Fatty's role has been successfully completed, and next is... Liu Sisi's Li Xin'er.

This girl put on a psychological therapist's white urban beauty small suit, and matched it with a long black hairstyle, which is very intellectual and elegant.

Han Changsheng took a look at Liu Sisi for a few times, then pulled her hair from the sideburns behind her ears, and praised with a smile: "Not bad, little Sisi, you are dressed up like this, you are refreshing, unrestrained and capable!"

Liu Sisi raised her white jade-like neck slightly, and said arrogantly: "Don't think that the eldest sister and the fourth sister are domineering female presidents in our family, as long as I put on this dress, I will be like them, a proper queen fan !"

Fat Di smiled and nodded, "Sixth Sister is right! What Domineering said is...Sixth Sister is like this!"

Liu Sisi's smiling face froze, and she grabbed Pang Di angrily, "Little Pang Di! How dare you arrange me!"

"I'm not complimenting you, it's just that you didn't hear it!"

"Fart! Do you think I'm stupid? You're choreographing me!"

"Wow! Master, help me! Sixth Sister is going to eat people!"

Han Changsheng caught the two cubs, and slapped each of them, "Hurry up and film, if you keep making trouble, you won't be able to go home tomorrow."

"Fatty, I'll let you off for now! You can go home tomorrow."

Liu Sisi glared at Fatty, walked obediently to the chair and sat down, and subconsciously glanced at Zhao Liying, who was staring at this place.

The main task now is filming, otherwise the fourth sister's birthday dream will be delayed, and the fourth sister will explode.

The shooting speed of Liu Sisi's lens is much faster than that of Pang Di.

The Li Xin'er she plays only has a crush on Han Changsheng, and doesn't have much inner drama.

Even if the two had such a brief moment of love, in the end there was no result.

So although her shots are more than Fatty's, the time taken is about the same.

At 4:7 p.m., "Infernal Affairs" officially wrapped up, and the wrapping up banquet was scheduled for 0:[-] p.m.

Seeing that Yang Mi had already booked the air ticket to fly back to the capital tomorrow morning, Zhao Liying's heart sank immediately.

Although when I go home tomorrow, the time has already reached the afternoon.

But it is also very good that she can spend half a day alone with the master on her birthday.

Chapter 554

Seeing that Zhao Liying finally smiled, Liu Sisi immediately remembered what she hadn't done just now.

She had the corner of Han Changsheng's clothes, and showed him the pocket watch in her hand, "Master, shouldn't my psychiatrist add a picture of hypnotizing you?"

Han Changsheng frowned, and looked at Liu Sisi suspiciously, "Why do you have one more picture of you hypnotizing me?"

"Because I have read a lot of books about hypnosis and practiced it specially.

In addition, doing this can show that I am a psychiatrist with a higher level, and after I like you, I can reflect the charm of your handsome uncle!"

"You really think so"


Han Changsheng rubbed his nose and stared at Liu Sisi for a few times, then fell down on the recliner when her eyes dodged, "Then you can try."


Liu Sisi winked at the six sisters and gathered around Han Changsheng.

Then, Liu Sisi, the main hypnotist, flashed her pocket watch in front of Han Changsheng, "From now on, adjust your body to the most comfortable posture.

Please close your eyes and you will start to relax.

You are very sleepy, very sleepy, you want to sleep, and you want to relieve your tiredness with a beautiful dream."

Han Changsheng stared at the shaking pocket watch, then looked at Liu Sisi, and made the girl's eyes follow the pocket watch to swing from side to side.

At a certain moment, the corner of Han Changsheng's mouth curled up, his voice was gentle and mixed with a trace of magnetism that soothed the soul, "Sisi, are you tired, go to sleep!"


Liu Sisi answered in a daze, closed her eyes and tilted her head, and fell asleep directly.

If Han Changsheng hadn't caught it in time, she might have fallen to the ground.


The six Yang Mi sisters were still a little confused under Han Changsheng's voice.

But when Liu Sisi fell down, they were immediately shocked.

The six sisters stared at Xiao Sisi who was knocked down instead of being hypnotized with wide eyes, and then looked at their master, swallowing nervously.

How could it be that Xiao Sisi, who used the hypnotic technique, was unsuccessful, but it was the master who knocked Sisi down with a single sentence? Could the master also be able to hypnotize Han Changsheng? "Do you know what Sisi wants to hypnotize me for?"

"No... I don't know."

The six sisters looked at each other, shook their heads repeatedly, and resolutely refused to say anything about what they had discussed before.

Han Changsheng raised his eyebrows, "I really don't know if I will hypnotize you and ask you everything out of your mouths."

Uh... the six 66 girls were stunned, and then Fat Di obediently kicked Liu Sisi into the pit, "Sixth sister said that after hypnotizing you, you will say a hundred love words about us, and then record them and send them to you." Show off online."

"Is it"

Han Changsheng squinted his eyes and looked at Dui, with a half-smile and said: "Why do I feel that you are the one who can do such a thing?"

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