Movie theaters distribute movies, so naturally it won't be released just by getting one.

Each movie theater will play different movies in 7 sessions every day, and then it will change in real time according to the attendance rate of each movie, or the profit ratio as the saying goes.

For good movies, such as "I'm Immortal" and "Green Snake", the screening rate should even be adjusted upwards.

And for movies that don’t have a box office, the fastest ones will even be released on the same day.

Cinema chains are not charitable organizations after all, they also have to make a living, so naturally they have to act according to the laws of the market.

Facing the gossip from the directors of major theater chains, Han Changsheng is still there.

After everyone stopped talking, he raised his hand and pressed it, "Don't worry about the filming rate. Everyone, watch the samples first, and then talk about other things."

The people in charge of the major theaters looked at each other, prepared some tea, and were ready to criticize this shoddy martial arts film, and then discuss a screening rate where everyone can make money.

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Chapter 364 Mimi Yingbao: We are smart enough!

Yu "A unique move, good martial arts, how many men in the world can reach the peak! Success, prestige, how many men are really heroes..."

As soon as the opening song of "Who is the Great Hero" comes out, the spirits of the directors of the major theaters are immediately lifted.

While the film is likely to be a shoddy martial arts flick, the title track has a very macho vibe to it.

After concentrating on it, these... the directors of the major theaters were instantly brought into the funny plot that was made up in the east and west.

And then, all of them, regardless of their suits and leather shoes, patted the table and laughed, the tea on the table was so shaken that they didn't even know how to help it.

"This sentence 'doing evil' is really the finishing touch!"

"It turns out that Brother Bo can be so miserable."

"Teacher Sha has a good accent in this mountain province!"

"Wang Chongyang, the supernatural power of Zhongyang, perfectly explained the truth of being struck by lightning without pretending to be a fork!"

"Unique move, good martial arts, how many people in the world can reach the peak..."

As soon as the ending song of "Who is the Great Hero" came out, the person in charge of Wanda Cinemas grabbed Han Changsheng's hand and said loudly: "Director Han, I didn't say anything, I, Wanda Cinemas, can give you 40% of the screening rate! If the box office is good enough, it can definitely continue to increase!"

"My Dadi Cinemas also have a 40% screening rate!"

"My magic city unites the theater..."

The people in charge of the major theaters crowded together and proposed an unprecedented 40% screening rate.

Everyone understands that this "East and West" can make them laugh so much. The lowest box office is expected to be [-] billion. If it is announced a few days in advance, it can at least increase another [-] to [-] million.

In this case, you don't have to pretend to play the little trick of asking the price to pay back the money.

Straight to the point, straight to the point is the business.

Han Changsheng took a step back and asked Mimi and Yingbao to bring someone to talk, while he retreated behind the scenes again.

In fact, there is no need to talk about it, 40% of the filming rate has exceeded Yang Mi and Zhao Liying's expectations, directly signing the contract is...

However, the two girls did not agree to the immediate announcement proposed by the directors of the major theaters. They said that they would wait for 24 "Green Snake" to be drawn offline in major theaters, and then announce it that night.

The people in charge thought for a while, and understood the second daughter's thoughts, and secretly said: The second daughter's wisdom is powerful enough.

If you promote "East and West" now, it will definitely reduce the popularity of "Green Snake", and it is also likely to reduce part of the box office of "Green Snake".

And when "Green Snake" is completely out of the picture, major outside media will definitely report it.

If it is announced and released at that time, it will inevitably cause double popularity of the two films, and it can directly stir up the popularity of "East Makes West", which will directly achieve twice the result with half the effort.

After all this... the person in charge of the theater left, Yang Mi and Zhao Liying took Han Changsheng's arm and raised their proud faces, "Master, why is our proposal strong enough? We are smart enough!"

Han Changsheng showed two thumbs up and praised with a smile, "Smart enough! You can be called a female Zhuge!"

He was also one of the participants in the decision to publish "East and West" after the painting of "Green Snake".

But unlike the second daughter, the purpose of his late announcement is to catch Brother Huayi, Fuyu and "Warcraft" by surprise, so that they don't have much time to deal with it.

And the purpose of the two daughters is to use Zhuge Kongming's plan to use the media's help to publicize "East and West"...

It is said that the heads of the major theaters walked out of the meeting room of the honey tour, and began to talk.

"Did you see, the people from the Huayi Cinemas again?"

"Why do you still want to tell them?"

"Then I'm really out of my mind, we have a competitive relationship with Huayi Cinemas."

"Aren't we also in a competitive relationship?"

"Speaking of those...what to do, everyone is just for a bite of food."

"So! We are all working for the boss, so don't make enemies for the boss, and make a lot of money that should be earned but not earned."

"Isn't that right, the manager of Huayi Cinemas is... our guiding light!"


As expected by Yang Mi and Zhao Liying, when the 24th Green Snake was painted, the total box office reached 15.

billion, and directly became a hot topic.

[Golden Dragon Award for Best Director Han Changsheng's second film "Green Snake" won 15.

15 million box office, ranking first in the Christmas box office over the years] [First entered the film industry and shot two films, both of which exceeded 201 billion, Han Changsheng proved with his strength that there is no such thing as luck in the world] [With "I'm Immortal", "Green Snake" and "Life and Life", Honey Traveling World became the media group with the highest yield in [-]] The major film companies watched the hot discussion about Han Changsheng, although they were envious and jealous, they breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the single-day box office of "Green Snake" dropped to less than 9 million in the later stage, it still has a good reputation, and the ratings of Maoyan and Douban have reached [-].

3. If this becomes a hot topic again, maybe it will continue to be screened and continue to be popular.

But the box office for this year's Spring Festival is only expected to be 40 billion, and if "Green Snake" takes a certain amount of filming rate and takes away tens of millions of box office, they will not make much money for the films that will compete in the Spring Festival.

Just when the major film companies breathed a sigh of relief, news appeared that made them almost vomit blood.

The five wives of the Han family jointly posted a Weibo at the same time.

[Director Han Changsheng's third film "The Legend of the Condor Heroes: East and West" will be screened in major theaters across the country at 1:28 am on the first day of the Chinese New Year on January [-]. See you all friends] "I Shit! I said, why did our Han mentally ill stop filming a few days ago? It turns out that he filmed a martial arts film a few days ago, not a martial arts TV series!"

"Isn't this pretty good? If it's a martial arts TV series, you can watch it at least half a year later, and if it's a movie, you can watch it on the first day of the Lunar New Year."

"But his total shooting time is only 7 days. Even including the production announcement, it is only 14. Are you sure that the quality of our new movie Han Psycho can pass the test?"

"Must! Which of his first two films disappointed us?"

"Although this is very consistent with the characteristics of a brain-dead fan, we must say that everything depends on the quality. If the quality of the third movie of Han Psycho is not up to standard, we have to urge him to seriously shoot the next movie."

[Golden Dragon Award Best Director Han Changsheng's third film, "East and West", is about to compete at the Spring Festival box office. The new movie shot in 7 days competes with other major Spring Festival movies. Han Changsheng is showing his sharpness Edge] "Crack!"

In Brother Huayi's CEO's office, Boss Wang slammed on the table with a very serious expression, "Didn't you say that Han Changsheng was filming a TV series? Why did it suddenly become a movie again?"

Hua Yi is going to release "Warcraft" during the Spring Festival, so they have always been vigilant against the previously advertised Spring Festival release movie.

It's a good thing now, suddenly there is another "East Makes West", although it is said that this movie is still shoddy, but it is produced by Han Changsheng, so we have to be vigilant.

Wang Lao Er sighed: "He fired a smoke bomb to the outside world, and he did not deny the media's reports when he fired a feint. Everyone thought he was filming a TV series."

Although he didn't want to admit it, Wang Laoer knew that Han Changsheng was still a great threat to Hua Yi, at least it was bigger than the ants that could be trampled to death with one foot.

Fuyu Shi on the side shook his red wine glass calmly, and said calmly: "Don't worry, there are as many as five million loyal fans of "Warcraft", plus those... viewers who like to watch fantasy masterpieces, the number of online sign-ups and views is about 200 million." There are nearly [-] million people, one ticket per person, that is... [-] billion, and when the popularity of word of mouth explodes, the box office of [-] billion is within easy reach."

Feng Dagang, who was sitting on the right side, echoed with a loud voice: ""Warcraft" took a billion and three years to craft, which is not comparable to "East and West" which was crudely produced in seven days.

I think Han Changsheng’s rush to shoot "East and West" is just to make money."

Feng Dagang, as the loser of the Best Director competition for the Golden Dragon Award, has always had a lot of opinions on Han Changsheng.

He never thought that his directing ability was inferior to Han Changsheng, the biggest reason was...the Golden Dragon Awards jury operated in secret.

Now that Han Changsheng spends seven days making a money-making martial arts commercial film, the Golden Dragon Award jury will definitely be slapped in the face, and the general public will know that Xiao Jinlong, who won the best director, is not the best director Boss Wang pondered: "Even if "East and West" is shoddy, you can't let it go. Find someone to write some articles, and attack Han Changsheng for 7 days and misappropriating money!"

"Don't worry, someone has already been found to do it, and not only we are doing it, many people want to take the opportunity to criticize."

Wang Laoer smiled lightly, Cheng Zhu was fierce.

That Han Changsheng is talented but too sharp-edged, he doesn't understand the principles of smooth conduct, and the end result is... being taught how to behave! Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading, favorites, push to see the latest chapter Baidu search 99 playmates Find 99 Novel Network

Chapter 365 I have never seen such a brazen person! (Fifth watch for subscription today)

Yu【Time to shoot a shoddy martial arts movie, just to earn money from fans, you ruined the classics in the hearts of fans, Han Changsheng, won't your conscience hurt!】【First use the smoke bomb of shooting a martial arts TV series Covering everyone's eyes, half a month later suddenly turned into a martial arts movie, Han Changsheng, is your popularity too high!]【When money covers your eyes, talent will be corrupted by Brother Fang Kong, Han Changsheng, yours The myth of genius will be shattered after the release of this third movie!] ["East and West", maybe it should be called "Evil and Poison in the East", it is evil and poisonous, and it will definitely kill a lot of movie fans!] Papa. ...Di Lieba patted the tablet and said angrily: "Master, look at these... hateful articles!"

Han Changsheng slowly separated the light red wine, and said nonchalantly, "Isn't this good? We don't need to spend money, and the popularity of "East Makes West" has been heated up."

Fat Di puffed his fat mouth and said angrily: "What's the hype? My parents have already called me. They asked me if you don't care about your reputation for making money. They said that if you fall into the eyes of money, don't give up after a year." Went to see them."


Han Changsheng frowned, arranged the separated wine one by one, and walked out while thinking.

He doesn't need to care about outside comments, but what his father-in-law and mother-in-law say does.

Mimi and Yaya's parents were considerate, and said that they would not get together until their son-in-law had met all his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Yingbao, Sisi, and Fatty's parents are also very understanding. Although they haven't met him, they understand that their family of six will celebrate the New Year peacefully, and they welcome him as a son-in-law to visit.

If they misunderstood this situation, no matter how they reversed later, this bad impression would still remain in their hearts after all.

He took Pang Di's tablet and started typing directly.

"Shameless pen, you wantonly criticize and abuse me, in fact, it is not for the money given by the people behind you.

People all over the world have seen through your stinky face long ago, and dare to bark like a dog here! It is ridiculous! Since you are flattering your pen, you only dare to hide in order to get food and clothing, and hide in dark corners and sewers to steal flattery. How dare you pretend to be righteous in front of the people of the Ming Empire! A man with a handsome head, an old thief with a gray beard! You people who are still alive are about to die under the nine springs, what face will you have when you go to meet your eighteen generations of ancestors! You have lived half your life in vain , I haven't made an inch of merit in my life, I will only shake my lips and tongue for the stink of money, and help the tyrants to abuse! Every dog ​​with a broken spine dares to bark and bark in front of people.

I have never seen such a brazen person like you!"

As soon as the message was sent out, the bottom of Pang Di's Weibo was quiet for ten seconds1, and then went crazy in an instant.

"Damn it! It turns out that our Han mental patient curses so hard, but it's okay to not use dirty words."

"Hahaha, you've spoken out what's in our hearts, let's have a good time!"

"I was worried about not knowing how to scold those... dogs with broken spines, and now this call for thieves has appeared!"

"Call together many doctors from our Daqingshan Psychiatric Hospital to fight against those... bastards! Let's take this call for thieves from our mentally ill Han!"

Han Changsheng's fans, the most depressing thing is...they.

Before, many well-known publicists criticized Han for his mental illness. They moved around, but left messages in a mess. On the contrary, they had the illusion that they would be broken by everyone.

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