"Go back someday"

"the day after tomorrow."

"Then let's go out and buy some gifts tomorrow!"

"Okay, listen to the master."

Liu Sisi smiled sweetly, lowered her head and rubbed against Han Changsheng's shoulder, like a cute kitten...

Liu Sisi's home is in the west district of Beijing, the same area as Yang Mi's home.

The destination is far away from the Han family villa, so we can only drive the Mercedes-Benz Vito there.

Liu Sisi was driving all the way, and took time to look at Han Changsheng, and found that he was looking at the surrounding scenery without showing any nervousness on his face.

She pouted, and said crisply: "Master, this is because the father-in-law and mother-in-law have seen each other too much, so you don't feel anything?"

Han Changsheng looked puzzled, "What do you want to feel?"

Liu Sisi: "Don't talk about being nervous when you see your elder sister's parents, at least you have to be careful. Your lazy appearance doesn't look like a son-in-law meeting his father-in-law, but rather like me seeing my parents-in-law. .”

Han Changsheng scratched his nose and thought for a while, then suddenly shivered, and his voice was nervous and embarrassed, "Sisi, do you think that when I step into your house, will my uncle with a kitchen knife and my aunt with a rolling pin appear?" , and then chase and kill me together”


, My parents are not the king of the mountain, how could they treat you like that!"

Seeing Han Changsheng's tense expression, Liu Sisi immediately smiled, and laughed happily.

She knew that her master's nervousness was faking, but then... so what, what she wanted was... this kind of faking nervousness.

Eldest sister, second sister, they all enjoy the master's tension, if they can't come to her, the master will become as indifferent as he is now, then she, Han Lao Liu, is at a disadvantage.

Chapter 508 Go to its black face!

Liu Sisi's home is near Dashilan in the capital city, within a few hundred meters to the west is Liulichang, and more than a thousand meters to the north is...Tiananmen Square.

The dilapidated building renovation plan has been launched here, so the surrounding buildings look a bit dilapidated, but they also have a historical charm.

More importantly, this is one of the most prosperous areas in the capital, and the bustling flow of people is simply not too large.

Han Changsheng looked at the modern buildings and ancient buildings alternately appearing on the left and right sides.

Let’s take a look at the urbanites in suits and leather shoes, gowns, people in Tang suits and ancient costumes who are constantly moving.

Immediately, there is a sense of space-time confusion where modern civilization and ancient civilization are both around.

Seeing that Han Changsheng was paying attention to this place, Liu Sisi smiled sweetly and said, "Master, how is it here?"

Han Changsheng nodded and smiled, "Very good, you must have been very happy when you were young!"

"Why do you say that"

"Eat Zilanzhai's cakes when you're hungry, eat Wenkuizhai's candied haws when you're hungry, drink tea at Donghongji Tea House when you're free, go to Deyun Club to listen to cross talk, occasionally go to Daguanlou to watch a movie, wear Ruifuxiang's Silk clothes, stepping on Yipinzhai's small boots, don't be too beautiful when you are young."

"That's not the case! The kind of life you mentioned is what my grandfather and the others like."

Liu Sisi wrinkled her small nose, and muttered: "I started learning ballet when I was 6 years old. I entered the Beijing Art School in the fourth grade of primary school, and then I started to live in school. I spent less time playing outside."

"You lived in school at such a young age, so you usually take care of yourself?"

"Of course, the school is under closed management, and you have to issue a leave notice every 15 minutes outside the house.

And every day except for... class is... class, my fingernails, knees, etc... are all worn out, but I never cry."

Liu Sisi raised her exquisite face, looked sideways at Han Changsheng, and waited for his praise.

Seeing this, Han Changsheng immediately hugged Sisi's soft and boneless waist, "You are really strong enough."

Liu Sisi poked her neck proudly, "That's necessary. After I go out to film after I become independent, I always pack my suitcase by myself. It's the best... to be independent."

"Is it"

Han Changsheng raised his eyebrows, and said with a half smile but not a smile: "Then why is our family's Han Laoliu usually lazy at home, except...playing games every day...he eats and waits to die, doesn't he look independent at all? Don't you think so? You and Han Laoliu can't be two people."

Liu Sisi was at a loss for words, then stomped her feet and said coquettishly, "I hate it, master, with you at home, I naturally depend on you for everything."

"But I still have to eat your soft rice."

"Oh! I take a break from time to time. Isn't it good for you to have a hard meal once in a while?"

Han Changsheng raised his eyebrows, "You mean you want to eat my soft rice"

Liu Sisi giggled, "Of course, I find your soft rice tastes better."

The young husband and wife walked for more than a hundred meters and arrived at Liu Sisi's house, a two-story building that had been renovated.

The renovation plan of the dilapidated house in Dashilan had been implemented as early as 201, and given the conditions of the Liu family, it was natural that the renovation had already been completed earlier.

"Mom and Dad!"

When Liu Sisi saw the parents who opened the door, she jumped in and kissed her, and then introduced Han Changsheng with her arms around her.

Liu's father is a little fat, but he has a very good temperament. Except for watches and rings, he has no extra jewelry. He is a Confucian businessman.

Mama Liu is graceful, dignified, intellectual, and Liu Sisi's beauty is obviously inherited from Mama Liu.

Standing together, the mother and daughter felt like sisters.

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