
"I'm still cooking."

Han Changsheng had a pencil leg, and said in a bad mood: "Believe it or not, I made you suffer from advanced love cancer."

Tong Liya was stunned for a moment, and said confusedly: "What is love cancer?"

Han Changsheng said with a half-smile, "I'll always be my leader. If I say east, you dare not go west. When I point to a dog, you dare not beat a chicken. And you dare not say a word back."

Tong Liya bit her lip, and finally let the two dimples at the corners of her mouth bloom, her heart was as sweet as if she had eaten honey.

In her current situation, she seems to be in the late stages of love cancer, just... occasionally talking back to the master should still be helpful.

Yaya stopped asking questions here and there, and Han Changsheng heaved a sigh of relief.

He can guarantee that the five people's advanced liver cancer has absolutely nothing to do with him, after all, there is a doctor's testimony.

But if Yaya acted coquettishly and kept asking questions, if he accidentally admitted it, it would be bad.

After waking up, Han Changsheng asked, "Where are you driving now?"

Tong Liya took it for granted, "Go home."

"Don't go home yet, go to the place where the Toyota car was just now."

"What are you doing there?"

"Continue to walk the blind path and experience the life of the blind."

Tong Liya quickly glanced at the rearview mirror, "But those reporters are still following."

Han Changsheng waved his hand, with a strange smile on his mouth, "It's okay, just follow along, entertainment reporters should also make some contributions to society."

Tong Liya raised her eyebrows, and looked at the cars following her with strange eyes.

There are indeed some entertainment reporters who respect their own professional ethics and norms and can make contributions to society.

But among those...those people, it seems that the latter ones...are only for money.

In Yaya's eccentric mind, the Mercedes-Benz Vito parked in the... parking lot just now.

Han Changsheng got out of the car very naturally, and accompanied by Tong Liya, he walked towards the... crossroad just now.

During the whole process, Tong Liya's gaze was always on Han Changsheng, her eyebrows were furrowed from time to time, as if she was hesitant to speak.

But Yaya still refrained from opening her mouth, and was going to go home to talk.

The two walked forward, followed by more than a dozen entertainment reporters with their cameras on.

In those short videos I watched before, the place where the dispute happened seems to be not far ahead.

Then Han Changsheng comes here again, doesn't it mean that there is news again...

Brother Qiang goes to repair the car.

Many of the melon-eaters who watched the trailer clearing the sidewalk before stayed here, pointing at those... cars that drove back to press the sidewalk and cursed.

"What did I say, I said that these cars will come back! What's the matter now, didn't they all occupy this road again!"

"These bastards, everyone has the money to buy a car but doesn't know how to buy a garage, so they have to... block this humanoid road."

"It really pissed me off, I had to... smash their car windows with a brick!"

"Aren't you going to lose money after smashing it? It's better to pour it on it: some red ink that can be washed off, which is neither damage to private cars nor disgusting to them."

"I really hope that young man can come back and clean the car again!"

"He is a big star, and his eyes are blind, so he has no time to pay attention to us."

"It's a pity, what a handsome child, why is there something wrong with his eyes?"

"Do you think that Sang Qiang is really abolished?"

"Didn't it mean that he has advanced lung cancer and is still being rescued, but unfortunately no one is giving him money for treatment."

"He has done immoral things for more than ten years, and now he finally has retribution!"

Ding Ding Ding.

Hearing this somewhat familiar voice, the people strolling nearby turned their heads and saw that...familiar yet unfamiliar figure.

"Hey! The lad is back again."

"Young man, the detectives from Six Doors didn't do anything to you, did they?"

Han Changsheng cupped his hands in the direction of the caring voice, "Grandpa, please take care, there's nothing else to do."


An old man with a white beard brightened his eyes, and praised him: "Young man, although you can no longer see, your ears are still sensitive enough to hear my immortal voice, you are old enough!"

"Grandpa, your voice is full of love and kindness, and the younger generation will naturally be able to hear it."

The white-bearded old man laughed and said consolingly: "Young man, you really want to have your mind. You can't see anything with your eyes. What you see in your heart is much more than what those long eyes can see!"

"Yes, yes, if you are not in a good mood, come and take a walk with us, and we old bastards will chat with you together."

"Thank you for your concern."

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