The two cubs muttered something, and entered the half-dream and half-awake stage directly.

five minutes later.

Papa...! Han Changsheng patted Sisi and Fatty's little Pipi lightly, "Five minutes are up, it's time to get up."

The two small cocoon-like mantis chrysalis turned over and continued to sleep, and even regarded Han Changsheng as nothing.

Han Changsheng's face darkened, and he slapped his big hands and played a symphony, but the two cubs were sleepy and continued to sleep with their heads covered.

"Hey! Do you really think I can't cure you?"

Han Chang was angry and laughed anxiously, rushing out the door.

At this moment, the two little ones got up and glanced at the empty door, and smiled triumphantly.

It's impossible to keep them from sleeping in! The two little ones laughed, but then fell asleep again.

Three minutes later, Han Changsheng walked in, tea eggs in one hand and zongzi in the other.

He swung his hands back and forth in front of the two little cats' noses, and occasionally took a breath to let the aroma of the food float into the two little cats' nostrils.

Sucking... The two little ones wrinkled their noses, swallowed uncontrollably, and then wobbled up.

Han Changsheng held back his laughter, and kept shaking his hands, turning the aroma of the food into an invisible rope, controlling the two gluttonous puppets to move out slowly.

The two cubs are in a sleepwalking state of gluttony, their feet are naturally unstable from time to time, Han Changsheng has to stretch out his hands to take care of them to prevent the two cubs from falling to the ground.

dining room.

Yang Mi's five daughters are eating breakfast.

Hearing the chaotic footsteps coming from the stairs, he looked back curiously, and saw this ridiculous scene.

Tong Liya smiled happily and asked, "Master, what are you doing?"

Han Changsheng had no choice but to explain, "Catch little greedy cats for breakfast, won't you catch two of them?"

" are the only one who can come up with such a trick, sir!"

"These two girls do nothing but... play games all day long... eat, there is no hope."

"I've learned a new trick, so I'll wake up the two girls like this from now on."

The two cubs were awakened by the laughter next to their ears, and opened their eyes in a daze, and when they saw the food in front of them, their eyes suddenly lit up.


One bite at a time, biting the tea eggs and zongzi directly, almost missing Han Changsheng's hand.

Han Changsheng stared at the two little ones who only had food in their eyes, and slapped each of them, saying in a bad mood: "Your face knows how to eat early in the morning without washing your teeth or brushing, so hurry up and brush your teeth and wash your face."

"go immediately."

The two little ones chewed the food in their mouths, waved their hands vaguely, and turned their heads into the bathroom.

The two came out ten minutes later, and they immediately turned into young girls full of energy.

"Time to eat!"

When Fatty saw the food on the table, he ran over with bright eyes, picked up a tea egg and took a bite.

"Candy, sugar, how can you eat zongzi without sugar?"

Liu Sisi stood by the table and scanned around, her throat moved, obviously swallowing.

Han Changsheng clicked on the sugar bowl under Liu Sisi's eyelids, angrily and amusedly said: "When you usually look at things, can you stop looking at other places and pay attention to what is in front of you."

Liu Sisi lowered her head, stuck out her tongue, opened the sugar bowl and said, "Is this a blind spot, you can't blame me."

Han Changsheng: "..."

If you are confused, you will be confused, and you still have to quibble.

Chapter 445

After breakfast, I should have gone straight out for an outing, but the seven 7-year-old girls had the "sickness of not being beautiful and not going out", so they lingered in the cloakroom for half an hour without getting dressed.

Han Changsheng looked at the sky, and said helplessly, "If you hang around for a while... the morning outing will become a spring outing."

The seven girls on the spring outing were stunned, and the seven pairs of eyes were shining brightly, shining like stars.

Di Li Reba wished: "Master, why don't we sleep outside tonight!"

Liu Sisi nodded repeatedly, "That's right, that's right, I went on a spring outing when I was in elementary school, and I've always wanted to stay outside for a night."

Han Changsheng said helplessly, "Didn't you live on the grassland?"

Zhao Liying pouted, "But there are yurts on the grassland, it doesn't feel like sleeping in a tent at all."

Yang Mi put her arms around Han Changsheng's waist, rubbing her small head like a cat, "Master, just live outside, we won't be afraid if you are here."

Han Changsheng: "..."

If Ruo Sisi and Fatty's acting like a baby is a double crit, Mimi's acting like a baby is... ten times the crit.

Boss Han has always been a domineering female president, Fan Yiyi doesn't act like a baby, and this is the reason why she always wins when she acts like a baby.

"Yeah! Go on a spring outing!"

Noticing the face of their master raising his hands in surrender, Liu Sisi and Di Lieba jumped three feet high, quickly put on the sportswear on their hands, and immediately finished dressing up.

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