Tong Liya covered her mouth with a smile, and Fatty pouted sullenly, but her small eyes kept looking at Han Changsheng.

Looking at Fatty's rolling eyeballs, I know what she's thinking.

Half an hour later, Han Changsheng stopped writing, and there were more than 000 words on the two pages of white paper in his hand.

With the plot of "Infernal Affairs", it is natural that more than a thousand cannot be fully described.

But there is a possibility.

Anyway... this outline is just for Hu Ge to have a look, and the subsequent script will be discussed in detail after Hu Ge has read it.

Fatty jumped over directly, shook Han Changsheng's arm and said coquettishly: "Master, let me be the heroine of your new movie! I will obey you obediently, if you tell me to go east, I will never go west, if you let me If you beat a dog, I will never kick a chicken!"

Liu Sisi squeezed in, angrily said: "Skunk Di, can't you leave me a word? You have to... tell me all of it yourself?"

Fat Di squinted at Liu Sisi, "If you are capable, you can change it yourself."

Liu Sisi thought for a while, hugged Han Changsheng and kissed several times, "Master, if you ask me to be the heroine of your new movie, I will obediently obey you. If you tell me to go south, I will never go north. You let me catch fish, I will never kill geese!"

Han Changsheng patted the two little ones, and said with a smile: "Why don't you two be the heroines, you two won't listen to me?"


"Then why should I let you be the heroine?"


The two little ones chattered for a long time, then Qi Qi fell into Han Changsheng's arms and said coquettishly, "We are the two youngest and best-behaved in the family, you have to choose one of us for your new movie."

Han Changsheng raised his eyebrows, and said with a half-smile: "If you really want to count ages, you all seem to be several years older than me, why don't you take care of me?"

"Don't say it!"

Not waiting: Fat Di and Si Si reacted, Yang Mi, Tong Liya and Tang Yan directly covered Han Changsheng's mouth, and glared at him viciously.

The three of them are the eldest sisters in the family, and the most taboo thing is...the age issue, master, this is purely a matter of which pot is not opened and which pot is not lifted! Han Changsheng noticed the knife-like eyes of the three young ladies, and directly swallowed what he was going to say later .

For a moment.....speaking quickly, but...forgot the taboos of these three people in the family.

He patted Fatty and Sisi's little heads, "This show is a man's play, and the role of the heroine is not so much. You are sure to play it."


The two little ones spoke in unison, and the reaction of the mouth was faster than the brain.

No matter how many roles it has, let's talk about the roles first! Han Changsheng said with a light smile: "Then let's just reserve the two of you for the time being. It just so happens that this movie does not require so much acting skills for female characters, so I have time to help you guys." Raise it up."

The words tugged at Tong Liya, and said straight to the point: "Yaya, I do have your movie script, but I can't shoot it this year. I have to wait for Tangtang and Nazha to be the heroines before I can shoot it for you."

"Everything is up to the master, I'm not in a hurry."

Tong Liya kissed Han Changsheng, smiled with a pear in her mouth, and her tone was very sincere.

There are seven sisters in the family, even if it cannot be absolutely fair, it must be relatively fair.

She has already acted in "Green Snake" with a leading heroine, and she also won the Golden Dragon Award for Best Actress for this movie, so naturally she can't be the heroine of an old movie in such a short period of time.

The reason why I said those words just now was just to tease Fatty.

Yang Mi, Ying Bao, Tang Tang and Na Zha glanced over, with envious eyes and sour hearts, but they didn't say anything.

Four of them are 44, two have already been heroines, and two are waiting to be heroines in classic movies.

In such a situation where everything is relatively fair, the envy of Han's second child is...

After all, Second Han obeyed the master's words and obeyed everything. They asked themselves that no one could compare with them.

Seeing that the five 55 sisters didn't compete with them for the leading role, Fatty and Sisi took the script in Han Changsheng's hands and read it together.

"Li Xin'er,

The introduction of the female characters is so simple, there are really very few scenes.”

"There are few introductions, we can only choose one from Li Xin'er, but we have to wait for the master to write out the detailed script before choosing."

The two little ones were whispering, and the staff quickly notified Han Changsheng to prepare for the rehearsal on stage.

Going out to the No. 4 studio, I met Hu Ge and four people [-].

After chatting for a while, the three of Liu and Hua took their leave and left, while Hu Ge stayed behind because of Han Changsheng's eyes.

Han Changsheng stuffed the two pieces of paper into Hu Ge's hands, and said in a low voice, "Find a secluded place to read this movie script by yourself, and don't let outsiders see it."

"Don't worry! I guarantee that only you and I have seen it!"

Hu Ge glanced at the words "Infernal Affairs" on it, quickly folded the two sheets of paper four times, and held them directly in the palm of his hand.

The script that can make this... so important must be very good, and it must not be seen by others.

Han Changsheng rubbed his nose, "You're not the second to read it, Fatty and Sisi were earlier than you."

Hu Ge: "..."

Forgot this one... likes to use his wife as the heroine.

Chapter 537 "My Motherland and Me"

Studio One.

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