Both he and Yaya have been recognized by others, and there is no way to continue playing.

After getting into the car, Tong Liya fell directly into Han Changsheng's arms, patting her heart with lingering fear, "I'm scared to death."

Han Changsheng stroked Yaya's back to let her recover little by little, "Aren't you afraid that you won't be able to see or hear after you've come out?"

Tong Liya wrinkled her nose, and said pitifully: "It's even more frightening if you can't see or hear.

Especially when you threw it, I almost fainted from fright."

I was even more afraid that Han Changsheng was stunned for a moment, his eyes suddenly lost focus, as if he was thinking about something.

"Master, master..."

Tong Liya called Han Changsheng twice but found that he didn't respond, so she raised her hand and shook it in front of his eyes.

Han Changsheng woke up in a daze, "What's wrong?"

Tong Liya asked curiously: "Those in the haunted house... why do people pretending to be ghosts say we are ghosts?"

Han Changsheng: "I told two ghost stories and scared them out of the haunted house."

Tong Liya was stunned, swallowed nervously, and didn't dare to ask any more questions.

She is usually most afraid of... ghost stories, and the master can scare the person pretending to be a ghost to run out, so this ghost story is obviously more frightening.

Seeing Yaya swallowing her saliva, Han Changsheng frowned slightly.

He came out to play with Yaya just to make Yaya happy, if he really wanted to scare her, that would be his fault.

After searching the words in his head, he lowered his head and put his forehead against Yaya's forehead, and said softly: "Yaya, do you want to hear a ghost story?"

Tong Liya shook her head again and again, "I don't want to! I don't want to hear a word!"

"But it's a joke ghost story."

"Is it scary?"

"It's not scary at all, it makes you laugh out loud."

Tong Liya thought about it, but she still couldn't control her curiosity.

Han Changsheng smiled and said: "There used to be a ghost, and then he farted... and killed himself."

"Chi Chi..."

The corner of Tong Liya's mouth curled up, she pouted and said, "It's not funny at all."

"Then let me tell you one more thing. An old grandfather passed away. The family had to open the coffin for confirmation before burying him, but they found that the old grandfather was missing. After searching for a long time, they found that the old grandfather was stuck on the coffin board."

"Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, how could the old man stick to the coffin board?"

"Then who knows, I haven't died yet."

Chapter 486 I'm Not Normal

Han Changsheng waited for Tong Liya to calm down completely, and then said: "Yaya, the amusement park is temporarily unavailable, why don't you accompany me to practice acting skills."

Tong Liya thought for a while, "Substitute the role of onion"


"But Onion is a blind man, how do you act?"

"Very simple."

Han Changsheng bought some supplies for the blind, and finally covered his eyes with medical gauze, and specially put on sunglasses, so that his eyes were completely pitch black.

He pushed open the car door, took the steel blind man's cane he just bought, and tapped the concrete floor outside, and suddenly froze for a moment.

When his eyes couldn't see anything, he suddenly found that his hearing seemed to be magnified ten times, and his sense of smell was also magnified a lot.

The information symbols of various sensory feedbacks are all intertwined in his dark eyes, forming another black and white world.

Behind her, Yaya is looking at herself intently, her eyes must be full of concern and tenderness.

There is a BMW two meters ahead, the color is unknown.

On the left is a flower bush, with some ornamental flowers at the bottom, and a big tree with one person hugging at the top.

There are no pedestrians walking on the right side, and no cars are parked.

Han Changsheng tapped the stick for the blind in his hand to identify his position, and then said to Tong Liya: "Yaya, otherwise, don't go out with me, just wait for me in the car, it's too hot outside .”

Tong Liya shook her head again and again, objecting: "No, you can't see anything."

"It's okay, isn't there a walkway for the blind outside? I'll walk along the walkway for the blind and come back."

"No! I must follow you! And I have a mask, sunglasses, and a sun hat, so no one can recognize me."

"Then call me when you are in danger, so I can save you."


Tong Liya responded subconsciously, and then said with a smile: "Master, you are blind now, okay, if you can save me, I should be the one who saves you."

"Who said blind people can't make out what's around them."

Han Changsheng turned around, pinched the lower end of Yaya's mask, and deliberately pulled it down, "It's not easy to wear a mask, but you... cover your chin."

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