Han Changsheng kept his hands on his hands, and his voice was still full of machismo, "I know your stomach doesn't hurt, so I give you a good press first, so that no one can help me after you hurt for a while."

Ying Bao ate a lot of snacks last night, God knows if he will have an attack today.

The best way is... to help her digest it first, and make sure she doesn't have a stomachache.

Otherwise, he would really become the milkman of seven girls.


Zhao Liying grinned obediently, her eyes narrowed with a smile.

The words on the master's mouth are machismo, but the gestures in his hands are obviously a warm man.

Han Changsheng doesn't care what Zhao Liying thinks, he presses her: After finishing her stomach, let her watch her six 66 sisters on the third floor, and go downstairs to cook alone.

The six 66 girls are all sick, so they must not be able to eat normal food, so they have to cook nutritious meals.

Pour a small bowl of washed yellow rice into the casserole, add nine small bowls of water, put a small handful of wolfberry, and start cooking directly.

Fill the bottom of the steamer with cold water, put seven small bowls of beaten egg liquid on top, and steam the egg custard directly with cold water.

Boil water in a cooking pot, cook a pot of longxu noodles, put no onion or oil, just put a pinch of salt and a handful of rapeseed.

After Han Changsheng finished all these tasks, more than an hour had passed.

Going up to the third floor, I wanted to call the seven maids down for dinner, but only Ying Bao was awake.

As a last resort, I had no choice but to bring all the three foods with suitable temperature to the third floor.

"Master, I will help you."

Seeing this, Zhao Liying hurriedly prepared food to be the feeder.

Her strength to support the sisters can't last long, but it's okay to help feed them.

Things are different from what Zhao Liying thought.

Fat Di six 66 stayed up all night and got acute gastroenteritis, everyone was sleepy.

This nutritious meal was fed... It took two hours to finish feeding, and at the end Ying Bao's hands were so sore that he couldn't lift them up.

Seeing this, Han Changsheng picked up a bowl of egg custard, scooped up a spoonful and handed it to Ying Bao's mouth.

Zhao Liying's heart warmed up, she shook her head and said, "Master, you are quite tired too, let me eat by myself."

Han Changsheng said with a smile, "I can't get tired of this little work, so you can eat with peace of mind."


Yingbao smiled sweetly and enjoyed the same treatment of being fed.

Chapter 562 You Can Use Adjectives?

Yang Mi's six sisters got sick, and Han Changsheng was busy for two days and two nights.

Not to mention sunken eye sockets, unshaven beard, and exhausted.

It's not that his medical skills can't cure this minor illness, it's because the six 66 girls have a long memory.

If they were sick, he would cure them immediately, and Pang Di and the others would definitely think that this mass illness incident is a trivial matter.

But is this a trivial matter? This means that he showed up in time. If he and Ying Bao came home two hours late, what would happen to these six 66 girls?

In addition, there are other benefits of not curing immediately.

For example, enjoy the collective favor of six 66 girls.

Di Lieba thumped Han Changsheng's shoulders, and said with a smile on her face, "Master, I'm all to blame for this incident, but don't worry, I promise there will be no next time."

Without raising his eyelids, Han Changsheng said slowly, "You mean you won't eat ice cream anymore."

"Absolutely not... Three boxes a month is okay, except for the first seven days, and one box a week after that, I promise I won't eat too much!"

Fatty is about to raise his hand and swear never to... eat ice cream, but he still can't bear the deliciousness of ice cream.

But it's not her fault either.

As a foodie, food is so powerful that she might destroy her vow.

Han Changsheng raised his eyebrows and squinted at Fatty.

Seeing her resolute attitude, nunuzui clicked on the letter of guarantee on the coffee table, "I don't believe in your empty promises, so I signed that letter of guarantee. If you do it again next time, don't blame me for using a rolling pin to teach you a lesson."

"...I sign!"

Fatty looked at the guarantee letter and thought for ten seconds, and finally signed his name.

She saw the master's fatigue in her eyes and felt pain in her heart.

One more... once such a thing happened, she would surely die of guilt.

With Fat Di as a role model, Yang Mi, Tong Liya, Tang Yan, Gu Li Nazha and Liu Sisi also signed their pledge.

The content is... more or less, that similar things like tonight are not allowed to happen again. As for whether they can do it, it depends on whether they want to suffer from the rolling pin.

Han Changsheng glanced at the six guarantee letters, nodded in satisfaction, and then fell asleep with his head tilted.

With his physical condition, it's nothing if he doesn't sleep for two days and two nights.

But as a human being, sleep is a basic requirement.

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