At noon, Si Si, Fat Di, Na Zha, the three little girls went to take a nap after playing, while Tong Liya and Tang Yan cleaned up the kitchen.

Tong Liya arranged the kitchen utensils according to Han Changsheng's habit, and touched Tang Yan's shoulder, "Tangtang, those three girls are all asleep, hurry up and find the master in the study."

Tang Yan blushed, "Go now"

"Of course, at night, the master will live on the third floor."

Seeing that Tang Yan was still there, Tong Liya dawdled, took her by the shoulders and pushed her out of the kitchen, and reminded her in a low voice: "Go to the master quickly, or there will be no more shops after this village."


Tang Yan stood at the door of the kitchen, mentally and mentally struggling for a long time, and finally mustered up the courage to go to the study on the first floor.

Second sister's words, coupled with her observations these past few days, and with the master's passive character, if she doesn't take the initiative to take that step, it may take a long time before she can really enter the gate of the Han family.

Looking at the face seriously reading, Tang Yan whispered like a mosquito: "Master."

Han Changsheng turned his head, "What's wrong?"

Tang Yan opened his mouth, but he didn't have the courage to say what he was thinking just now.

She suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and pointed to her right leg, "The wound on my leg still hurts, sir, can you heal it for me?"

Han Changsheng patted his forehead, and pushed the chair next to him in front of his eyes, "Sit here! I'll heal you."

Tangtang has been walking normally for the past few days, so he almost forgot to help her completely heal her leg injury.

"It's inconvenient to sit... can you go to the second floor?"

Tang Yan bit his lip and hesitated, then looked down at his toes, blushing like a little apple.

Han Changsheng on the second floor was stunned for a moment, looked up and saw Tang Yan's dodging eyes and shy cheeks, and then suddenly understood Tangtang's meaning.

"You've made up your mind"


"That's as you wish."

Han Changsheng walked up to Tang Yan and stretched out his arms. He hugged her like a princess, and strode out of the study...

After two o'clock in the afternoon, Sisi, Fatty, and Nazha got up and went downstairs in a daze.

The three girls were wearing vests and shorts, and they all collapsed on the sofa, lying in messy positions.

Tong Liya put down the actor's book in her hand, and said angrily: "If the three of you haven't woken up, you can continue to sleep. Why are you sleeping here?"

"Second sister, you don't understand, this is called closing your eyes and resting your mind."

Fat Di waved his hand lazily, then raised his head and opened his right eye to look around, and said strangely: "Where is Tangtang?"

After Tangtang moved into the house, she and her second sister had the best conversations. The two of them had always been inseparable from Mengmeng. Why did she see her second sister? Tong Liya smiled mysteriously, "I'm sleeping on the second floor."

"Second floor"

Gu Li Nazha opened her eyes and said in a daze, "Why didn't I see Sister Tangtang?"

They both slept in the same room, why didn't she see Sister Tangtang when she got up, "Another room."

"Why sleep in another room"

"Because the master is here."

As soon as Tong Liya said this, the three little ones woke up instantly.

Liu Sisi and Di Lireba touched Gu Li Nazha's little head together, and said with pity: "Na Zha, it seems that you are one step too late!"

Nazha children's shoes pouted and said: "Sister Tangtang lied to me, she also said that we have the same blessings and share the same difficulties,,, yes."

"It's not enough to lie to you. This sentence can only be counted if you enter the gate of the Han family...or you will go up too."

Gu Li Nazha thought about it, but finally couldn't stand the grievance, so she just jumped to the ground and ran up to the second floor.

Chapter 452 Fat Di: Han Lao Qi who is better than me!

5:[-] p.m. [-].

Yang Mi and Zhao Liying returned to Han's villa on time, and when they entered the house, they saw Sisi and Fatty playing games while shouting hungry, while Yaya was busy in the kitchen.

Zhao Liying sat on the sofa and changed into home clothes, and asked curiously: "Where are Tangtang and Naza?"

Tangtang, like the second sister, now likes to study cooking, so they are always busy in the kitchen together.

Na Zha was led badly by Si Si and Fat Di, and basically belonged to another player in the family who was just waiting to die and act coquettishly.

But why did neither of these two people disappear? Fat Di pointed to the second floor, and said with a smile: "I'm going to have two younger sisters, what do you think they are doing?"

Yang Mi and Zhao Liying were taken aback, and looked at each other with strange eyes.

They were talking about when the seven of them would become real sisters yesterday, but they didn't expect it to happen today.

Although this feeling is expected, but my heart is more or less acidic, the master has changed from one-fifth to one-seventh, and the pampering he has received is much less.

Tong Liya walked out of the kitchen and enlightened: "It's better to be earlier than later, otherwise the master will not be able to live as he pleases on weekdays."

"That's right, get better soon." this moment, familiar footsteps came from the stairs, and Han Changsheng appeared in the eyes of the five girls with Tang Yan and Gu Li Nazha in his arms.

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