If she vomits again at that time, she won't be afraid that Mimi and the others will misunderstand.

Tang Yan thought of this, and suddenly his face turned red and he spat at himself.

She is really ashamed and not ashamed to think about these things before officially stepping into the door of the Han family.

Ten minutes later, Han Changsheng put the steaming noodles on the table in the dining room, and said to Tang Yan: "Tang Yan, the noodles have been cooked for you. They are a little hot, let them dry before eating."

"Thank you little brother Changsheng."

"You're welcome."

Han Changsheng waved his hand, and walked unsteadily towards the stairs.

Tang Yan stared at Han Changsheng's back until he disappeared at the stairs before looking away.

Gently blowing the hot noodles, eating small bites, I feel that the deliciousness in the world is nothing more than this...

When the Han family villa fell into silence, the outside world opened up.

There are not many other things in the Ming Empire, and there are many people, so there are also many night owls.

And what night owls like to do the most is... to jump outside along the Internet at night, to see the wonderful but helpless world abroad, and then they see the most lively news abroad—the major film and television media groups sent people Come to the Ming Empire to find...

The night owls looked around and copied the news back to the domestic forum.

[Hollywood is surprised to see a sky-high script worth 500 million US dollars. It is said that the author of this sky-high script is a member of the Ming Empire, and major film and television groups have sent people to inspect it] [My script author of the Ming Empire...

, topped the list of Hollywood screenwriters with a sky-high script.

, Refreshing the price record of Hollywood scripts] When the big forums were flooded by this explosive new news, Qi Qi froze for a moment, and then noisy voices spread everywhere.

"This news is true and false, there are still such great gods in China"

"It's spread abroad, if you don't believe me, see for yourself."

"Anyway, I still don't believe the news."

"I don't believe it. If there is such a great master in China, why is our movie still being beaten by foreign countries?"

"A group of keyboard warriors who feel inferior to the bone, foreign film and television companies have sent people to China to look for...

It’s so pitiful that you still feel inferior here.”

"Whether they believe it or not, anyway... I believe it, and now I will find...

, to earn a commission."

"with commission"

"Yes, major film and television companies offer a reward of 10 US dollars, but whoever has information about...

The real news may be found...

Ben, the price can be raised further.”

"Then what are you thinking about,!"

"Add me!"

There are quite a lot of people joining in the fun for $10, but basically everyone is running around like headless chickens, and they can't find it if they hit their heads full...


These three letters can be seen at first glance.....person's name, but there are too many surnames starting with it.

Zhang, Zhuo, Zhou, Zuo, Zhuang, Zeng...etc..., at least...dozens, it can be said that there are thousands of threads in disorder.

After half an hour, various self-proclaimed..

My fellows jumped out one after another, such as Zheng Haojun, Zhang Haojun, Zuo Huijuan, and even said that he was built by Zhou Huajian.

But these . . . claim to be . . .

The respected guy just put on a fake coat, and was stripped naked and beat up:.

want to be...

There must be a script with a sky-high price of [-] U.S. dollars. These...the guys who jump out are not even well-known. ...

The truth and falsehood of the outside world have been chaotic all night, but it has nothing to do with the Han family.

Because today is Fatty's birthday, the family has to go around Fatty all day.

"Wow ha ha ha ha……"

Early in the morning, Pang Di's children's shoes opened their eyes and jumped up.

Pointing to the sky with one hand and the ground with the other, she raised her head and shouted, "From today onwards, only my old lady will be the only one in the sky and on the earth!"

Bang! Liu Sisi kicked Fatty to the ground, and said angrily, "Smelly Fatty! What are you yelling about so early in the morning!"

Zhao Liying followed and scolded angrily: "Smelly Fatty! Disturbing people's dreams, you are looking for a beating!"


Fat Di pointed to Han Laosan and Han Laosi, and found that the two sisters were looking at him with knife-like eyes, and directly dodged behind Han Changsheng in fright, and said aggrievedly: "Master, look at the third sister and the fourth sister. Sister, they bullied me!"

She is celebrating her birthday today, isn't the family stipulating who celebrates the oldest birthday? Why did she come here and get bullied? If you just shut up honestly, you have your birthday today so you are the biggest, but don’t forget that this birthday is only one day, after today you can fight whoever you are, you are the youngest in our family.”

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