The seven sisters have discussed it. When they were recording "Let's Go, Love" alone with the master, they took advantage of the opportunity of the two-person world, and acted coquettishly and let the master come up with a new script.

Whether it's a TV series or a movie, as long as the script is written by the master, they will always have a chance to be the heroine.

Tong Liya was stunned, then shrugged, "It's true that I didn't get it, I didn't act coquettishly to the master yesterday to ask for a script."

"You didn't ask"

Liu Sisi stared wide-eyed, her face full of disbelief.

They both agreed to love and help each other, why the second sister's words don't count.

After thinking about it, Liu Sisi suddenly became suspicious.

The second sister also wants to participate in the film and television drama written by the master, how could she not ask for it.

She squinted her eyes to carefully look at the beautiful face of the second sister, and tentatively asked: "Second sister, did the master already write you a good script, and you are not willing to share it?"

Tong Liya glanced sideways, and knocked Sisi's little head with her chopsticks, "You were a god at the time, did you think the script didn't need brain cells? Can I let the master rest for a while?"

Liu Sisi covered her head with an 'ouch', pouted and said, "Of course I know that the master should have a good rest, but why didn't you say it before, you have to say it now..."

Tong Liya rubbed her nose in embarrassment, "Didn't you remember that before?"

It's not that she didn't ask for the script, it's just that she forgot about it, but the reason can't be said.

It would be best to push this matter as caring for the master and let the master act as a shield.

Chapter 529 Fatty: The joy of life is to eat and drink enough

At this moment, Yang Mi walked over slowly.

She sat on the other side of Tong Liya, and said with a smile: "Your second sister has already won the Golden Dragon Award for Best Actress, and she is naturally contented and happy, so all her thoughts are basically on the master now, so she naturally doesn't care Did the master... write a script for her?"

"Eldest sister still understands me."

Tong Liya pursed her lips and smiled, admitting it directly.

It's better to be praised than to be said, anyway... She just... cares about the master.

"Tears are a little sweet and a little salty, your fierce chest kisses my side face..."

The three sisters were chatting when Yaya's cell phone rang.

She took it over and saw that it was Ying Bao's phone.

"Yingbao, what's wrong?"

Zhao Liying said bluntly: "Second sister, I arrived at the international airport at [-]:[-] in the afternoon, and Fatty and the others are also on their feet. When are you going to pick us up there?"

"Leave at [-]:[-], and I promise you won't be kept waiting. Big Sister and Sisi will also go."

"It doesn't matter whether they go or not, the main thing is that I want to see the master."

Tong Liya laughed and said: "All right, all right, I will let you see the master at the first sight."

Zhao Liying said happily: "Then wait for the good news from everyone, okay?"

"This girl... only has the master in her heart, and there is no place for us at all!"

Yang Mi curled her lips, as if expressing her anger.

But actually, she wasn't angry at all.

Because her words were changed, her words were basically exactly the same as what Ying Bao said...

At 4:[-] p.m., the seven wives of the Han family reunited at the Han family villa again.

Zhao Liying jumped directly on Han Changsheng, not letting go, "Master's peppermint smell is still so good."

Tang Yan moved to the side and kissed Han Changsheng, and said with a sweet smile: "As expected, the place where the master is... home."

Gu Li Nazha was intoxicated and said: "It's better to have no home in the end."

"Wow! Finally back!"

Fat Di put his arms around Han Changsheng's waist, rubbed it like a kitten, and suddenly rubbed his stomach pitifully, "Master, I'm hungry!"

Han Changsheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Why are you hungry when you come back?"

Di Li Reba grinned, "I missed you so much all the way, I forgot to eat on the plane."

Yang Mi glanced sideways, and said: "Little Fatty, I think you are just... you think the food on the plane is terrible!"

Fat Di blushed and stomped his feet, "I hate you, big sister! If you don't tell the truth, we are still good sisters!"

Liu Sisi covered her mouth and smiled, "Shouldn't it be that she sees through and says, break five, continue to be sisters?"

Fatty turned his head angrily, "Ignore you!"

Han Changsheng felt the lively atmosphere around him, and the corners of his mouth naturally curled up, revealing a happy smile.

Although he likes to be quiet and not noisy, but where is the score?

Naturally, the quieter the study, the better.

But in the living room, the more noisy the better.

He patted Fatty on the back and said dotingly, "What do you want to eat?"

Fat Di said crisply: "Vegetables! Rice!"

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