"Nonsense, the abbreviation for our Han mental illness is...

, the two are the same, but the positions are reversed.”

"Look carefully, don't talk!"

Domestic audiences have already watched "I'm Immortal", so when watching "This Man", they always compare the two, and they are not too surprised.

But for overseas audiences outside the Ming Empire, this movie has refreshed their awareness of science fiction films.

"Okay, I can watch the two scenes of the movie with relish, am I also nervous?"

"This movie is really mouth-watering and high-energy throughout, but somehow I just listened to the whole process."

"The male lead seriously bragged that he was Jesus, and he blew it for more than an hour from the beginning to the end, which really ruined my three views."

"My God, with this mentality, the end of the professor is... You took out a gun on your father:, why does your father not let you live long?"

Amidst the discussions all over the world, the box office of "This Man" was released that day.

Although the statistical time varies from place to place, the box office is still more than expected.

The box office of Ming Dynasty was 750 million RMB, 600 million RMB more than the estimated 500 million RMB.

The overseas box office is 400 million US dollars, which is 350 million US dollars more than the estimated 500 million US dollars.

In addition, the film still gained good reputation at home and abroad.

Douban Maoyan has an average score of 8.

5 is better than 9 in "I'm Immortal".

The score of 3 is a bit less, but it is still a score for a good film.

Similar to Douban Maoyan overseas, the score has reached 8.

5. This 85 is a super score, because the number one "Shawshank's Redemption" is only 9.

2 points.

If more than 0.

2 points, and ranked 148th.

The "Inception" of the score is tied.

But with such a box office and such ratings, "This Man" was still criticized by Angelists.

What is making up the history of Angelism, what is blaspheming their God, what is discrediting Angelism, in short, it is a serious protest against righteous words.

But these... protests are just... a breeze to the major movie theaters.

Under the magic power of banknotes, what kind of angels teach what gods, go to the fuck! As for Zhang Yimou, as a newly promoted heroic warrior who went with Han Changsheng to pit foreigners, he laughed and faced those... righteous words Protest yelling.

He has been cheated by foreign devils for many years, now what is wrong with him, don't let him find opportunities in the future, otherwise he will continue to be cheated! And affected by the heat of this protest, the Ming Empire and major theaters overseas Both have increased the screening rate of "This Man".

This led to a steady rise in the box office of "This Man" on June 6th.

The box office of the Great Ming Empire reached 950 million RMB, with a total box office of 1.

7 million.

The overseas box office is 500 million US dollars, and the total overseas box office is 900 million US dollars.

It took 6 million RMB in the global box office in two days, which shocked the domestic film and television companies.

They have also remade a lot of movies along the lines of "I'm Immortal", but it's not bad if the box office reaches 100 million.

Under normal circumstances, "This Man" can get a 10.

Box office, but if this trend continues, it is obvious that 20 billion will not be able to stop it.

[Dark horse genius! Director Han Changsheng has turned into a sharp-eyed investor. A movie with a cost of 3 million yuan has a global box office of 20 billion, and the revenue has at least doubled.] [The new movie "This Man" directed by Zhang Yimou, the global box office is expected to exceed 20 11 million, break the "Great Wall" [-].

The curse of losing money after [-] million yuan] [Old man, aiming at the martyr's twilight years, Zhang Yimou tells the world with a new movie that he is still the Zhang Guoshi who presided over the ceremony of offering sacrifices to the heavens of all nations] "Hahahaha...OK A Han Changsheng! What a genius investor! Since you want me, an old man, to continue to be on top for a while, then I will live well and create a new world!"

Zhang Yimou looked at the new comments about him on the major headlines, looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, and his voice shook the whole field.

The twilight spirit of the past disappeared from his body, and the heroic ambition of fighting the sky and the earth appeared again.

After fighting for fame and fortune for most of his life, he thought he would die with a sigh of regret in his heart, but unexpectedly found an entry point to break the regret in the young man's mouth.

The fame and fortune of the first half of his life will be judged by future generations. Now he only wants to do something for the Ming Empire.

The best thing is to...continue to make new films, and keep cheating the wallets of foreigners, so as to fill the treasury of the Ming Empire...

The outside world was astonished, but Zhang Yimou was excited.

But in the Han family villa, the eight members of the Han family just glanced at the headlines of the major news, answered the phone calls from all parties with a smile, and still did what they had to do.

There have been incidents where Han Changsheng's first three movies sold well at the box office, and they now have a subconscious mind that the movies made by the master will definitely make money.

So "This Man" is a big hit all over the world, and it didn't have any impact on them, at most it's just...to be happy.

As for the reason, the biggest one is because none of their family played any roles in this movie, they can only make money if they can't win awards, so naturally they don't pay much attention to it.

However, after Yang Mi received a call, she sat in Han Changsheng's arms with a strange expression.


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