Feng Dagang reminded: "Then Han Changsheng's filmmaking speed is too fast, and he can't relax his vigilance until the Chinese New Year."

Wang Erxin understood and said: "Don't worry, I didn't guard against him last year, and this year it won't happen again."


April 4, Saturday.

At [-]:[-], "Infernal Affairs" will be screened nationwide.

There are very few movies released in this time period, and the only big production is "Infernal Affairs".

As a result, the screening rate of "Infernal Affairs" is as high as 50%.

There are more than [-] screens in the country, and "Infernal Affairs" alone occupies [-], which is the number one in the world.

But even so, the attendance rate of the first game was still only a little over 50%.

As Han Changsheng said, there is a certain range of audiences for police and gangster films, and not everyone likes them.

Dozens of spectators entered the screening hall and looked around with surprise in their eyes.

"Why are there so few people?"

"It's been said in the group, our mentally ill Han says don't watch "Infernal Affairs" if you don't like gangster movies, he's not bad at the box office.

So I didn’t buy one.”

"I've also heard that our Han mentally ill said that instead of... spending money, it's better to make some dumplings for your parents. At the very least, it's a filial piety and you can eat enough."

"Hey! I decided to watch it because of what he said, but I brought my daughter-in-law back to my house yesterday, and made dumplings for my parents to eat."

"Filial enough! Worth learning!"

"Learning +1"

"Shh, it's starting."

The lights go off and the screen flickers.

Depressing music appears.

[The Nineteenth Volume of "Nirvana Sutra"::: The most of the eight hells is called the endless hell.

It is named for the meaning of suffering uninterruptedly.

】A temple appears.

Amidst the bursts of Zen sounds, Han Chen with a serious face appeared on the screen with a vicious look.

Opposite Han Chen, the young Liu Jianhuang stood out.

"Five years ago, in Daxing Village, Tuen Mun, the parking lot at the entrance of the Royal Palace Restaurant opened auspiciously. My brothers and I have great ambitions."

"Who knows that it has been less than half a month since it opened, and it has been wiped out by an average of [-] every day...


"In one year, six 66 brothers died."

After saying that, Han Chen suddenly turned around and bowed to the golden Buddha: "Buddha bless you!"

"The fortune-teller said it would be a success, but I don't agree with it. I think it's up to you to decide whether you live or die!"

"You and I have the shortest days and the cleanest foundation. You can choose your own path."

"I wish you all the best in the six doors, cheers, future officers!"

When the screen changes, the school with six doors.

Young Chen Yongren began to answer questions, and when he mentioned Huang Zhicheng's socks, there was a burst of laughter.

Time passed slowly, and when the words on the screen became the words "Infernal Affairs", the plot of the movie officially unfolded.

The young Chen Yongren became Han Changsheng's decadent middle-aged Chen Yongren.

The young Liu Jianhuang also became Hu Ge's middle-aged Liu Jianhuang.

It was the first confrontation between the two male protagonists, but it passed peacefully, without any conflict.

But when Chen Yongren and Huang Zhicheng met at the front desk, the audience could clearly feel Chen Yongren's irascibility.

Every time he speaks, the first sentence is very choking.

But maybe he remembered his identity as a policeman, and after a pause, he would still say what he knew.

The plot kept going down, the audience's eyes kept staring at the screen, but their brows were furrowed from time to time.

In their perception, although there are many colors in this movie, there is a feeling of violent collision of light and darkness.

Especially the deaths of Huang Zhicheng and Han Chen made them feel depressed and depressed.

Only when Liu Sisi, Di Lieba and Liu Tao came out, could they feel a different warm tone in those few minutes.

When the time reached 93 minutes, a sudden shot on the black screen made everyone tremble in fright, staring blankly at Chen Yongren who was shot in the forehead and slowly fell down.

"Damn it! The death of the decent hero is different from what I thought!"

"This Han Changsheng really dares to shoot! He is a decent villain, how did the Ministry of Rites pass the trial?"

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