Sun Honglei looked up at Duan Yihong, his gaze was cold and sharp, like a sharp steel knife, wanting to cut the person in front of him to pieces.

Duan Yihong didn't seem to feel anything about this look, she still looked at Sun Honglei with a smile, her playful look was like a sharp sword, meeting the steel knife look.

And at the moment when the eyes of the two met, the interrogation room that was built suddenly fell into a depressing atmosphere.

The air seems to be pinched, making people around have a feeling of poor breathing.

The people behind Sun Honglei and Duan Yihong swallowed their saliva in unison, their hearts started beating wildly.

Aura! And it's a double aura show! Liu Tao behind the monitoring room was amazed.

She didn't know whether to say that the director Han Changsheng has a good vision and can invite these two actor-level veteran actors, or should it be said that these two veteran actor's acting skills are too good.

In the first scene of starting up, the auras of each of them were aroused in this gaze, which directly produced such a rare scene as a wild scene.

Biaoxi is not called Biaoxi when two first-rate actors play each other.

This is the effect of two top actors colliding in a once-in-a-lifetime situation.

This is equivalent to Huashan Lunjian in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes". Only these two can participate in the competition, and everyone else will be suppressed by the aura of the two.

Liu Tao can see the scene of the drama, so Yang Mi and others can naturally see it too.

But their eyes didn't fall on the two film kings, but kept staring at Han Changsheng.

If the auras of the two film kings are like the sea, my master is like a needle in the sea, allowing the two auras to surge around his body, but he still remains motionless.

Fat Di scratched his head, pointed at Han Changsheng's lazy figure leaning against the wall and said in a daze, "It's strange, the other actors are all nervous, why is the master so careless?"

Yang Mi tapped Fatty's forehead, and said angrily: "The books the master told you to read are all in vain."

Fatty raised his eyebrows, "You can understand what it means?"

Yang Mi said arrogantly: "Why can't the master now have dual identities, he is not only an undercover agent sent by Huang Zhicheng in the triad society, but also Han Chen's subordinate.

The many years of undercover career made the master feel a lot of resentment, and he was naturally happy to watch Huang and Han fight endlessly.

So this kind of dissociated situation outside the two people's aura is the best performance without a trace."

"So that's how it is, big sister is really amazing!"

"That's a must, otherwise how can I be your eldest sister."

Liu Tao glanced at the arrogant Yang Mi in surprise, and then at Han Changsheng who was drifting in the waves on the monitor, his eyes were full of splendor.

She always thought that the acting skills of the seven sisters of the Han family could barely reach the first-class level, and the actresses and actresses they won were just a fluke.

Now I realize that the reason why they don't come out often these days is because they are studying and studying every day, constantly sharpening their acting skills.

Just as the Seven Sisters muttered and Liu Tao exclaimed, this classic scene ended.

Sun Honglei and Duan Yihong looked at each other, clapped their hands across the table, and smiled at each other.

They are really lucky to have accepted this drama now, otherwise there would not be a situation where they would play with each other, which is too rare and exciting for them.

"Clap clap...!"

Han Changsheng watched the scene just now, and applauded the two film kings, "You two are worthy of being film kings, this scene is a one-off."

Sun Honglei grinned, "Director Han, you must be flattering me, but I accept it.

In addition, I have to say, Director Han, you are the one who is really powerful, you are not affected by us at all, and you still have the time to observe the people around you."

Duan Yihong gave Han Changsheng a thumbs up, and said with a smile: "What Honglei said is what I want to say. I always thought that your ghost emperor and god emperor were good actors, but now I realize that you are really acting in your true colors. .”

"The two film kings praised me together, and I'm really a little smug!"

Han Changsheng joked a few words with a smile, and began to direct everyone to a collective special, preparing to shoot the next scene.

And when everyone was busy, Han Changsheng walked up to the silent Hu Ge and said in a low voice, "How do you feel?"

Hu Ge breathed a long sigh of relief, and said excitedly: "The film king is worthy of being the film king, this aura is... strong.

Although I was stressed, I learned a lot from them.

I think even if this one can't break through itself, the next one or the next one can break through."

"That's good, I'm also looking forward to your best actor trophy."

Chapter 553 Honing Fatty and Sisi's Acting Skills Alone

The first scene of "Infernal Affairs" got off to a good start, and everyone was naturally extremely excited and happy.

In such an emotional atmosphere, the subsequent shooting speed is very fast.

On the first day, Wu Lei's young Liu Jianhuang finished his youth.

On the second day, Zhang Yishan's young Chen Yongren finished his youth.

On the third day, Liu Tao's Qing.

On the fourth day, Duan Yihong's Huang Zhicheng and Sun Honglei's Han Chen finished.

On the fifth day, Hu Ge's Liu Jianhuang finished.

On the sixth day, the two heroines, Di Lieba and Liu Sisi, and the remaining scenes of the male protagonist, Han Changsheng.

The reason for filming this way is because the other actors have their own affairs to be busy.

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