Best Feature Film, Best Cinematography for Infernal Affairs, Best Soundtrack for Infernal Affairs, Best Screenplay for A Star Language Wish, Best Supporting Actor for Infernal Affairs, Duan Yihong for Infernal Affairs.

Counting the previous three 3 awards, Han Changsheng's two films won a total of eight 8.

Then, in the best actor category, "Infernal Affairs" exploded again.

"The winners of this year's Golden Dragon Awards for Best Actor are Han Changsheng who plays Chen Yongren in "Infernal Affairs" and Hu Ge who plays Liu Jianhuang in "Infernal Affairs"!"

The double yolk egg is still the actor's double yolk egg. What's wrong with the Golden Dragon Awards this year? Is it because the members of the jury have collectively lost their minds? Ge's photo, and the surprised people below couldn't help lowering their heads and laughing.

The contrast between the two photos on the screen is too obvious.

Hu Ge's photos, suits and leather shoes, meticulous hair care, and An's handsome appearance made the eyes of the female audience under the stage shine.

On the other hand, Han Changsheng had an unshaven beard, disheveled hair, and bloodshot eyes.

It was made by him drinking to express Chen Yongren's violent mood between black and white.

In the end, I don't know who took the photo of him, and then it became the winning photo.

Han Changsheng glanced at Yang Mi and Tong Liya, "Who took this picture for me?"

Tong Liya immediately shook her head and said with a guilty conscience: "It's definitely not me!"

Han Changsheng said angrily: "It seems that it is... you."

"Why do you say that"

"I denied you before I even asked, myself, who else but you"

Tong Liya bit her lips timidly, "Who made you so attractive back then, I couldn't help but took a picture of you?"

Han Changsheng was speechless, "Then can't you get me a more handsome one and hand it in, what does this mess look like?"

Tong Liya contradicted unconvinced, "This is not called mess, okay? This is called melancholy and decadent. Didn't you see how attractive your temperament after growing a beard is? Fat Di and Sisi were drooling at that time."

Liu Sisi and Di Lieba opened their mouths, and then retreated after the second sister took out the mobile phone photo.

When the two of them played with the master, they really swallowed, and it was obviously photographed by the second sister.

"Director Han, it's time to go on stage."

Han Changsheng wanted to say something more, Hu Ge has already started to be low, but now the two are on stage to receive the award, they must not procrastinate at the bottom, it does not mean that they are contemptuous of the jury.

Han Changsheng stood up and hugged the people around him, then he smiled at each other and walked forward together.

This time, Han Changsheng and Hu Ge were awarded the horns: two old artists, Li Xuejian and Xie Fang, won the trophy.

Facing these two people, Han Changsheng took them with both hands very politely, and his attitude was...a junior.

These two old artists have been in the arts for many years older than his age, he is a proper junior, and his attitude must be correct.

After the two old artists left, Han Changsheng and Hu Ge were ready to speak.

Hu Ge motioned for Han Changsheng to come first, but Han Changsheng didn't give way.

"I said last year that I don't want to go further and further down the road of supporting roles, so I rushed to play the leading role this year.

It seems that the judges are more positive about my hard work, so they gave me such a trophy for best actor, but what I don't understand is why only half of it is given to me because my photo is not as handsome as Lao Hu, but why mine The wives are more obsessed with my decadent appearance”

Hu Ge spoke at the right time, "What Director Han asked is what I wanted to ask, why is my trophy only half because my photo is not as decadent as Director Han?"

"Ha ha ha ha.……"

The people in the audience looked at the exquisite Han Changsheng, and then looked at the two photos on the big screen, and burst out laughing.

Comparing these photos, Hu Ge is really more handsome.

Han Changsheng's photos are another kind of decadence and melancholy.

Zhang Yi stood up with a smile, pointed at Hu Ge and said, "The reason the jury can give is that... Liu Jianhuang is dead."

"Ha ha.……"

When the laughter starts again, everyone will understand.

Liu Jianhuang, played by Hu Ge, is an undercover agent placed by the gangsters in the six doors.

This role is inherently unflattering.

In the first [-] minutes of "Infernal Affairs", no one thought that Hu Ge could compete for the best actor.

But an accident happened.

Two leading actors, two supporting actors, four 44 most important male characters all died in the end.

The shock caused by such a scene is unparalleled, because this is the first male movie in which all male protagonists die.

It is also because of this that Hu Ge was able to get the first actor trophy in his life.

Hu Ge also realized this, and began to express all kinds of thanks, three or five, and the sentences never left Han Changsheng.

Han Changsheng had no choice but to thank Hu Ge from time to time, making Hu Ge also the focus.

The two finished their testimonial speeches and were about to step down, but Han Changsheng was stopped by the staff of the organizing committee.

"Director Han, can I trouble you with something?"

"Please say."

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