism.

Although there are tourists every day, the tourists who go up and down come in and out in a very orderly manner, or in other words, they obey the order.

But now, this place is surrounded by water.

If it weren't for the many yamen guards guarding the entrances and exits at the foot of the mountain, the entire Jinshan Mountain might have already been occupied by tourists.

Even so, the human wall formed by the yamen arresters is still wobbly, making people worry that the middle way will collapse.

"Ding ding ding..."

The clear sound of gold and iron chirping sounded behind everyone, and the tourists behind looked back and exclaimed: "It's Fa Hai and Bai Suzhen!"

"Fahai sign for me!"

"Wow! Bai Suzhen, can you take a photo with me?"

Han Changsheng saw the huge crowd rushing towards him and Yaya, and he thumped the brass Zen staff on the ground in his hand, and when the bluestone under his feet was shattered, he shouted in a low voice: "Sure!"

Ding... Ding... Ding... The power of the pubic region cooperates with the low-pitched sound, and spreads directly to the surroundings in the form of a cone-shaped sound wave, instantly shocking the black crowd. Like casting a holding spell.

"Follow me, be careful."

Han Changsheng took Tong Liya's hand and walked forward step by step.

There are more people here than he expected, and he really doesn't feel at ease if he doesn't protect Yaya and move forward.

The brass Zen stick hit the ground one after another, making a sound of gold and iron.

And as Han Changsheng walked in, the dark crowd split directly from the middle, making way for a one-and-a-half-meter-wide road, allowing the two of them to walk through without hindrance.

Tong Liya glanced at the back who was close at hand, and smiled sweetly, two small dimples suddenly appeared faintly.

I didn't expect her Bai Suzhen to be protected by Fa Hai one day, she couldn't be too happy.

"Mr. Han, Jinshan Temple is temporarily closed today, and no one can enter."

Han Changsheng had just walked to the front when the policeman who was standing there as a human wall suddenly spoke.

It is well known why Jinshan Temple is so lively all of a sudden.

The "Green Snake", which is still in hot theaters, is.... It was filmed here, and a large number of Fahai videos suddenly appeared on the Internet, many of which have pictures of Jinshan Temple.

And his little catcher has naturally seen the "Majestic Tianlong Prajna Buddhas"


Not to mention that he is a fast catcher, even their small catcher and big catcher all know this...Fahai, as for the reason, the difference is almost the same.

"Thank you for letting me know."

Han Changsheng didn't go any further when he said thank you, he stopped the brass Zen stick in his hand, squinted his eyes and looked at the bluestone steps in front of him, his eyes were deep, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Ding Ding Ding Ding... With the tapping of the brass Zen staff, the crisp golden and iron chimes resounded one after another, like percussion music.

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Chapter 351 The Illusion of an Imminent War (Get up early and subscribe for updates)

Yu m.com "Brothers, take a look, I told you that our Han mentally ill will definitely come, how about it, he is here!"

On the right side of Han Changsheng, a live-streaming young man holding a mobile phone is grinning happily at the camera. Judging from his excited appearance and address, one can tell that he is a doctor in Han Changsheng's Qingshan Mental Hospital.

The live-streaming youth adjusted his black-rimmed glasses, shook his head and said, "You can't take a straight-on view, our mentally ill Han must have a purpose for coming here, isn't it blocking his line of sight if you take a straight-on look at him?"

"I don't know what the purpose might be related to those monks who went up the mountain before... the big belly monks! Didn't I see those monks complaining about "Green Snake"?"

"This golden Zen staff is solid. You are sure that the solid gold must not weigh hundreds of catties."

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