But just after the three girls entered the kitchen, their pupils were wide open, and they surrounded their master nervously and exclaimed.

"Master, why do you have dark circles under your eyes?"

"Master, is there something wrong with your body?"

"Yes, you also said that your health is very good. It's fine if you don't sleep for a few days and nights. Why are you so haggard this night?"

The master has dark circles under his eyes, and the four children in the living room palpited when they heard the exclamation in the kitchen.

Throwing away the mobile phone in his hand, he hurried into the kitchen, seeing his old man's haggard to yellow face.

"What's the matter with you, sir!"

"Master, don't scare me!"

Facing the worries of the seven girls, Han Changsheng waved his hands, "Don't worry, I'm fine."

Yang Mi stomped her feet, "You still said it's okay, you look like this, master, what's wrong with you, you... just tell me!"

Han Changsheng raised his hand and knocked on each of them, and then he said in a bad mood: "It's not because you were drunk last night, I took care of you all night, and you became so tired."

Fatty scratched his head, "We slept very peacefully!"

She slept so soundly last night, she wasn't drunk at all, right? Han Changsheng rolled his eyes, angrily and funnyly said: "You guys are so quiet! One moment Yingbao wants to drink water, another moment Naza wants to eat strawberries, and then fat Di wants to eat ice cream, what's more, Si Si wants to eat pancakes in the middle of the night!"

Swish! The six sisters stared at Liu Sisi, and they all had the urge to do something.

Water, strawberries, ice cream, these three things can still be obtained at home, but pancakes and fruits are a bit outrageous! Liu Sisi smiled dryly and hid behind Han Changsheng, "Master, you definitely didn't buy them for me Bar"

Han Changsheng patted Sisi's little Pippi back, and snorted, "Nonsense, where can I make pancakes for you in the middle of the night!"

Liu Sisi breathed a sigh of relief, "It's fine if you don't go."

Han Changsheng said with a half-smile, "But I replaced it with egg pancakes for you, what do you say?"

Liu Sisi thought for a while, put her arms around Han Changsheng on her feet and took a bite, then raised her right index finger timidly, "One reward."


"All right!"

Han Changsheng glanced at Yingbao, Nazha and Fatty, "What do you three say?"

The three girls looked at each other and said in unison: "Twice the reward."

Han Changsheng nodded in satisfaction, glanced at Mimi, Yaya and Tangtang who were worried at the side, smiled lightly and said: "The three of you are... a bit like sisters, you slept peacefully all night, and you didn't play any tricks. "

"That's good."

The three sisters breathed a sigh of relief and let go of their hanging hearts.

Since they have become sisters, they have the obligation to take good care of the master.

If the master suffers, it is the fault of the three of them.

Han Changsheng patted Yaya and said, "Yaya, get me a wet towel, I'll wipe my face."

"it is good."

Tong Liya handed over the wet towel, and the six 66 sisters stared blankly at their master.

Han Changsheng wiped his face, the dark circles under the eyes, and the yellow haggard face all disappeared.

Yang Mi rubbed her eyes, looked at her master's still handsome face, and said in astonishment: "Master, the dark circles under your eyes and haggard appearance on your face are all drawn by yourself."

Han Changsheng shrugged, "I read some books on makeup recently, so I tried it myself."

"Then you were just pretending"


"Then what you just said is also false."

The seven 7-girls asked in unison, with hateful eyes.

Fortunately, they were so worried just now that they almost cried out of fright, but they never thought that everything was fake.

Han Changsheng rolled his eyes, "Of course what I said is true, it looks like this... I warn you to drink less alcohol in the future, you are not tired when you are drunk, I have taken care of you all night."

Ying Bao, Na Zha, Si Si and Fat Di looked at each other guilty, and lowered their heads together.

The four of them are the only ones who are gluttonous at home, and the four were the ones who were drunk last night. Obviously, the master said this to them.

Chapter 460 Zhao Xiaodao!Dirt!

When the eight members of the Han family were eating breakfast, Yang Mi suddenly suggested: "Master, let's go to the company to practice dancing today!"

Han Changsheng wondered, "Is it different at home?"

Yang Mi said: "The company has a dance room, and the front is a mirror. If we practice there, we can see where the dance is wrong, so there is no need for you to walk back and forth to guide and get tired."


The six 66 sisters glanced at the nonsense elder sister, lowered their heads and swallowed while suppressing a smile.

The eldest sister said this, partly because she didn't want the master to be troubled.

But the bigger reason is because she is always reprimanded by the master when she dances, and she loses face.

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