But if it was placed under Liu Hongyan's hands, he might be crushed to death by her little tricks.

In addition, if it is super hot after the rebound, it means that Liu Hongyan can eat it without any effort.

Chen Xiaoheng rubbed his nose, and said with a strange expression: "Liu Hongyan has been transferred to another department, and now I'm taking over the record channel."

Suddenly, Han Changsheng pulled Yang Mi up and walked out, "Congratulations to Director Chen, I'm going back to edit "Bite of the Tongue"."

Chen Xiaoheng said anxiously: "But Director Han, the broadcast time hasn't been fully set yet."

"From New Year's Day, there will be one episode every night, and it will be on your record channel at [-]:[-] in the evening. Don't worry, I will cut the sample very beautifully. It will make people hungry after watching it."

"What about advertisers?"

"What's the use of saying so many good things to the advertisers? Everything depends on the quality of "A Bite of the Tongue". I think you should look forward to how some villains surnamed Liu will vomit blood after "Bite of the Tongue" airs." .”

"...a bull man"

Everyone sighed secretly.

The only one who can hate Liu Hongyan so unscrupulously... is the master.

Chapter 585 How did you survive being beaten three times a day?

["A Bite of the Ming Dynasty" Investment Promotion Conference is as deserted as winter, no one is optimistic about it] [The broadcast time of "The Bite of the Tongue" is adjusted from the 8:[-] prime time of China TV to the record channel late at [-]:[-] in the middle of the night::, you can see "The Bite of the Tongue" The two films were internally recognized by China Television] [Han Changsheng became "Han Ten Billion"

Afterwards, he was proud and arrogant, and wanted to switch careers to film documentaries, but now he finally encountered Waterloo]【Genius director "Han Baiyi"

Encountering the first crisis, will it become Hu Zhongyong] When Han Changsheng edited "Bite of the Tongue", the outside world was full of Han Changsheng's draft.

The top 1 of major media websites all list Han Changsheng and "Bite of the Tongue".

Suppress all the popular drafts of "Monster Hunt 2".

Even the incident of a certain female star Yizhichan was suppressed.

Those who know, understand that this is collective bad-mouthing of Han Changsheng.

Passers-by who don't know, thought that Han Changsheng spent a lot of money to buy so many trending searches.

Honey travels the world, editing room.

Di Lieba walked in angrily, with a loud voice, "Master, these bastards are too hateful, they talk nonsense without watching "Bite of the Tongue", I really want to kill them!"

Han Changsheng put down the tool in his hand, turned around and hugged Fatty in his arms.

"First, these... Yu Ji rely on nonsense to make up their food, so it's not worth getting angry with them."

"Second, every girl should look like a girl. Don't let yourself be free and say anything when you get married."

"Third, I said that I want to edit "A Bite of Tongue", and I also said that it's not dinner time, so don't disturb me, so..."

Han Changsheng gave Fatty a dangerous smile.

Before Pang Di could react, he bent Pang Di directly and pressed him on his knee.

Then, the right hand was raised high.


"Oh! Master, I was wrong, why don't I go out now!"

Fat Di was beaten and waved his hands and feet, but he couldn't escape the strength of Han Changsheng's big hand.

"What's the use of saying you're wrong, you'll really know you're wrong after you've beaten it."

"Clap! Clap! Clap!"

Han Changsheng slapped him a few more times before Fatty broke free and ran out of the editing room.


Fatty ran out of the editing room with his face scratched, covered his back and said aggrievedly: "Master is so unreasonable, I complained for him, and he beat me!"

Yang Mi smiled and said: "You can be content, Yaya went to ask the master to have dinner at noon, the master almost changed his face, but fortunately he doted on Yaya enough and remembered what he said, otherwise Yaya would have to be talked about. "

Fat Di pursed his lips enviously, "The master is too kind to the second sister, it's not fair."

Tong Liya glanced over and snorted, "If you think it's unfair, let's switch.

You go to the kitchen every day to help the master and clean up the house.

I'll just learn from you, just throw yourself on the sofa every day, don't do any work, just drink, or...just...playing games."

Fatty thought about the picture of the second sister's hard life, and was frightened and shook his head, "I won't trade with you, I am the most favored Han Laoqi in our family!"

Living heartlessly at home every day is very happy.

Unlike the eldest sister, the second sister, the third sister and the fourth sister, the two are busy with company affairs, and the two are busy with family affairs, so don't be too tired.

Tong Liya scolded with a smile: "If you don't provoke the master every day, you must be the most favored, but I wonder, how did you survive when you were beaten three times a day?"

Tang Yan teased: "I was beaten by the master three times a day, more than a thousand times a year. Her back is very solid, and she is no longer afraid of beating."

Yang Mi said with a half-smile: "Little Fatty, you have been beaten so many times by the master, but your figure still hasn't improved. Obviously, you have been beaten too little. Do you want my sisters to help you beat you up a few more times?"

Fatty caught the eyes of the three 3rd sisters, covered his back and ran away, "You are... jealous of me, Hong Guoguo's jealousy!"


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