While talking, I accidentally talked about dinner again.

Huang Lei asked: "What do you want to eat tonight?"

"Stir-fried cured beef."

"Charcoal-grilled lamb chops."

“Braised Pork!”

“Shredded Chicken!”

He Jiong hurriedly stopped him, "Can we not just focus on the meat? That thing has to be exchanged for labor, can we order more vegetarian dishes?"

Huang Bo pointed at Han Changsheng, and said with a smile: "Mr. He, you forgot about Mr. Han's 2.

5% off: It's a discount! If you don't pay attention, once this discount passes this village, there will be no such store."

He Jiong patted his forehead, and suddenly realized, "Hey! Brother Bo, if you don't tell me, I almost forgot, order a little bit, and order all the meat dishes quickly."

"I didn't expect Teacher He to be a carnivore too."


Everyone chatted and ordered a lot of dishes, Huang Lei got up and rushed to the program group, ready to bargain.

Zhang Zifeng, He Jiong, and Peng Yuchang followed, and Peng Yuchang was still holding a pair of slippers.

Huang Lei took a glance, stopped Peng Peng and said with a smile: "We are old friends with the program group, there is no need."

After the words fell, Huang Lei pinched his waist and shouted to the program crew in the cabin: "Zheng Yu, there are still so many guests today, let's have some meat."

Wang Zhengyu said, "Pick pineapples and exchange them."

"What kind of change"

"One hundred pineapples and one catty of meat."

He Jiong's eyelids twitched, "Your exchange price is too dark!"

Huang Lei's face darkened, and he directly raised his hand and said, "Peng Peng, slippers!"

"Come on, Mr. Huang, I'll give you both."

Huang Lei shook the two slippers from left to right, pointed at the program group and said, "The price is too high, hurry up and lower the price! Otherwise, you can negotiate with flying shoes."

"Fifty catties of pineapples and one catty of meat."

"Is your heart black? The price is too high."

"Otherwise, if it is made into dried pineapple, one catty of dried pineapple can be exchanged for one catty of meat."


He Jiong's eyes lit up, and he winked at Huang Lei again and again.

There is such a piece of pineapple field at home, if it is exchanged at this price, there is no need to worry about this season's meat.

Huang Lei smiled knowingly, and asked: "A catty of pineapple: how much... a catty of pineapple?"

Wang Zhengyu said: "I haven't done it, but about 10 pineapples should be a pound of dried pineapples."

Huang Lei smiled satisfied, "The price is fine, I'll get him 30 catties of dried pineapple today, and get the whole season's meat first, by the way, Teacher Han has 2.

5% off: Hui, can I exchange one catty of dried pineapple for four catties of meat?"

Wang Zhengyu was taken aback, and hurriedly said: "This price is... the price after the discount."

Huang Lei waved his hand and said, "That's no good. You didn't say it in advance, so you can't negotiate the price."

Wang Zhengyu was speechless: "I can give you a catty of dried pineapple in exchange for the price of two catties of meat, but the prerequisite is that Teacher Han also pulls the pineapple."


Huang Lei and He Jiong looked at each other and smiled, knowing that the price is enough, and they should be anxious to talk about the program group.

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Chapter 394 An Arrow Shot in the Knee

Yu m.com "Mr. Huang, why did you get me in the middle of a negotiation?"

Han Changsheng has heard He Jiong's four people 4 talk to each other, and hold his forehead speechlessly.

He has always been insulated from work, so how can he get an arrow in the knee when he is exchanging meat? Huang Lei said: "Mr. Han, with you here, the discount can be doubled!"

Sha Yi: "You don't need to do much... Is it a catty if you earn more?"

Huang Bo: "Without your ace and main force, our work is so boring."

Han Changsheng rolled his eyes, "Are you going to lift me up to the sky and dig a big hole for me?"

Di Lieba raised her hand and said, "Master, let me help you pull out a pineapple, and eat one by the way."

Han Changsheng pressed it down, "You can do it! You six 66 girls have done so much in the morning, and your hands are still broken. In the afternoon, you can either rest for me or go to sleep."

Liu Sisi said: "Then let's cut the pineapple and taste it."

Han Changsheng pondered for a moment, then nodded slowly.

In the afternoon, there is more sun than in the morning. It is better to cut pineapples in the gazebo than to go to the field to pick pineapples.

After finishing the assignment, seeing the sun tilted, Han Changsheng, Huang Bo, Sha Yi, and He Jiong, four 44-year-olds, rushed to the pineapple field with a bamboo basket on their backs.

As for Huang Lei and Peng Yuchang, they naturally stick to their positions as cooks and woodcutters.

"Hey! Don't say that the air above the pineapple field is really sweet."

Walking to the pineapple field, Sha Yi wrinkled his nose, showing his true nature as a foodie.

Huang Bo glanced at some yellowed pineapples on the ground, nodded and said: "It looks like they are almost ripe, and the taste should be good."

He Jiong put down the bamboo basket and compared it, "It seems that this basket can hold more than [-] pineapples, which is equivalent to a basket of four catties of meat."

Sha Yi said: "Mr. He, your calculation method is the preferential price that Mr. Han participated in. If he doesn't get started, this basket can be exchanged for more than two catties of meat."

Huang Bo noticed Han Changsheng's thoughtful eyes, and said with a chuckle: "Mr. Han, what's the matter, what kind of conspiracy are you thinking?"

Han Changsheng rolled his eyes, "What is a conspiracy? It's a battle of wits and courage, okay?"

After the words fell, Han Changsheng didn't explain anything, he just bent down and picked three 3-ripe pineapples, and threw them into Huang Bo's bamboo basket.

"What's the meaning"

The three of them were stunned for a moment, confused.

"Nothing interesting, keep working!"

Han Changsheng waved his hand, stood aside with his arms around his shoulders, and didn't even intend to strike again.

The three of Huang Bo were stunned for a moment, and after looking at each other, they began to pick pineapples one by one with anticipation and doubts in their hearts.

Five minutes later, the bamboo baskets of the three of them were all full, so they walked back with their backs on their backs.

The three of Huang Bo arrived at the mushroom house, poured out the pineapples in the bamboo basket, and finally knew the function of the three pineapples thrown into the bamboo basket.

Wang Zhengyu came out and said, "Mr. Han, only you can memorize: the pineapples that enter the Mushroom House can exchange one catty of dried pineapple for two catties of meat."

Han Changsheng spread his hands, "I want to agree with you. It's too late to say this now. It's okay to cut our harvest in half, but please pick the three 3 pineapples that you put into the bamboo basket first." , otherwise, please calculate according to the preferential policy of exchanging one catty of dried pineapple for two catties of meat."


Wang Zhengyu looked at the pineapple, which looked exactly the same, and fell in admiration for the eloquent and admirable one in front of him.

There are more than seventy to choose three, it is strange that this can be selected.

Wang Zhengyu said: "These pineapples are considered to enjoy preferential policies. From now on, only Teacher Han will recite: the pineapples that enter the mushroom house will have the preferential policy of 2 for [-]."


Han Changsheng smiled faintly, winked at Brother Bo and the three of them, and wandered out.

Huang Bo whispered: "What the hell are you thinking?"

Based on his understanding of this person, he always takes advantage and never loses money.

It's rare to respond to the request of the program group so simply and neatly, Han Changsheng laughed and said, "You'll know in a while..."

To be honest, picking pineapples and transporting them is just a job, he doesn't think it's a tiring job.

But if you just pick it up like this, it is obviously impossible to improve the fun and ratings.

Therefore, he had to use his brains to make this time "Flowers and Handsome Guys" and "Longing for Life" collide with better sparks.

In this way, at the very least, they can be worthy of... the compensation paid by the program group to their family of four.

A group of four returned to the pineapple field and started picking again.

This time, Han Changsheng was not lazy, relying on his two arms being long enough, he picked one from the left and one from the right, and threw them all into four 44 baskets on average.

After eating and picking, the four of them walked back with a basket of pineapples on their backs.

When they reached the small wooden gate, Han Changsheng waved his hand and called for a stop.

"Brother Bo, Teacher Sha, Teacher He, put your baskets on the ground, I will come alone."

"Haha! Teacher Han is really treacherous, I like it!"

Huang Bo and three of them understood instantly, put the bamboo basket on the ground with a smile, watched Han Changsheng carry two bamboo baskets back to the mushroom house just like that.

Han Changsheng poured more than a hundred pineapples on the ground, and said with a faint smile, "Director Wang, look after me. I brought these four baskets of pineapples back to the Mushroom House by myself, so they have to be calculated according to the preferential policies."

Wang Zhengyu and other program groups: "..."

Although this scene of fighting wits and courage can really increase the ratings and popularity, why Mao and the others feel very suffocated? The audience in the live broadcast looked at the program group that had been unable to reply for a long time, and burst out laughing.

"Damn it! Now I am more and more admiring the lazy wisdom of our mentally ill Han."

"In terms of shamelessness, our Han mentally ill is the number one, who dares to be the second!"

"Hua'er+Go to the show: With such a guest full of intrigues and schemes at the booth, our pits are well filled!"

"Mushroom House: Is my area so small? Don't I own tens of thousands of acres of fertile land?"

"This year's new hot topic, the most deserving person of the year - the program groups of "Flowers" and "Longing"."

The staff of the monitoring department of the program group looked at the barrages of pity for them, and rolled their eyes angrily, "Director Wang! Can you dig a bigger hole? Otherwise, we will become the most pitiful people this year."

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