When she steals lettuce, she always pulls it from the top, but she never thought it was the wrong way to eat it.

"You, you, when you steal food, you just focus on eating, and you don't know how to pick vegetables.

If I hadn't happened to go to water the backyard just now, you would have pulled all the leaves on it into small vegetables."

Tong Liya shook her head helplessly, then quickly pushed Fatty out of the kitchen.

Just let this little girl pick up some lettuce. If she is really allowed to participate in washing the vegetables, what I eat at night is not roast meat wrapped in lettuce, but roast meat wrapped in lettuce...


Four 44 brand new stoves for grilling meat on iron plates are placed in east, west, south, north, and there are four 44 hot cast iron plates on top.

Noisy...the marinated beef and mutton are put on it, and there is a unique sound of grilling meat.

Wisps of white smoke floated up, and bursts of meaty aroma permeated the air.

The seven gluttonous little girls uncontrollably took a deep breath of the aroma, swallowed, and watched the roast meat turn brown little by little.

The seven of them didn't even eat lunch for the barbecue dinner in the evening.

Hungry and coupled with this mouth-watering aroma, it is really almost unbearable.

Han Changsheng used his chopsticks to hold those... roasted meats, quickly turned them over one by one, and nodded two minutes later: "It's almost ripe, it's ready to eat."

"Whoa! Let's eat!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, this barbecue is... delicious."

"Master's handicraft, paired with lettuce grown by our family, this taste is even better!"

"Master, hurry up, we wrapped this for you."

Han Changsheng looked at the seven lettuce-wrapped meat in front of him, and smiled wryly in his heart, but he had to take them one by one and eat them mouthful.

These girls think he has such a big mouth, who can bear to feed seven 7 at a time.

Before Han Changsheng finished chewing the food in his mouth, he waved his hands repeatedly to the seven girls, "You guys eat too, don't worry about me, it's not time for me to show off yet."

The seven sisters looked at each other and started eating with a smile.

The master has a big belly and is not used to eating slowly.

Then the seven of them will eat a little bit first, and then...then help the master make barbecue together.

Chapter 541

In the morning, Han Changsheng woke up on time.

Breaking away from Mimi's holding his hand, she rolled over to the ground and looked outside.

It rained last night and the ground was a little wet.

Perhaps because of this, there are very few early birds, and the surroundings seem a little quiet.

Han Changsheng stretched his waist and moved a few times before going outside.

When he was about to go out, he adjusted the sleeping positions of Fatty and Sisi, and covered them with a thin blanket.

The sleeping position of the two little ones is too messy, if they don't cover them with a thin blanket, they will catch a cold easily.

When I walk into the kitchen after washing up, the first thing I do is... boil eggs.

Today is Mimi's... Boss Han's birthday, she hesitated to speak several times last night, just... wanted to talk about this.

But in the end I still didn't say anything, probably because I was afraid that I would lose face if I said it.

Before the water boiled, Han Changsheng began to knead the noodles, mix the stuffing, then make steamed dumplings with fresh shrimp, and cook three delicacies wontons.

After finishing everything, when she was stretching the birthday noodle in her hand, she heard Mimi's voice coming downstairs.

The footsteps stuttered and paused: , with three points of 3 hesitation, three points of 3 hope, four points of 4 exploration.

A minute later, Yang Mi appeared at the door, looking at everything in the kitchen.

Steamed buns, wontons, noodles... Eggs When Yang Mi saw the eggs tumbling in the pot, her uneasy face instantly smiled like a flower.

When the master cooks breakfast, he seldom boils eggs, and now it should be for her birthday.

Thinking of this, Yang Mi ran into the kitchen happily, jumped onto Han Changsheng's back, put her arms around his neck and kissed him.

Han Changsheng turned his head, and then dodged in disgust, "You haven't washed your face or brushed your teeth, so don't kiss me!"

Yang Mi hugged tightly with both hands, leaned forward and took a mouthful, pouted and said coquettishly: "No! Just kiss you!"

"Hurry up and wash up, if you don't...you'll smell bad after washing."

"You said last night that I smell good, okay?"

"Last night was last night, today is today, you have to pay attention to your personal image when you celebrate your birthday"

Yang Mi was overjoyed, she beamed and said, "You still remember my birthday?"

Han Changsheng curled his lips, raised his hand and nodded his head, "Don't underestimate my memory, I have engraved all seven of your 7 birthdays here."

"Yes, yes, my master is the smartest!"

After Yang Mi finished her compliment with a smile, she jumped off the floor to wash up.

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