They know that the master has all kinds of magical secrets, and they don't want to inquire about the master's secrets.

But as women, they are too curious about this kind of skin care secret.

"I don't need to use skin care products, because the biggest reason why my face is so tender is... -"

Han Changsheng bent his mouth and raised his eyebrows, "I am younger than you."

Tang Yan put away his smiling face, pinched Han Changsheng's face with both hands, and said angrily, "You're so young! I'll pinch you into forty or fifty years old! See how young you are!"

In the Han family, age is the biggest taboo issue.

This is especially true for their first three sisters! The master said this in front of her, isn't it equivalent to sprinkling salt on her heart! Han Changsheng's eyes fell on Tang Yannenbai's thief, Said in a deep voice: "Take your hands away, be careful I will clean you up!"

"Joke! This is my parents' house. If you dare to beat me, believe it or not, I will yell and let my parents reprimand you."

"You can do it, you wait for us to go home and see how I deal with you."

"I'm not afraid of you when I go home with my elder sister and the others helping me!"

Tang Yan replied with a guilty conscience, turned around and went into the bathroom, and ran back to the room in a hurry.

If the master really wants to teach her a lesson, how can the six sixty-six sisters in the family dare to help her, they are not bad if they don't help the master...

After breakfast the next morning, Tang's father and Tang's mother were afraid that Han Changsheng would be bored, so they asked Tang Yan to accompany him for a walk.

Han Changsheng didn't refuse, because he still had little contact time with Tang's father and Tang's mother, and the conversation still couldn't be fully opened.

Maybe chat often, and after a period of precipitation, the embarrassment that still exists will disappear.

The two got into the car, and Han Changsheng asked, "Let's go there?"

Tang Yan said: "Why don't I drive wherever I want, and I will count wherever I go"

"Yes, you are the landlord, just don't sell me."

"Come on, you are the most treacherous in our family. If you sell me, I will count the money for you."

Han Changsheng raised his eyebrows, "Then let's give it a try and see how much you can sell it for."

Tang Yan bit his lip and poked out a look, "I hate it.

, I will not be fooled!"

While talking, the car drove out of the gate of the community, wandering around aimlessly.

When walking around Zhaozhou Road Nostalgic Food Street, Tang Yan suddenly said: "Master, why don't we go in for a walk?"

"You are hungry"

"No, I want to take you to taste the local delicacies of Modu.

By the way, buy some for my parents to eat, so they don’t have to cook at noon.”

"Then go in."

Han Changsheng nodded, looking at this food street with curiosity.

As the saying goes, people regard food as their heaven.

Eating is very important to... everyone, so naturally he can't quit this good habit.

Chapter 569 I Help You Not Because of Remuneration, Purely Out of Filial Piety

Tang Yan hugged Han Changsheng to Nostalgia Street, bounced and walked forward, happily introducing the situation here.

"The long-legged noodle soup here is very special. If you are in a bad mood or the weather is bad, couples will come out of the stall at any time when they are in a bad mood. This is the only one in the whole devil."

"There is also the slap in the face that has been imitated all the time. The boss is said to be the son of the person who slapped Du Yuesheng back then."

"There is also grandma's soy milk, spicy pork noodles..."

I don't know whether Tang Yan grew up here or was greedy since she was a child. She knows this place like a treasure.

The two walked and ate all the way, the food in their hands never broke, and the food in their mouths never stopped.

After all, Tang Yan's belly is still relatively small, and he can only eat a small portion of each food, so he was almost full.

Most of the food went into Han Changsheng's stomach, but it made him feel good.

This is indeed a nostalgic food street, the ingredients are more refined, and the taste is very authentic, quite in line with his taste.

The two of them were eating the fried beef buns in their hands, when suddenly the cheering crowd ran forward.

"Hurry up, the battle between the Japanese devil and that spicy pork shredded noodle restaurant is about to begin."

"Didn't it say that the time is twelve o'clock at noon? Why is it an hour earlier?"

"It is said that the master chef of the spicy pork shredded noodle restaurant requested it. Who knows why."

"Don't worry about the reason. Didn't they say that if you are a taster, you can eat for free? Then hurry up, first come, first served."

Han Changsheng and Tang Yan looked at each other, ate the fried beef buns in their hands in two or three bites, and walked forward with the crowd.

The competition is still a competition with the Japanese devils, so I have to see it anyway.

As you move forward, a competition field appears in front of you.

The area can be more than [-] square meters, and the crowd outside is full of people, maybe there must be thousands of people.

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