This high-priced script has been hung up for nearly a year, why did it suddenly disappear today? It can be seen from the long-term endurance alone...

He is not a simple person. If he joins, the box office of Fox's movies may be even higher by him.

And what if that... sky-high price script is really good enough, God knows this..

Do you still have... any other good scripts?"

Hearing this, the curly-haired young Paul casually took the documents on the table, shrugged his shoulders lightly, "Okay, I'll take over this task, and put this...

Accept your subordinates to help us hype the movie."

"Paul, I won the position of president of the Asia-Pacific region for you with great difficulty. You must not make mistakes again, otherwise I will definitely not be able to keep you."

"Don't worry President Ronald, I won't fall twice on the same thing."


Go to the Ming Empire! Just like [-]st Century Fox Film Company, Time Warner, Disney, Vivendi...etc..., these world-class media companies have given orders to their subordinates, and then countless Hundreds of thousands of people flew to the Ming Empire.

Chapter 430 Eat vegetarian today!

Film and television companies from various countries sent people to the Ming Empire to search for...

At that time, domestic filmmakers did not respond.

Except for a few people like Zhang Yimou, no one's goal is set in Hollywood, after all, they haven't made any money in China yet.

And the few who are aiming at Hollywood are all busy with their own affairs at this time, and no one reads the Hollywood script forum.

Han Changsheng, Yang Mi and Zhao Liying, know that this news has become popular in the Hollywood script forum, but they don't know that the major film and television companies have sent people to China to find Han Changsheng...

Han Changsheng read the forum news, got up with Yingbao in his arms, and visited their president's office under Mimi's guidance.

The 150-square-meter area on this floor is all the president's office, and there are many contents inside.

Oversized office area, oversized living room and cloakroom, oversized private lounge, independent screening room, independent game room, and independent exercise room.

Basically, when the six members of Han Changsheng's family move here, this place can be instantly regarded as another home.

Han Changsheng looked at the three-meter-by-ten-meter collapse, and rubbed his nose dumbfounded, "You made this sleeping place so big, don't you have to walk for half a minute to get to the next place?"

Yang Mi shrugged her shoulders, "I can't help it, Han Lao Si and Han Lao Wu in our family don't sleep honestly, if the soft couch is not so big, they will probably fall to the ground."

Zhao Liying suppressed a smile and said: "Elder sister knows that you like big things, master, so naturally everything has to be arranged super big. Master, what do you think we should rest here tonight?"

"I'd like to, but Tang Yan and Gu Li Nazha both have leg injuries, and I'm too embarrassed to throw them at home or drive them out of the villa."

"That's right, Tangtang and Naza are injured, so they can't move back and forth."

Yang Mi and Zhao Liying looked at each other with strange eyes.

Fortunately, the private lounge here is big enough, otherwise, if you add Tangtang and Naza, it will not be enough.

But... Are Tangtang and Naza's injuries really on their legs, feet, and not somewhere else? The two times they drank alcohol, the master went downstairs in the middle of the night each time.

Then Tangtang and Nazha were injured respectively, and the reason given was that they injured their right leg and right foot.

Is there such a 100% coincidence in the world? Han Changsheng noticed the eyes of Mi Mi and Ying Bao, and glanced over suspiciously, "What are you doing looking at me like that?"

Yang Mi bent her lips and smiled, "It's nothing, it's just... I feel that the master has the idea of ​​driving Tangtang and Nazha out of the house at this time, and it's a little bit sympathetic."

Zhao Liying nodded in agreement, "Tang Tang and Na Zha are both girls, master, can you show some gentlemanly demeanor?"

Han Changsheng rolled his eyes, "They are just your friends, it's good to be able to help them heal their injuries, the others... what does it have to do with me?"

"Yes, yes, it has nothing to do with you."

Yang Mi and Zhao Liying nodded with restrained smiles, and repeatedly praised the master for being a gentleman.

And just when Han Changsheng was about to speak again, the second daughter hurriedly proposed to go home.

The family of three tidied up and went downstairs directly to the house.

There are no large-scale film and television dramas to be filmed in the world of honey now, and the two female presidents can still run well after leaving for half a day. …

"Wow, Master is back!"

When Fatty saw Han Changsheng coming in, he ran over and took the plastic bag in his hand, "Master bought strawberries, lychees and mangoes, who wants to eat them!"

Liu Sisi ran over quickly and yelled greedily, "I'll eat, I'll eat."

Yang Mi slapped Si Si and Fat Di each, annoyed: "Master, don't you know how to bring slippers for Master when he enters the house? Besides, these... I bought the fruits for you!"

"Thank you big sister!"

The two little ones stuck out their tongues with a playful smile, hung half of their bodies on Han Changsheng's body, and dragged him into the house chattering.

"My lord, the Golden Melody Chart has kicked our song off the list."

"What's the meaning"

Liu Sisi explained: "You have written and composed too many songs, occupying dozens of songs on the Golden Melody Chart. The Golden Melody Chart has decided to list a section for our family, and will no longer compete with other people."

Fat Di giggled and said, "The people from the Golden Melody List even called to explain and asked if you would participate in the selection of the top ten golden songs."

Liu Sisi: "Of course I participated in the selection. With the songs written by the master, at least nine of the top ten golden songs can be accounted for."

Fatty: "I think it's ten!"

Han Changsheng frowned, and looked at the welcoming Yaya, "What's your opinion, Yaya?"

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