It has been many days since the movie was filmed, and she has already gotten out of the fear brought by the master, Han Changsheng said: "Let's go up a little bit, and find out the feeling first."

Yang Mi said hello, and then sang it over and over again, although her singing was getting better and better, more and more beautiful, but she still couldn't sing to the point of making people cry.

She also felt that something was wrong, so she stopped immediately and looked at Han Changsheng eagerly, "Master, is it really okay to sing and cry the audience after the Chinese Valentine's Day? You must know that the people watching this movie are probably couples or couples." what!"

Han Changsheng shook his head, "It's not my goal to make the audience cry."

"Then your purpose is"

"The purpose is to make the audience cry."

The Seventh Sisters were stunned for a moment, and a bunch of small question marks popped up on their heads.

The master's answer with changing the positions of the words before and after, I feel a little brain-burning! Seeing this, Han Changsheng explained: "Because Mimi said that you want to be the heroine of a love movie, so I wrote this movie.

But the purpose of my filming is to tell others that love is sweet.

My purpose is to tell the audience that true love is by your side, it only depends on whether you know how to cherish it.

Those... those who speak sweet words and have empty hearts are all scumbags and scumbags.

Those... who only know how to accompany silently and always care about the people around them are the other half who are truly worthy of love."

The seven sisters were stunned, and then looked at their master.

Accompany silently, always care about yourself, the master is talking about him, is it really okay to praise yourself so silently? See, I'm talking about a man like Onion, not about myself."

"That's right, the master didn't say anything about himself."

The seven sisters nodded in agreement repeatedly, their eyes half-smiles.

The onion was played by the master, it's not because I praised myself "..."

Han Changsheng pressed his eyelids that were constantly beating, stopped talking to the seven girls, closed his eyes and thought about how to make Mimi cry.

Yang Mi observed her master's thinking face, suddenly realized something, and exclaimed in surprise: "Master, don't try to make me cry by jumping off a building, I warn you, you are absolutely not allowed to do that again!"

Swish! Yaya, the six of them stayed together, and then surrounded Han Changsheng together.

You pull your arms and I hold your legs, directly occupying the space around Han Changsheng's body, without a single gap.

Han Changsheng shook his head, shook off Fatty's hug and squeezed his head out, "Why are you six 66 going down?"

Fatty snorted: "I'm not going down......! You're going to jump off the building again."

Han Changsheng rolled his eyes, "Jump you big-headed ghost! This place is tens of meters above the ground, can I survive if I jump in? I'm not stupid."

"You're not stupid, but you have..."

Under the watchful eyes of Han Changsheng, Fat Di broke off the "mental illness" behind him

Three words, and then pouting: "You have to swear that you won't jump off the building."

Han Changsheng: "..."

What would he do for a normal person to make such a stupid oath? He is not mentally ill! Han Changsheng was speechless, but he still didn't break away from Fatty's body lock.

He didn't dare to use too much force, for fear of hurting them.

In desperation, he had no choice but to be brain-dead for a while, pointing his head to the sky and swearing that he would never jump off the building, and only then was he freed.

This relief, Han Changsheng... suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and instantly thought of how to make Mimi cry.

He dragged Yang Mi to the small screening room, and directly played the unfinished "Star Language Wish".

Yang Mi and the six 66 sisters who came with them looked at each other, although they didn't understand what their master meant, they still sat aside and watched obediently, and then they were fascinated by this look.

When the screen came to the last scene, when the meteors were flying across the sky and the onion was about to disappear, Han Changsheng's singing sounded, and the voice had a trembling taste, like crying but there was a feeling of depression that could not cry.

"I want to control myself, so that no one will see me cry... I can't do anything to watch you, let you disappear at the end of the world."

Han Changsheng had just finished singing the last line, Yang Mi, who was already caught in the movie situation, couldn't bear it any longer, and cried directly, and cried very loudly.

Yaya six people 6 were influenced by Yang Mi, and they were also in a sad atmosphere, hugging each other and crying together, tears flowing.

Han Changsheng looked at this unexpected scene, scratched his head dumbfounded, and hurriedly handed out tissues one by one.

He just wanted to make Mimi cry alone, Yaya and the others were crying so hard. After working for a long time, the bitter crying of the seven 7 girls finally turned into a low cry, and then gradually they just shed tears silently with red eyes.

Faced with such a situation, Han Changsheng expressed his satisfaction.

The seven 7 girls are so familiar with the plot of "Star Language Wish", they can still cry like this.

Then when the finished product of this movie comes out, it will surely touch more people.

He hugged Yang Mi, walked towards the recording studio, and sure enough, he heard the sad vibrato that he was expecting.

"Mimi, be more sad..."


Han Changsheng just finished reminding, and before Yang Mi could speak, the most emotional Yaya cried out first, and then everyone from Tang Yan to Fatty started crying.

As soon as the six of them cried, Yang Mi covered her mouth and cried bitterly, and then passed this kind of sadness back and forth several times, and finally recorded the "Star Language Wish" requested by Han Changsheng.

The song was recorded, but Han Changsheng got busy.

It took him 8 hours to completely coax these seven 7 sad girls.

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