And where Han Changsheng didn't see, Fat Di was gesturing victory to Yang Mi and the three daughters, and Xiaopang still had an arrogant expression on his face.

Although Fatty is sometimes in a daze, she is very clever at critical moments.

After three times, five times and two times, the colorful ropes of the seven girls were finished, and they were all worn on their right wrists.

Seven 7 slender and slender wrists with creamy skin are put together, and they are matched with colorful ropes, which are as beautiful as a colorful rainbow.

Fat Di looked at the beautiful scenery in front of him with bright eyes, and suddenly shouted: "I want to take a picture of us wearing colorful ropes and post it on Weibo!"

Han Changsheng caressed his forehead, and said helplessly: "This is just a colorful rope, what do you have to show off?"

Fatty said coquettishly: "No, just post it and show off!"

Liu Sisi shook Han Changsheng's arm, and said in a coquettish voice, "This is the multicolored rope woven by the master himself. Why can't you show it off, master?"

"Fat, hair..."

Han Changsheng made a pause gesture and retreated directly.

What he loves the most... is that... the two little petites, especially with this kind of voice that makes his skin crawl.

"Come, come, pose, I want to take a picture."

Fatty is holding a photo artifact and making a doodle, with his right hand horizontally on his head for a close-up effect.

"Wait a moment."

Yang Mi took a picture of Fat Di, shook her white right hand and said, "Let's take off the bracelet and take a picture again."

The four of you, Yaya, think about it, and doing good is like a bracelet.

Seven 7 have white arms, only five of them have black bracelets on 55, which are too conspicuous.

And this kind of different picture will make Tangtang and Nazha seem like outsiders.

In case someone with a heart finds out that this is a Mo Cui bracelet, what can the outsiders say?

Kacha, Kacha, Kacha... Fatty came and took nine consecutive shots of looking up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, chose the best-looking one, and posted it directly on Han Changsheng's Weibo.

[To ward off evil spirits, pray for blessings, Najib’s multicolored rope, this is hand-woven by my parent’s younger brother, it’s beautiful!] It’s just the leisure time before going to bed, and Han Changsheng’s fans are looking like psychopaths under his Weibo While chatting, I found Fatty's ostentatious photos in an instant.

"Damn it! Sprinkling dog food in the middle of the night is killing people!"

"This multicolored rope is very beautiful. I didn't expect our family, Han Jing, to have such a handicraft. I have learned a lot."

"The people upstairs are getting older and have lost their memory! Mrs. Han Si said that her tailoring skills are learned from our family's Han Psychiatrist."

"Don't pay attention to the colorful rope, okay? Didn't you see that this is a group photo of seven people, except... the five wives of the Han family, and Tangtang and Nazha's."

"Wuwuwu Tangtang and Zha really entered the gate of the Han family, and I want to enter the gate of the Han family too!"

"Hey! The beautiful little flowers are missing two more, and our Han mental illness is really deceiving people!"

"Han is mentally ill, you are rude! I promise not to kill you!"


The seven sisters scrolled through Weibo and looked at the messages below, showing happy and sweet smiles from time to time.

The envy of others is the source of their happiness, after all, there is only one long-lived little brother in the world.


The rainbow flew over and landed on Han Changsheng's shoulder, his bird's eyes stared at the colorful rope not far away, and said in a milky voice, "Master, I also want to wear a colorful rope."

Han Changsheng shook his head and laughed, "Why do you wear it on your wings or your feet?"

A parrot wearing a colorful rope, Rainbow is trying to become a sperm? Rainbow looked down, raised his right paw and shook it, "On the feet."

"Okay, I'll weave a small one for you: multicolored rope."

When Han Changsheng thought of the picture of Rainbow wearing a colorful rope, he suddenly felt funny.

Three tricks and two tricks weaved a fingernail-sized colorful rope, put it on Rainbow's feet, and tied it with a loose buckle.

"Yeah, I have colored ropes too."

The rainbow is flying around, chirping and saying happy things.

Seeing this, Fatty took a photo of Rainbow and posted it on Weibo, which brought him envy again.

By the time the Seven Sisters and Rainbow finally got enough to show off, it was already ten o'clock in the evening.

Han Changsheng went to the kitchen to turn off the two gas stoves, and let the tea eggs and rice dumplings simmer in the pot.

These two foods are not afraid of stewing, and the more they are stewed, the more delicious they are.

Han Changsheng was about to go out, when Liu Sisi and Di Lireba ran into the kitchen bouncing around, their two beautiful big eyes staring directly at the two cooking pots.

"Master, I want to eat a tea egg."

"I want to eat a zongzi."

"can not eat."

"Master, why are you so picky?"

"Clap clap...!"

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