Open it and look, there is a rich list of New Year's goods on the top, worth tens of thousands, and there is a sentence at the end.

Han Changsheng: Director Chen, I didn't give you this New Year's goods for the record channel, but for yourself from your record channel. Keep in touch on New Year's Eve. I think you will call me...

January 1st, New Year's Day.

Han's Villa.

After dinner, it's not even 7:[-].

The seven sisters of Yang Mi turned on the TV and tuned to -Record channel.

They don't look at what's on it, they just check the time on their mobile phones, and then keep flipping through the articles on the Internet.

At some point, one or both of them will look up at the TV and realize that "A Bite of the Tongue" hasn't started.

After sighing, he continued to look down at his phone.

"It's half past ten!"

At a certain moment, Fatty suddenly exclaimed.

She threw the phone away, and didn't care if her teammates scolded her for being a jerk, she sat cross-legged and just stared at the TV.

Tong Liya stared at the countdown on the upper right corner of the TV.

Said: "Where is the master?"

"Where is the study?"

Yang Mi answered casually, before Fatty had already rushed out.

The little girl banged on the door of the study and shouted loudly: "Master! "Bite of the Tongue" will start broadcasting soon, come out and watch TV!"

"Come on."

Han Changsheng came out in response, and walked to the living room following the fat and pulling movements, and saw the six 66 girls staring at the TV screen.

He sat next to Tong Liya, smiled lightly and said, "It's half past ten, shouldn't you go to bed?"

Tong Liya shook her head and said, "Our letter of guarantee says it's eleven o'clock, and there's still half an hour left."

Yang Mi echoed, "The first episode of "A Bite of the Tongue" is only [-] minutes long, so it's okay to go to bed [-] minutes later."

Tang Yan pointed at the TV, "It's started!"

Swish! Eight pairs of eyes stared at the TV without making a sound, even Han Changsheng did the same.

This is a documentary he brought over with his own hands, and I want to see if it is still popular.

After the beautiful music, the golden wheat and various mouth-watering foods floated by in sequence.

The names of Han Changsheng, Zhang Yimou, Shan Qiyu, Chen Xiaoheng and others appeared in sequence.

Tong Liya exclaimed: "Is this the picture taken purely with a 4 HD camera? It looks so beautiful!"

"The picture is so clear, and the food is so exquisite that it shines, so it's naturally beautiful."

"But Master's cut is more critical."

Fat Di swallowed, and said greedily: "I was just tired when I was filming, but after the editing of the master, I feel hungry after watching it!"

Liu Sisi glanced sideways, "You are hungry after eating, you are worthy of being a foodie."

Fat Di picked up the grapes on the coffee table, threw them into his mouth three by two, and said vaguely: "It's been several hours, okay? Besides, I'm still young, and I'm still growing up."


Seven of Han Changsheng's 7 looked at Fatty with uneasy eyes.

Once this little girl starts eating, she can always find all kinds of excuses.

But this is the first time they have heard such a speechless excuse like "still: growing body".

"During the Ming Empire, the various changes in natural geography allowed the Ming people living in different regions to enjoy completely different and rich staple foods."

As soon as Han Changsheng's voice came out, Little Pang Di pointed at the picture of the lazy donkey on the TV like lightning, "Did you see, this was filmed by me at the old man Huang's house in Desui County with the master, and I went up to push it How many times do you hit this big stone mill?"

Yang Mi was surprised, "You can remember this"

Fat Di pursed his lips and said: "Of course I can remember, I only pushed it a dozen times, and my hands are already blistered."

"You can do it."

The six sisters were speechless.

The one who can do this kind of thing at home is Fatty...

China Television, recording channel monitoring room.

Chen Xiaoheng stood in the middle with his hands behind his back, his hands clenched tightly, his veins popped up, and he looked very nervous.

In front of him is a monitoring screen composed of twenty or thirty TV screens, and the largest one in the middle is the recording channel of...

I have been busy for nearly two months, success or failure depends on it.

Whether to drink and eat meat in high spirits, or fall into the abyss under the ridicule of those people, it depends on tonight! Chen Xiaoheng took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "What is the current real-time ratings?"


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