"You can rest assured that I am so tired today, I can fall asleep lying on the pillow."

Huang Bo waved his hand, and stuffed the coffee on his face into his mouth.

He came here today, and he hung on the wire for a long time, and even fought with Sha Yi for a long time.

Fortunately, he insisted on exercising recently, otherwise his old arms and legs would have been useless.

Huang Bo took another sip of water, and said curiously: "Speaking of which, you planned to let me play Ouyang Feng, the western poison, from the very beginning."

Han Changsheng said: "That's right, haven't you always played a decent character? This time, let you challenge the villain and change the way of acting."

Huang Bo glanced suspiciously, "You won't let me play this role because it's miserable and dirty, right?"

Han Changsheng shrugged, "That's not true, the key is that I'm such an upright person, it doesn't look like playing an evil character."

Huang Bo rolled his eyes, "Don't bullshit, your ghost emperor is playing the role in his true colors, the evil faction can't be evil anymore."

Han Changsheng: "That's also a handsome villain."

Huang Bo: "..."


Early the next morning, when everyone rushed to Hengdian Film and Television City by car, they were blocked by a lot of entertainment reporters.

"Director Han, what is the name of your new film?"

"Legend of the Condor Heroes"

"Is "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" a martial arts TV series?"

"Martial arts drama!"

"May I ask how much you invested in this TV series?"

"Two hundred million."

"Excuse me, how many episodes is this TV series?"

"It depends on the final cut."

After answering the four 44 questions, Han Changsheng ignored the questioning of many entertainment reporters and left with a large team.

Huang Bo gave a thumbs up, "Director Han, you are awesome, you don't even blush when you lie."

Han Changsheng shrugged, "When did I lie?"

The [-] million he said was the real investment in "East and West". Apart from the film remuneration of several million to tens of millions, there is also a part of the box office for Boge and the others.

This is done to prevent certain things from happening to actors who are overpaid.

Huang Bo said: "You said our movie is a TV series!"

"I'm talking about martial arts dramas. As for whether it will be a movie or a TV series in the end, that's not sure."

"Then how do you explain it when it turns into a movie?"

"Let's say that only one episode of this TV series was cut, the quality of this TV series is high enough!"

Everyone: "..."

Using his glib ability to make up nonsense, this... is the second, no one dares to be the first.

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Chapter 361 When a man flirts, women don't have anything to do

Yu m.com Han Changsheng and others entered Hengdian Film and Television City to continue filming "East Makes West", and the news about his new drama has spread outside.

It's just because Yang Mi and others deliberately helped to conceal some things, the outside news is all kinds.

[Golden Dragon Award Best Director Han Changsheng will shoot a new drama five days after winning the award, he can be called the most diligent director in the director world] ["The Legend of the Condor Heroes" is finally on the screen, can martial arts dramas shine again in the hands of Han Changsheng Let us wait and see for the light] [Golden Dragon Award Best Director Han Changsheng, joint Golden Dragon Award new actresses Tong Liya and Zhao Liying, plus former actor Huang Bo, Di Li Reba and other traffic leaders, "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" will become 017 The most popular TV series of the year] [Golden Dragon Award Best Director Han Changsheng personally directed "The Legend of the Condor Heroes". Is this because he wants to stir up the popularity of martial arts TV dramas or is he conscious that his qualifications and skills are not enough..., want to recharge on TV dramas] Brother Huayi A conference room, surrounded by a circle of people.

Boss Wang, Lao Er Wang, Feng Dagang, Fan Shuishui, Fuyu and others were all there, and everyone was holding a mobile phone.

"This Han Changsheng... has started a new drama!"

Boss Wang clicked on the message on the phone screen, his eyes were a little strange.

It's not just him, Feng Dagang, Fan Shuishui, Fuyu and others also have weird eyes, or more envy and hatred.

As for... Han Changsheng, they didn't take it seriously at first. After all, this man's first fame was purely because of the frivolous news that he married four beautiful celebrities.

Later, "Life, Life and World" became popular, and this impression became a senior patient with schizophrenia who can play two roles.

Later, Han Changsheng acted as the director and filmed "I'm Immortal", which suddenly became popular. I still think he is a fledgling director. The first film's popularity is only a little surprising because of the shooting method and plot.

It wasn't until "I'm Immortal" and "Green Snake" hit all directions at the Golden Dragon Awards that everyone's wariness against Han Changsheng suddenly increased to a level that must be dealt with.

If it is said that his first movie was purely...by luck, then the second movie became popular again and took away the two best actresses Xiao Jinlong, this has to be said to be his strength.

If you are lucky, have strength and traffic, since such a person cannot become friends, you can only suppress them.

And this is why they praised Han Changsheng before and wanted to see him fall to death.

Wang Lao Er waved his hand and said with a faint smile, "It's nothing, I've inquired about it, the "Legend of the Condor Heroes" that Han Changsheng is filming now is...a funny TV series, at most it can add some topicality, a few It won't have any impact on us within a month."

Hua Yi's focus now is on movies that can make more money. As for this kind of TV series that sharpens the acting skills of new actors, they have already looked down on them a bit.

Boss Wang nodded and said, "That's right, the shooting time of a TV series is at least three or four months, plus the post-production, he won't be able to shoot any new movies in half a year."

Wang Laoer asked Feng Dagang: "Gangzi, how is the preparation of "Da Tang Xuanzang" going?"

Feng Dagang said confidently: "Don't worry.

Prepare to retreat for a month to write the best script, Huang Dahuang is also planning to start a vegetarian diet, and strive to maintain his body shape to the record within a month."

Wang Lao Er said with satisfaction: "If you agree, we will start filming! But how much are you going to pay... the box office"

Feng Dagang frowned, and then said: "I filmed "Da Tang Xuanzang" to win the Golden Dragon Award next year, and the box office question is really unanswerable."

He accidentally lost to a fledgling boy in the competition for the best director of the Golden Dragon Award, how could he be reconciled.

Now that he has won such a literary and artistic film, he will definitely win many awards at the Golden Dragon Awards next year! With the addition of many awards, he believes that the box office of "Da Tang Xuanzang" will definitely exceed expectations. Shareholders can also fulfill their mission! Boss Wang waved his hand and said: "Gangzi, you can shoot with confidence and don't worry about the box office. Chang'an and the yamen and temples along the way have given us guaranteed box office. in spite of……

There is money to be had at the box office.”

Hearing this, everyone laughed knowingly.

After "Green Snake", Jinshan Temple suddenly became popular, and many temples discovered that there was another ingenious publicity method to increase the exposure of the temple.

And their Brother Hua Yi obviously became the first media group to eat crabs.

As for the instigator of "Green Snake", because Han Changsheng targeted many temple abbots, he has not even had a mouthful of soup until now.

Wang Laodao: ""Warcraft" will be released on the first day of the Lunar New Year. Please help us to spread the word. This is related to our performance this year, and it will be a big hit!"

Fu Yu took the opportunity to agree: "Don't worry! We are good only if the company is good. Everyone understands this truth!"

Fan Shuishui said: "I have already posted articles on many media, and I will participate in several programs after a while, so I will help promote it."

A few people chatted and laughed, and then the meeting ended...

Hengdian Film and Television City.

The filming of "East Makes West" went smoothly as Han Changsheng expected.

It took two days to finish shooting the exterior scene, and then started to shoot the interior scene, and first filmed some ironic misunderstandings that happened in the inn.

In order to seriously film the content of this inn, Han Changsheng plans to finish filming the scene of his Southern Emperor Duan Wangye first, and then film the scenes of other people in this scene.

But the moment he appeared on the stage dressed as a diva in a red robe with five 55-year-old temples on his head, everyone in the arena burst into laughter.

And Yang Mi, Dong Xie, who played opposite Han Changsheng, just rolled down the chair happily, and couldn't get up from laughing.

"Cackling.... No, no, master, you are too cruel! I can't control myself."

"Oh my god! Director Han, are those five antennas on your head twisted or fan handles? They're so eye-catching."

"I never believed that a man would flatter a woman, but now I do, but Director Han, you are flattering too much!"

"It turns out that when a man flirts, there is nothing wrong with a woman. This sentence is actually true."

"That beauty spot is really the finishing touch! Wonderful! So wonderful!"

"Don't say anything, just show up in this costume, it must be worth the [-] yuan ticket price!"

Han Changsheng waited until everyone was almost laughing, and then said expressionlessly: "When you are serious about filming later, don't laugh too much, or the microphone will pick up your laughter."

"Giggle cluck..."

It's good that Han Changsheng didn't speak, but Yang Mi laughed again when he spoke.

Her master said such serious words with such a funny face, no matter how much she could bear it, she couldn't help it.

Yang Mi laughed for a while, and sat down on the Hu chair under Han Changsheng's stern expression.

Laughter is an experience that every actor has, and no one can 100% guarantee that there will be no laughter, let alone her, the boss Han who gets along with the master day and night.

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Chapter 362 "East and West" Finished, Yang Mi's Ambition (Second Watch Subscription)

Under m.com's aggrieved mood, Yang Mi tried her best to act well, but the familiar face on the opposite side was too soft and charming, and the result was... the more she endured, the happier she became, and the happier she became, the more unbearable she became.

Han Changsheng: "..."

He thought that today's filming would still go smoothly, but he didn't expect to be stuck at Mimi's place.

Fortunately, Han Changsheng wasn't in a hurry, after Yang Mi had been enjoying the music for an hour, he was bored, and the Southern Emperor's semi-transformation opera was finally over.

It's just that even though the scene was over, Tong Liya and the others were so happy that they lost their energy and could only wait an hour before continuing to shoot.

This time, the result of laughing too much is... very good, the filming went on all the way, and there was no more laughing scene.

Two days later, the scene in the inn was completed, and the crew moved to the King's Palace of the Golden Wheel, where the filming began and the finale.

"Okay! Look at my Thunderbolt Golden Scissors move, it's a slam match!"

"I'm speeding up! Di, Di, Di, Di, Di, Di, Diu..."

"There are too many fake moves! Hit the red first, and then hit a barrel! Don't get three cards, go for four! If you have fun, do four more rounds! Flowers bloom on the bars, and they fall to the ground!"

"Basho, you guava!"

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