
"Do you still need to ask? Who can steam egg custard so ugly!"


!Can’t I make mixed vegetables?”

Yang Mi blushed, still unconvinced.

"I made this dish yesterday, okay?"

Han Changsheng poked at Yang Mi's words without saving face, pointed to the boiled eggs and said, "I guess these few eggs are because you saw that the egg custard was not steamed well, so you quickly boiled them to make up for your image!"


Tong Liya and Tang Yan didn't speak, but silently nodded.

When the eldest sister boiled the eggs, she even asked them how long to boil them, otherwise the eggs would have to be boiled and cracked.

Chapter 563 Yang Mi's Fantastic Ten Billion Director

Han Changsheng sat down to have breakfast, Tong Liya stopped him suddenly.

She picked up a piece of beef pie and put it in front of Han Changsheng, "Master, we will feed you breakfast today."

Han Changsheng couldn't laugh or cry, "It's not that I don't have long hands."

Tong Liya insisted: "It doesn't matter whether you have long hands or not. This is our expression of gratitude for taking care of us for two days and two nights. If you don't eat, it means you are still: angry with us."

Han Changsheng was amused by Yaya's childish words, but he had to open his mouth to take a bite of the beef pie that was brought to his mouth.

Chewed it a few times and swallowed it into the stomach, then nodded with satisfaction, "It tastes good, it's as good as my strength."

"My lord, and mine."

Yang Mi picked up the egg custard she made, scooped up a spoonful and handed it to Han Changsheng's mouth, "Open your mouth."

Han Changsheng clenched his teeth tightly, and squeezed out a voice, "Your egg custard looks like dark cooking, you won't poison me to death."

Yang Mi's face flushed with anger, "It's not poisonous, I tried it before, and it tasted pretty good."

Tang Yan smiled and said: "Elder sister steamed it three times, and the first two were thrown away. The third time was helped by elder sister's guidance. It is indeed edible."

Han Changsheng sniffed it and saw that there was no special smell, so he ate the egg custard in doubt.

He swallowed the food, and said to Yang Mi: "This egg custard is indeed not poisonous, but you should stop trying, your talent as a chef is really not good."


! "

Yang Mi stomped her feet, but stopped talking about continuing to work hard, because she really didn't have the talent to be a chef.

Tang Yan took a spoonful of eight-treasure porridge and said with a smile, "Try the eight-treasure porridge I cooked."

"Well, it's the same as your smile, it's still so sweet."

"It's not as sweet as the master's mouth."

The three 3 girls, you have a chopstick and I have a spoon, and they soon fed Han Changsheng to his full.

Tong Liya and Tang Yan cleaned up the dishes, while Yang Mi sat on the sofa with Han Changsheng and talked about things.

"Master, when will your "Infernal Affairs" be released?"

Han Changsheng thought for a while, "The editing can be finished in a few days, let's arrange the release now!"

Yang Mi was surprised, "But it's not a hot sale now, or else it will be released after the Spring Festival."

Han Changsheng laughed and said: "I'm making a gangster movie, not a comedy movie, and the two male protagonists are both dead. Do you think this kind of ending is suitable for release during the Spring Festival? Are you sending happy new year wishes to the audience, or are you making trouble for them? went"

Yang Mi was stunned, and then struggled: "But if it's released now, it won't be able to catch the National Day file, and it won't be able to catch the Christmas file. The box office may be lower than expected."

There are 12 months of movie schedules throughout the year, the best is... the Spring Festival, the Lunar New Year period.

Because it occupies the two special holidays of Spring Festival and winter vacation, it is considered the top schedule.

The other one is... the summer file, which is top-notch.

The second-rate schedule is... May [-]st, the National Day file, which is a multi-day statutory holiday, and the last third-rate schedule is... Qixi Festival, Valentine's Day, etc.

And the one chosen by the master, obviously the streaming schedule is not as good as the one with no festival schedule.

Han Changsheng asked: "What is your estimate?"

Yang Mi fisted with her left hand and slapped her right hand, "At least [-] billion."

Han Changsheng shook his head, "It's too much, up to one billion."

Yang Mi's eyes widened, "How come there are so few? You and Hu Ge are the two male leads, even if the male supporting role and Sister Tao are also movie kings and powerful actors, plus Sisi and Fatty are even more popular."

Han Changsheng explained: "This is a police movie, not a comedy movie. The audience has a wide range, so the upper limit of the box office is naturally not high."

Yang Mi sighed, and said dejectedly: "I still hope that the box office of "Infernal Affairs" can exceed 12 billion, so you will be the director of tens of billions."

Han Changsheng put his arms around Yang Mi and kissed her forehead, comfortingly said: "There's nothing to worry about, this one is less than [-] billion, won't the next one be there? Also, don't just stare at her. At the movie box office, look for more capable actors, and try to sign them to Honey World, otherwise I have to find someone outside every time I make a movie."

Yang Mi pouted: "Actors with strength are the pillars of other film and television companies, so they won't let them go.

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