But he is also a person who reciprocates, he wrote a post-viewing article on the way home, and posted it on Nazha's Weibo, which can be regarded as promoting Brother Xia Bo's new movie...

Huayi Film Center Cinema.

The main creators of "Da Tang Xuanzang", Wang Er, Feng Dagang, Huang Daxuan and others are all there.

After several people were interviewed, they drove and left.

Looking at the colorful world outside, Wang Er suddenly said, "Then what happened to Han Changsheng recently?"

Feng Dagang thought about the recent news, "I heard that he attended the premiere of Huang Bo's "A Good Show", and the rest of the time he has been working on that food documentary."

Wang Er nodded and said: "It seems that the news we have inquired is the same. His food documentary is probably enough for him to keep busy for a while. I'm afraid it won't be completed a year ago."

Feng Dagang: "This is what you have been worried about"

Wang Er nodded, "I have to worry, I have high hopes for "Monster Hunt 2", and I must not let: Han Changsheng make another new movie that can be released during the Spring Festival."

Huang Daxuan had been listening to the conversation between Wang Er and Feng Dagang just now, and now he asked curiously: "Then is Han Changsheng so powerful?"

He had been preparing for "Da Tang Xuanzang" for a long time, but before...he had heard of the name of Han Changsheng, but he didn't expect to be so valued by these two.

These two are Brother Huayi's second boss and leading director, and they are also people who can make mountains and rivers shake when they stomp their feet.

And in his memory, Han Changsheng seems to be just a dark horse genius! Just a director.

Feng Dagang's eyes flickered and he said: "He is the only director in the country with [-] billion yuan, and the box office of five films has exceeded [-] billion yuan. You can imagine how appealing his films are."

Wang Erdao: "If he makes another Lunar New Year film for the Spring Festival, the screening rate of "Monster Hunt 2" will definitely drop, and the actual box office will be much lower than our expected box office. I have to guard against it."

The two have strong envy, jealousy and hatred towards Han Changsheng.

Feng Dagang is envious of Han Changsheng's director ability, and another Wang Er is envious of Han Changsheng's ability to make money.

If these two abilities can be distributed to the two of them, their careers will definitely go to a higher level.

Huang Daxuan took a deep look at Wang Er and Feng Dagang, and remembered the name Han Changsheng in his heart for the first time...

The hustle and bustle of the outside world has nothing to do with Han Changsheng. After attending the premiere of Huang Bo's "A Good Show", he once again devoted himself to the editing work of "A Bite of the Tongue".

After finishing the samples in his hand, he began to edit the samples sent back by Zhang Yimou and Liu Hongyan.

In this clip, the problem was immediately discovered.

Zhang Yimou is worthy of being Zhang Guoshi. Under the 4 HD cameras, he vividly expresses the beauty and delicacy of the food, and even has the illusion of sparkling.

Just looking at the smell of cooking smoke slowly floating on the food, it seems that you can smell the fragrance of the food.

In contrast to Liu Hongyan's samples, the same 4 HD camera, the same beauty, the same delicacy.

But amidst the gorgeousness and delicacy, there are always a few disgusting pictures.

Selenium-enriched rice, Arowana soybean oil, Himalayan rock salt, small pots of tea... There are also various shop signs, red seals on porcelain, chopstick marks... Although these pictures flash by, they are always given such a close-up shot, which makes people It's hard not to notice.

"This Liu Hongyan is really good enough, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, tea, tables, chairs, benches, pots and pans, he almost went to the mountains to cut firewood himself!"

Han Changsheng looked at those... advertising screens, and laughed out of breath.

He's not a saint, he really doesn't mind adding commercials to the documentary.

But that was after the money was paid, and on the basis of ensuring the quality of the film! Liu Hongyan’s sample film is not bad, there is an advertisement every two or three minutes.

It is estimated that after cutting the sample of Liu Hongyan, an advertisement can be played and flashed in about a minute.

Is this an ad in a documentary or a documentary in an ad?

Chapter 584 Do what you can, or leave if you can't!

Han Changsheng watched the samples of China TV, directly entered the WeChat group of "A Bite of the Tongue", and uploaded a small clip that was edited, "Director Liu Hongyan Liu, when you are shooting downstairs, can you stop giving all kinds of products? What I want to shoot in close-up is the relationship between people and food, not the relationship between food and products.”

There was no reply in the WeChat group for a long time, and then Liu Hongyan suddenly jumped out, his words were extremely sharp.

"Han Changsheng, what do you mean I have worked so hard to make so many high-quality films, why do you deny it in one sentence, what qualifications do you have to teach me in the documentary industry with your qualifications?"

Han Changsheng: "Because I am the chief planner, chief producer and chief director of "A Bite of the Tongue"! If you, Liu Hongyan, are really good, go out and shoot another "Bite of the Tongue" by yourself! Don't put your qualifications here with me! "

Han Changsheng: "Also, are you sure you worked so hard to take the samples? From what I can see, three-quarters of the samples in your group were taken by other groups, right?"

Han Changsheng: "A quarter of the shots you took, every clip has a close-up shot of various markers, don't think you're stupid, I'm just as stupid as you!"

Liu Hongyan: "Okay! You, Han Changsheng, can do it! I'm quitting, so you can find whoever you want."

After the words fell, Liu Hongyan immediately withdrew from the group.

It stands to reason that Liu Hongyan, as a senior executive of the China Television Recording Channel, shouldn't be so irrational.

However, she is a woman, and her sensibility is naturally greater than rationality.

And she was teased by Han Changsheng once before, and now he finds her in the WeChat group to expose her shooting techniques, it's no wonder she doesn't blow up.

Zhang Yimou and Shan Qiyu watched the short video that Han Changsheng passed into the group, and silently shook their heads.

In the short two-minute short film, there are actually 4 close-up shots of commercials, otherwise they would have to call back and reshoot.

It's just that they won't be as straightforward as Han Changsheng, a young man.

But Han Changsheng's sudden outburst made them overjoyed.

Because Han Changsheng, who is so rare, fits the appearance of the genius in their minds.

Young geniuses should always be full of vigor, not dull like them.

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