Tang Yan: "Ma Po tofu is also spicy and appetizing."

Nazha: "Picking cucumbers is more fragrant."

The seven 7-year-old girls praised the vegetarian dishes in front of them, but their eyes glanced at the fried yellow beef and braised pork from time to time.

They have been eating mutton for the past few days, so they are naturally not used to the smell of mutton.

But as soon as the little fried yellow beef and braised pork came out, I couldn't help drooling.

Because the taste is so delicious! Dili Reba endured and endured, but in the end she couldn't hold back, and ran to Han Changsheng's side with a small rice bowl, stretched out her chopsticks with bright eyes, and directly caught the fried yellow beef .

Crack! Han Changsheng hit Fatty's little thief's hand with his chopsticks, knocking off the beef she picked up.

Fat Di puffed up his chubby face, and said aggrievedly: "Master, why did you hit me?"

Han Changsheng picked up the piece of beef that Fat Di dropped, put it into his mouth with a smile, and said vaguely: "Didn't I say that the meat dishes are mine, and the vegetarian dishes are yours."

Fat Di stared at the beef in front of him, swallowed his saliva and said greedily, "But I really want to eat it, so I'll just eat a piece of beef, okay?"

"No, why don't you tell me who eats meat and vegetables and who is a puppy? How can you be a puppy?"

Puppy is not a puppy Fatty thinks about it, and finally loses to Beef.


She barked like a little milk dog, giggled with big eyes and said, "Master, I can eat now."


Han Changsheng suppressed a smile and nodded, he was more fat.

This girl's gluttony is really ruthless, a piece of beef can be turned into a puppy.


Fat Di took a piece of beef and put it in his mouth, then took a big mouthful of rice, chewing happily: after swallowing, he stared at the second piece of beef.

As soon as the little milk dog barks, grab another piece of beef.

She has become the master's little milk dog, how can she bark a few more times for beef? Doesn't it taste good? After Fatty's head piece after piece, Liu Sisi on the side couldn't help it.

After Han Laosi came running, he immediately gave a little milk dog barking like a model, and followed Pang Di to eat beef.

Han Changsheng patted the backs of the two little ones, and said helplessly: "You two are good enough, and you don't eat vegetables and only eat meat. This will almost eat up all my beef."

Liu Sisi glanced sideways and pierced through, "Master, don't try to lie to me. I just sneaked a look at it. There are at least three plates of beef in your wok on the gas stove."

Han Changsheng was taken aback, "Sisi, your nose belongs to a dog, right?"

Liu Sisi said arrogantly: "That's right! It's... a dog, a little milk dog."

When the two little cats were coquettish and flirtatious and grabbing the beef, Yang Mi and Zhao Liying glanced at the smiling master, got up and ran to the kitchen.

With the temper of the master, since beef can be reserved, braised pork will definitely be reserved.

As for whom it is reserved for, there is no need to say except...they can't have anyone else.

Tong Liya got up, but it was the beef in the kitchen that ran.

The two cubs were stunned for a moment, then rushed into the kitchen as if they were flying after regaining their senses.

The two of them are stupid enough, there is beef in the kitchen, how can they use the barking of the little milk dog for beef here! Tang Yan and Gu Li Nazha looked at each other and looked at each other.

Didn’t they agree to be vegetarians? Why did they all eat meat? Just because the braised pork and stir-fried yellow beef taste too delicious? Seeing this, Han Changsheng put two plates of meat dishes in front of Tang Yan and Nazha, "Don't be offended, they are always like this, if you don't mind these two servings, eat them!"

"Thank you little brother Changsheng."

".……You're welcome."

Han Changsheng looked at the second daughter who was happily eating meat, and rubbed his nose helplessly.

How many times has he told these two not to call him Brother Changsheng, but these two never listened! "Ouch!"

While Han Changsheng was sighing, Tang Yan suddenly covered her mouth and retched, she got up suddenly and squeezed the stool behind her, and rushed to the bathroom with her mouth covered.

"Ugh... vomit..."

Han Changsheng was stunned for a moment, and followed quickly.

He just gave some braised pork, how could this reaction be so big? Han Changsheng ran into the bathroom and saw Tang Yan bending over to vomit, his face was full of pain, and there was no image of a beautiful woman in the tears.

Han Changsheng stretched out his hand to lift Tang Yan's fallen hair to his head to prevent it from getting dirty, and patted Tang Yan's back with the other hand, and said to Gu Li Nazha who followed: "Naza, go and pour a glass of warm water , Let Tang Yan rinse his mouth."

"it is good!"

Gu Li Nazha quickly ran back to the living room, and then quickly ran back, followed by the five sisters Yang Mi with strange expressions.

The five of them stood at the door of the bathroom, looking at Tang Yan who was being taken care of by the master, their pupils glowed with thought.

I like to eat vegetarian, smell meat and vomit, do you need to think about this situation, I must be pregnant.

But how do you calculate this time? The time Tangtang lived at home was at most about a week:, would there be such a reaction at this time? But if you count forward... there is only the mushroom house.

Yang Mi squinted at Yaya, Sisi and Fatty, and said in a low voice: "The three of you are really good, the three of you can't stand Tangtang."

Tong Liya shook her head and said, "Sister, Mushroom basically followed the master all day for a few days, and the two of them had no chance to be together."

Zhao Liying raised her chin, "Then what's going on?"

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