Han Changsheng's face darkened, and he closed his eyes to rest his mind, and turned on the out of sight, out of mind mode.

It was a mistake for him to come out today, he didn't hate him, and he was hit in various ways...

Han Changsheng got out of the car and went to the test site of Qian Sanyuan and others, and his mood finally recovered.

These ... students of the Royal Academy of Engineering are really good, and there are indeed all kinds of robots, large and small, in the exam works.

Small: The surveying and mapping robot is only one finger long and short, and it can climb over the mountains and forests below 45 degrees. It is extremely flexible.

The big one... the 5-meter-high one can move around in the area below three meters, it's just... like walking on the ground.

And not only robots, but also various other machines in their test pieces.

Low-altitude drones, robotic arms, and exoskeleton running armor are all their test works.

"Master, look quickly, this is the dancing robot that Sanyuan gave me! Isn't it beautiful?"

Fat Di happily ran to Han Changsheng's side, showing off the metal-colored robot the size of a palm in her hand.

"Qian Sanyuan is so generous that such a high-level robot will be given to you"

Han Changsheng began to doubt.

This dancing robot does not have any external power supply and remote control, and it is slowly dancing the mechanical dance in the palm of Fatty, which obviously has an autonomous program.

This kind of robot has to be tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands. It’s not right to give it away for nothing. I have to give it back to her after the exam.”

"Then be careful, don't let others play badly, then we will have to lose money."

"Master, can't you copy it? You can take it apart and have a look and restore it. By the way, help me make a dancing robot, okay?"

"Forget it! I don't want to mess up the original if the new one doesn't come out after it's disassembled."


Stepping....What else did Fatty say, a female student suddenly rushed into the examination room and grabbed Qian Sanyuan, and then frantically ran to the opposite dormitory building, "Sanyuan, don't take the exam now! Sister Li is going to jump off the building ! Hurry up and save her!"

Everyone who jumped off the building was stunned, then turned around and ran out with the female classmate and Qian Sanyuan.

Even those... the invigilating teachers are the same.

At the moment of human life, no exam is important, the most important thing is to save people first.

Han Changsheng followed the flow of people to the dormitory building not far away, and found a circle of people downstairs.

Dozens of students are anxiously getting the emergency air mattress underneath, but the... air mattress will not be able to get back up for a while.

Han Changsheng looked up and found a girl standing on the top of the six-story dormitory building with a height of nearly twenty meters.

She said something excitedly into it, and then jumped down directly.


Everyone didn't expect that the girl jumped as soon as she said it, and was immediately frightened and screamed.

The emergency air mattress downstairs is not ready yet.

If it falls, the tendons will be broken, and the most feared thing is... just leave! I'll wipe it! I'm not pretending, I'm really going to commit suicide! Han Changsheng looked at that... jumping down the stairs, cursed secretly Then, out of instinct, he rushed out directly.

While he was running like lightning, he was also quickly observing the situation below the dormitory building.

On the right side is a low flower bush, and there are a few green trees about two meters in length and the thickness of an arm.

On the left is a row of bicycles and nothing else.

After saving people, you have to fall to the right. If you can step on a tree, you can use your strength.

If you fall to the left, you may be injured by the bicycle.

By the time Han Changsheng had decided on his landing route, he had already fled to the downstairs of the dormitory.

With a sudden step on the ground with both feet, it flew directly to a height of two meters.

The right foot kicked on the anti-theft iron window on the first floor, and it flew more than two meters into the air again.

But Han Changsheng was able to jump up to the height of five meters, because the girl had already fallen down.

Han Changsheng stretched out his hands, and the girl hit his arms directly with super-heavy strength, making a rattling sound of bones colliding.

Fortunately, the girl fell flat, and the dormitory building is not too high, and Han Changsheng reduced the height by five meters.

Otherwise, Han Changsheng's arm would be broken at most, and this girl's bones might have to be broken.

Chapter 597 The Brain Circuit Is Too Clear

When Han Changsheng caught the female student who jumped from the building, his up and down force made the two of them stay in the air.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Han Changsheng kicked on the wall, hugged the girl and fell to the small tree on the right.

The small tree he stepped on snapped and he fell to the ground by the force of the shock.

The whole process talked a lot, but it took less than five seconds.

And when the sound of Han Changsheng's landing footsteps reverberated, everyone came back to their senses.


Qian Sanyuan exclaimed, and ran over like crazy.

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