
The three sisters pouted and said nothing, but their eyes were obviously not convinced.

Smartness is only one of the characteristics of Xiaolongnu, so why is the prototype of Xiaolongnu... Eldest sister, Han Changsheng pinched Tong Liya's jealous dimple, "Yaya, you are also one of the prototypes, you are kind.

And Yingbao has a cleverness."

Scratching Sisi and Fatty's little noses, "Sisi occupies the innocence, and Fatty occupies the innocence.

So this little dragon girl was shaped by me according to the personality characteristics of the five of you."

The three sisters were happy for a while, and then said speechlessly: "Master, your answer is too perfunctory!"

"How can it be perfunctory? I really think so.

Smart, kind, intelligent, pure, simple, the combination of your five temperaments is the little dragon girl."



Han Changsheng's tone was firm.

He definitely didn't think so before, after all, "The Legend of Condor Heroes" moved.

But he has to say that now, or pass the test of "I barely believe you."

The three sisters were unwilling to let Han Changsheng go, and then whispered after their master disappeared.

Dili Reba stroked her chin and said, "Second sister, fourth sister, do you think there will be Tangtang and Naza in the prototype of Little Dragon Girl?"

Tong Liya frowned, "Why are there two of them?"

Fat Di broke his fingers and said: "Tangtang's sweet smile is... Xiaolongnv's smiling face. When she is not smiling, she is always aloof. Their temperament is also in line with Xiaolongnv's sweetness and aloofness." what!"

Liu Sisi was stunned and said: "No way, could it be that the master really likes Tangtang and Nazha? I'm going to ask."

Tong Liya stopped, "Don't ask."

Liu Sisi frowned, "Why didn't you ask?"

Tong Liya sighed: "What are you asking? It's okay if you don't admit it, but if you don't have this idea but you admit it, then do we still have a way back?"

"What to do then"

"Let's wait and see what happens. I'll ask Eldest Sister tomorrow to see what Eldest Sister thinks."

"it is good."

The Mushroom House fell into a deep sleep, and the outside world's discussions about "The Legend of Condor Heroes", about Yang Guo and Xiaolongnv's stories have entered an intense level.

"I think the heroine should be Cheng Ying or Lu Wushuang."

"Nonsense, I think the heroine should be Little Dragon Girl. When she comes out, my expectations for her are much higher than Cheng Ying or Lu Wushuang."

"Heroines always come out first, so there's no one who comes out later"

"Fart! Didn't Huang Rong appear last in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes"? Don't you think that the female number one is Hua Zheng instead of Huang Rong?"

"I also support Xiaolongnv as the heroine. She is like a fairy in the dust, with a straightforward and kind nature, pure and pure."

"It's a pity that I stayed up for two nights, and I don't know if I can finish listening to "The Legend of Condor Heroes" as soon as possible."


Early the next morning, when Manyuan Village was woken up by Father Sun, the Mushroom House also started a new day.

Only after Han Changsheng took the milking tools did Liu Sisi and Di Lireba walk over, yawning.

Looking at the ponytail swaying back and forth on the back of the second girl's head, she should have finished grooming.

It's just that their sleepy eyes show that the two girls are obviously not awake yet.


The two girls greeted each other in a daze, and fell directly into Han Changsheng's arms, their little heads rubbing against each other like a kitten, their sleepy appearance was not too cute.

Han Changsheng patted the heads of the two little ones, he couldn't laugh or cry: "Go on to sleep if you are sleepy, what are you doing when you wake up so early?"

"Accompany the master to milk the cow."

Di Lireba replied, but still hugged Han Changsheng and didn't get up.

"Where is your second sister?"

"Second Sister is in trouble.

, we will help you."

Han Changsheng: "..."

Are you helping me, or are you holding me back and doing me no favors? Han Changsheng sighed helplessly, hugged two little girls who were still confused on one side and the other on the right, and rushed to Susu Ranch.

There's nothing wrong with delaying his legs any longer, he can't let the two little girls sleep soundly here.

And he just went out, Tong Liya had already dialed Yang Mi's phone number.

Yang Mi connected in 3 seconds, "Yaya, what's the matter?"

Tong Liya said: "Sister, you listened to "The Legend of Condor Heroes" last night!"


"We asked the master how the little dragon girl came to be. The master said that he made the little dragon girl out of the personalities of the five of us, but Fatty said that there might be Tangtang and Nazha in it..."

Tong Liya talked about what happened last night, and said her own suggestion, and then asked: "The question now is how to treat Tangtang and Naza."

Yang Mi on the opposite side pondered, and said after three minutes: "According to the method you said yesterday, Yaya, you can adapt to all changes with the same, and reduce the number of contact between the master and Tangtang, and Nazha. Because of the passive character of tendons, after a long time, Tangtang and Nazha will forget everything about the master."

"Then if the two of them can't forget the master at all?"

"Then I have to talk to them, we can't just have two more sisters casually."

"Listen to my sister."

Feilu Reminds You: Three Things to Do When Reading Bookmark, Push to Read the Latest Chapter

Chapter 397 Fourth Han, What Qualifications Do You Have To Call Me Fifth Han?

"Hey!" on m.com

Yang Mi hung up the phone and sighed, being heard by Zhao Liying at the side.

Youngest Han walked over, "Sister, what happened to Master and Tangtang Nazha again?"

Yang Mi said: "The matter of Xiaolongnv..."

Zhao Liying said helplessly: "Master's ability to attract bees and butterflies is too great, no matter how hard you stop him, you can't stop him!"

Yang Mi sighed, "If he didn't have such a great ability, would you be able to become Han Lao San?"

Zhao Liying opened her mouth and shook her head slowly, "I can't."

In less than three days, her feeling for the master changed from being a stranger to caring, and then directly flying moths to the fire. Isn't this all because of the magical charm of the master.

Yang Mi shrugged, "Isn't this the end? A person like Master is a diamond thrown in the desert, but a pearl thrown into the sea. We can't hide his brilliance."

"Then... why don't you shut the master up at home all the time, but I'm afraid he'll get sick from it!"

"The crux of the problem is this. Even if the master wants to stay at home all the time, we can't let him be suffocated."

"I think I won't let the master participate in variety shows!"

Yang Mi shook her head and said: "It has nothing to do with this. If the female guests on the show are all married ladies like Sister Na, Sister Ke'er, and Sister Tao, then there is no need for these troubles."

Zhao Liying rolled her eyes, "If it's really not possible, let's take the master abroad. We are not well-known abroad, and there must be few people who know us. You can play freely with the master."

"It's not a bad idea."

Yang Mi thought about it carefully, then nodded slowly.

The family of six is ​​not well-known abroad, and the master will surely be able to cultivate his mind and nature quietly. …

Mushroom House, Han Changsheng, Sisi, and Fatty returned to the kitchen with two buckets of milk.

At this time, the two cubs are fully awake, and have turned into young girls full of vigor and vitality again, with a happy smile on their beautiful faces.

"Dried pineapple..."

The sharp-eyed Pang Di was the first to spot the dried pineapple under the veil, and he asked greedily, "Master, is this dried pineapple ready?"

Han Changsheng saw that Fat Di wanted to eat, smiled and took out a piece, took a bit off and tasted it, and handed it to Fat Di Si, "It tastes good, try it."

"It's delicious, sweet and delicious."

"Soft, with a hint of tenacity."

"You two only know how to eat, but you don't know how to help the master do some work."

Tong Liya came over and stared at the two little ones.

Then she skillfully took over the job of boiling the milk without saying anything.

The two younger sisters in the family are responsible for the task of... delicious, lazy, cute and coquettish.

If they really become virtuous, how can she help the master with Han's second son?

With Tong Liya helping to cook the milk, Han Changsheng's staple food, and Pang Di's egg milk cake.

Chick! When the batter was put into the pot, the aroma of eggs and milk came out instantly, making Liu Sisi and Di Lieba sniffle.

"It smells so good, when will it be?"

Liu Sisi helped Han Changsheng pinch his shoulders, ready to exchange labor for food.

"One piece of cake every minute, if you can't wait for it to turn into a cake, you can eat one first."

Han Changsheng shook the frying pan, and poured the golden-yellow egg milk pancakes on the side plate.

Fat Di swallowed, and rolled his eyes at Liu Sisi while resisting the desire to steal food, "Fourth sister, when can you get rid of your gluttony, you can't wait for the master to prepare all the delicious food before eating together "

Liu Sisi curled her lips, "What qualifications do you have to say that you were still there before I went to bed last night: eating snacks."

Fatty pouted, "So what, I'm hungry!"

Liu Sisi glanced at Fatty's figure, smacked her lips and said, "Yes, you, Han Lao Wu, are always hungry [-] hours a day, but it's a pity that no matter how much you eat, your body will become bad. The ones you eat... papaya, sesame, and red beans are all delicious. I'm blind."

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