What's so great about the six 66 sisters having this gadget, not only is Fatty made by the master, but there is also another original one.

Han Changsheng hugged Fatty's weak and boneless body, and said in a low voice: "Do you know why Mimi and the others asked you to accompany me to go out to shoot?"

Fatty took it for granted, "Go out and play."

"Don't you know that's work? Walking in the fields must be hard work and hard work."

"I know."

"Then you should go down"

Fat Di hugged Han Changsheng and kissed him, put his arms around his neck and said sweetly: "Because if I am with the master, the master will definitely take care of me, how can I suffer? And even if I suffer, I will definitely feel the same when I am with the master." Not bitter."

Han Changsheng was stunned for a moment, pinching Fatty's chubby face and staring at her shining eyes, "You are really good at talking, you almost moved me to tears."

Fat Di raised his hand and touched Han Changsheng's eyes, pursed his lips and said, "You liar! You haven't even shed a tear, so you're so touched!"

"I worked hard, and I should be crying soon."


!Fake crying is not... touched!"


Early the next morning, Han Changsheng and the others started to get busy.

Not only to pack your personal luggage, but also to bring your camera equipment with you.

After everything is ready, the Han Changsheng team of the "Bite of the Tongue" filming team got on the Volvo bus and set off officially.

Their first stop was to go to the nearest Sui County, Xishan Province, looking for the old Huang in Han Changsheng's memory, and taking photos of his yellow buns.

It's really easy to find Lao Huang. His yellow steamed buns are very famous in Desui County, so Lao Huang is also very famous.

When Han Changsheng and a group of people appeared in front of Lao Huang with a camera on his shoulders, this...the old man with a frosty face was suddenly taken aback.

Seeing this, Han Changsheng quickly walked out and introduced, "Hi, old man Huang. My name is Han Changsheng. We are recording a food program called "Da Ming on the Bite of Tongue". This is our work ID."

After saying that, Han Changsheng took out a newly printed certificate and handed it to Old Man Huang.

This document was made at his suggestion.

There are four rows of characters printed on it, including Ministry of Rites, China Television, Zhang Yimou's studio, and Mixing Tianxia.

There is also a phone number for inquiries from the Ministry of Rites.

In addition, there is only his name on it, and there is no job title.

Uncle Huang looked at the business card, then sized up Han Changsheng, and suddenly said with a strong Desui accent: "I seem to have seen you before, you are the one... I hate it.


Di Lieba glanced at Han Changsheng's dark face, lowered her head and smiled.

It was the first time she heard of someone who did not know the master but remembered his annoying character.

When Fatty smiled, Old Man Huang immediately looked over, and then suddenly said: "I have seen you too, you are that... Xiaoqing."

Fat Di smiled politely: "Hello, old man Huang, my name is Dili Reba, and I'm also Xiaoqing in your mouth."

Old Man Huang grinned innocently and said, "Hello, hello, you are all big stars!"

"Wherever there is a big star, it's just a job."

Han Changsheng took back his work permit and said, "Uncle Huang, we need to film a part of your life as a yellow bun. I don't know if it is possible."

"Ok, Ok."

"This paragraph will be cut into the documentary. Do you have anything to avoid, such as not being allowed to pat your face, or compensation, etc. You can just mention it to me."

Uncle Huang asked curiously: "Will I be able to be on TV after filming this thing?"

Han Changsheng said with a smile: "Yes, there is a high probability that it is Shangzhongshi."

Uncle Huang was overjoyed, and happily shook his big rough hand, "Then you still advertise for me, I don't want to pay, I don't want to pay."

"Then thank you, Uncle Huang."

"You're welcome."

"Then you start selling yellow buns, we don't bother you, just take pictures on the sidelines."

"Yellow buns! Yellow buns from northern Shaanxi!"

"My one from Kangjiagou, the one from Desui! My one is the best!"

"No Ma Wei!"

When the recording started, Han Changsheng was immediately shocked by this high-pitched and down-to-earth shouting dialect.

He can feel that once this old man Huang sells his yellow buns, he doesn't care whether there is a filming next to him or not, he just... really sells his yellow buns.

Uncle Huang's yellow steamed buns are really popular.

After more than an hour of filming, more than [-] yellow buns were sold out.

After selling the yellow steamed buns, everyone boarded the car they had hired in advance and followed Old Man Huang back to his home in Kangjiagou.

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