Looking at the quilt, the picture of Yang Mi on the outside and the half-full tea inside, you can tell that Yang Mi just drank it.

Han Changsheng took a sip and praised: "Mimi's tea is... delicious, with a sweet and delicious taste."

What! Yang Mi didn't say anything, but offered a happy kiss.

Then he handed over a document, "Foreign... Film and television companies are looking for you like crazy, but they can't find any information. In addition, as you think, the news of Zhang Guoshi making a movie spread, and many people contacted him. Then Zhang Guoshi took advantage of the trend and pushed them to us. This is the list of those companies, a total of 97 companies, and the most interesting one is [-]st Century Focus."

"What an interesting trick"

"My lord, you'll know when you look at it."

Han Changsheng took it curiously, the first page is... [-]st Century Focus information.

President of Asia: Paul Nix, took office on May 201, 5.

Vice President of Asia Region: Yelu Minmin, took office on December 201, 12.

Han Changsheng raised his eyebrows, and pointed at the name of 'Yelu Commoner', "This Yelu Commoner is the one from the former Mining Theater"

"Yes, it's... him."

"Then that's interesting."

Han Changsheng laughed dumbfounded, his eyes were a little strange.

After "I'm Immortal" aired, [-]st Century Fox wanted to negotiate overseas broadcasting rights, but he didn't agree.

Now that "This Man" has just finished filming, [-]st Century Fox came to the door again, and there is also an acquaintance, Yelu Pingmin, which gave him the illusion of going around in circles.

Han Changsheng thought for a while, and said to Yang Mi: "Mimi, meet and talk with Focus first, if possible, you don't need to talk to other film and television companies anymore."

"This Yelu commoner is very rigid. Are you sure you can have a good talk with him?"

"I'm not sure, so I have to wait until I meet him to talk about everything. If it doesn't work, I can talk to other companies."

"Then I'll arrange it."

Yang Mi made several phone calls and said to Han Changsheng: "I have an appointment, two o'clock in the afternoon: 2: See you."

"That means there are more than two hours left, and I happen to take a rest here."

Han Changsheng nodded, and walked towards the big bedroom with Tong Liya in his arms.

Zhao Liying said in surprise: "Master, what are you doing with Second Sister for a rest? I want to show Second Sister around."

"I want to teach Yaya a lesson first:."


Yang Mi and Zhao Liying looked at each other with strange eyes.

Yaya is the one who listens to the master the most in the family, and also the one who obeys the master the most, so how could she be taught a lesson by the master.

Chapter 439 The Two CEOs Let Me Eat Their Soft Rice

At 1:[-] p.m., Han Changsheng collapsed from the slump, and Yaya, who had been taught a lesson, was still in a deep sleep.

Han Changsheng washed up, and accompanied by Yang Mi and Zhao Liying, he went down to the small conference room on the [-]nd floor.

In the small conference room at this time, Paul and Yelu civilians are present, and there are three employees from Focus Asia next to them.

Seeing the brand-new layout of the small conference room, Yelu civilians had strange eyes.

After selling his civilian theater chain to Honey World, he went to [-]st Century Focus where his wife was.

Then, he watched Mixing Tianxia transform from a media company with assets of several hundred million yuan to a hot media group that ranks 48th in the country and has a minimum estimated value of more than [-] billion yuan.

Thinking of that... Han Changsheng, who was as calm as the wind, Yelu civilians had a feeling of "the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and the waves before die on the beach".

It took him nearly half his life to create a civilian theater chain worth 5 million.

But that... Han Changsheng only spent less than a year, and with the money he earned, he was able to buy seven or eight civilian theaters.

More importantly, Han Changsheng only writes songs, shoots movies, and participates in variety shows, and spends the rest of the time at home, so it is not easy to earn money.

As for him, he was busy 365 days a year, and he didn't even have time to educate his daughter, and he almost separated from his wife, Lao Yan.

With such a comparison, there is really a feeling that people are more popular than others.

Paul glanced at the time on the Patek Philippe, and said to Yelu in a flat tone, "Vice President Yelu, you should know the two presidents of Mixing Tianxia."

Yelu Minmin glanced at the eyes from the side, and said calmly: "Yes, my common people's cinema is... sold to Honey World."

Paul said with deep eyes, "You will be the one to negotiate at that moment."

"President Paul, you're welcome. This trip is about you. I'll help you beat the side drums."

"Since Vice President Yelu is unwilling, then I won't force it."

"President Paul is polite."

Yelu Minmin smiled lightly, but his eyes were a little displeased.

He was able to achieve the current position of vice president because of his personal talent, and he didn't want to compete for the position of president, after all, he has only been in the job for less than a year.

And this Paul was transferred from the head office, he was considered an airborne president.

As a new official, he took office three times, and instead of burning those small employees, he had to... stare at him. This is really a bit mentally handicapped.

Squeak... The door of the meeting room was pushed open, Yang Mi and Zhao Liying entered first, followed by Dongfang Ruoshui and other female employees, and finally Han Changsheng.

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