"Ghost Story"


! We are already scared, do you still want to tell ghost stories to scare us?"

"What are you talking about?"

"The fairy tale just now."

"A long time ago, in a distant country, there lived a Prince Charming whose parents died. Her stepmother was a vicious femme fatale witch. She was afraid that Prince Charming would be too handsome when he grows up..."

"Sir, shouldn't it belong to Snow White? Why did it become Prince Charming?"

"I'm telling you or you are telling the truth and listening!"


In Han Changsheng's magically modified fairy tale, the seven sisters gradually fell asleep...

On the second day, "A Star Language Wish" continued filming in the afternoon.

Because Yang Mi's emotions have not completely come out of last night's incident, so this half-sad state is...very good, and the scenes of her crying were finished very quickly.

And here, the scene where Yang Mi jumped into the swimming pool made Yaya and the others amazed even more.

The eldest sister with pure makeup looks as beautiful as a fairy in Yaochi who has fallen into the mortal world, and the scene of teardrops running across her face makes them unable to help crying.

On August 8th, Han Changsheng took a look at the shooting content, and took a few more shots, and "Star Language Wish" was officially completed.

Han Changsheng did what he said, and held a bonfire party with more than 100 people at night.

One head per person... Roasted whole lamb, plus other grilled food, and boxes of beer, let everyone eat to their heart's content.

Sha Yi touched the beer bottle with Han Changsheng, drank half of the bottle of Old Snowflake in one gulp, and said, "Brother Han, you must let us take a look after you finish cutting this "Star Language Wish". I can’t help but want to experience this poignant love story.”

Han Changsheng laughed and said: "How many years have you been married to Sister Ke'er, if you want to experience love, you are not afraid to go home and kneel on the washboard."

"You have to watch the kneeling washboard, not to mention Ke'er also wants to see it, right my wife?"

Sha Yi was arrogant for a moment, and then withered away.

Hu Ke said with a smile: "I really want to see it, because such a pure love is rare."

Guo Jingfei nodded and said: "I also ask Bao Li to watch it together, so that she can feel the preciousness of love again."

They have filmed quite a lot of love movies, but it is really rare to shed tears on the scene.

Especially this kind of love movie that makes everyone cry, this is the first one, which makes them even more curious about the effect of the film.

Han Changsheng nodded with a smile, "Okay, when the editing is finished and the film is finished, I will definitely invite you to watch it together."

"Then it's a deal, let's do it!"


Sha Yi: "Jing Fei, don't say cheers to brother Han, his drinking capacity is a bottomless pit, and it's easy to overwhelm us all."

Guo Jingfei: "If brother Sha didn't tell me, I would forget about it. Brother Han, we can do whatever you want."

Han Changsheng rolled his eyes, "Cut! Then I'll do nothing!"

Chapter 499 Yaya's eyes are on the master

The summer in Beijing is extremely hot, but after Han Changsheng and his eight got off the plane, it started to rain lightly.

The pattering drizzle of oxen drizzled on the body, which immediately made people feel much cooler.

Fatty saw the beautiful picture of the drizzle, so he wanted to take a walk in the rain.

Then her six 66 sisters had a brain twitch, and brainlessly agreed to this unreliable proposal.

Han Changsheng objected several times, and even resorting to family law could not dispel these girls' romantic feelings.

He had no choice but to make an appointment for half an hour, and let the seven girls wear waterproof shoes and waterproof clothes, and run wildly outside.

It wasn't until the seven girls had been playing around for half an hour that Han Changsheng slapped each of them, "Half an hour is up, let me go home, if you dare to procrastinate, believe it or not, I will use the rolling pin!"


When the Seven Fairies heard this, they immediately put away their playfulness and went home obediently.

The master's family method of slapping is basically loud but not painful, and you can escape by being coquettish and cute.

But if the master uses the rolling pin, it will hurt without making a sound, and it will take three strokes before it ends. Acting coquettishly and cutely is completely useless.

Han Changsheng opened the door and let the seven fairies enter the house. He took the slippers from Tong Liya and waved his hand, "Yaya, don't worry about me. Go get a towel and wipe the rain off your heads. Don't catch a cold."

"it is good!"

Tong Liya responded and left, and then came back with seven towels.

She threw six towels at the six 66 sisters, and helped Han Changsheng wipe his hair with the pink towel in her hand.

And then, Yaya put the towel in Han Changsheng's hand, and just looked at him so directly, the purpose is self-evident.

This girl still hasn't grown up, and her coquettish behavior is becoming more and more invisible.

Han Changsheng smiled understandingly, and took Yaya's personal towel to wipe the water droplets on her hair, gently and carefully.

Looking at the scene of throwing dog food wildly in front of him, Fatty stopped wiping his hair for an instant.

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