Han Changsheng happily patted the horse's head on Treading Snow, and his eyes fell on the seven little ponies behind Treading Snow.

The red, black and blue ones with a shoulder height of 2 meters are small red dates, small black dates and small green dates.

The remaining four brown foals, less than one meter tall at the shoulder, were just born a while ago.

The attitudes of the seven little foals towards Han Changsheng were different. They were red, green and black, and came to Han Changsheng's side to sniff the familiar scent on him, and they stood still excitedly.

The other four were a little timid, like children meeting strangers.

"Mr. Han, these are the other four foals I told you about. They were all born last month. They are all of the blood of Treading Snow, so their quality is very good."

Balth walked slowly, gently stroking the pony beside him, with the most sincere smile on his old face.

He has lived for horses all his life, and what he hopes to see most is... the prosperity of the horse farm.

Seven foals were born this year, and the quality was unprecedentedly good, so he was naturally very happy.

Han Changsheng: "Thank you, Uncle Balth."

Balth: "It's not hard, I'm very happy."

Han Changsheng chatted with Balth for a few words, and revealed the purpose of this.

Balth hesitated for a moment when he heard this, and reminded: "Mr. Han, although treading snow is a bloody horse, it's best not to run too much every day, otherwise it will be very difficult to recover."

"Don't worry, we only ride two to three hundred kilometers a day. With the speed and physical strength of walking on snow, there is no problem at all."

"That's good."

Balth breathed a sigh of relief, smiled apologetically, and left directly.

He reminded because he likes stepping on the snow too much and doesn't want it to get hurt.

But since this...Mr. Han is also very distressed about Taxue, it is inconvenient for him to talk more.

Er, Er, Er...Taxue heard from Rainbow that he was going to go on a long-distance trip, and immediately ran to Han Changsheng excitedly, biting his clothes, and was about to set off.

Han Changsheng smiled and said, "Don't worry! I have to rest for a night with Nazha, and I have to prepare some things. Let's set off tomorrow morning."

Tata...Taxue paved the ground a few times, and finally calmed down slowly.

As soon as it was quiet, Han Changsheng also started to prepare items for the long journey.

He brought things like a change of clothes and a tent, and what needs to be taken away at the ranch is...the rest.

The first one is....emergency beef jerky and cheese and other high-calorie foods.

These foods can be stored for a short period of time, and the only thing to be prepared for is...the occurrence of natural disasters and man-made disasters that lead to no food.

Because you can enter the city by riding a horse, but...you can’t take the motor vehicle lane, so you can eat in the cities along the way to replenish energy.

This thing is available in the racecourse, but...it is easy to get three to five, catties, and two sheepskin water bags.

The second thing to prepare is a soft horse pad.

This time, it was not a trip around the Han family racecourse, a multi-kilometer long-distance trek.

He himself is a rough old man... he's in a panic, it's too expensive to prick his body and flesh.

In addition, they didn't want to change a pair of trousers every time they rode for a while, so it was better to get a soft cushion.

This thing is not common in the horse farm, there are saddles in the horse farm instead of soft cushions.

But Han Changsheng couldn't be bothered, he made a soft cushion out of sheepskin from the racecourse, and put it on Ta Xue's body to cover the middle part.

At the beginning, Taxue was not used to it, but Han Changsheng fell in love with it after running around with it in his arms.

Because of this soft cushion, it can run freely without suppressing the speed.

The third thing Han Changsheng prepared was long-range protection, such as bows and arrows.

He is not afraid of close combat, but he is afraid of long-range combat.

With a bow and arrow at least...with self-protection measures, and can tell others that they are not easy to bully.

Bows and arrows are very common in the prairie, but there is no good bow in the racecourse, so the old man Barth asked Han Changsheng to go to the Yingwu Ranch tomorrow morning to find a good bow.

Han Changsheng and Gu Li worked together to get everything ready that night.

Early the next morning, the two walked out of the yurt, already dressed and tidy.

The two wore high-top sneakers, a pair of long-sleeved trousers, a sand-proof hat, a sand-proof face towel and oversized sunglasses.

Han Changsheng was carrying a big backpack, and Gu Li Nazha had a small backpack hanging in front of him, which contained the supplies they needed along the way.

The two were about to leave when Balth came.

He handed out the complicated and exquisite pendant in his hand, "Mr. Han, this is the sign of our Han Family Racecourse. Please hang it on the horse's back. This way you can enjoy a lot of convenience and reduce unnecessary troubles."

"Thank you, Uncle Balth."

Han Changsheng took a few glances at this pendant with some kind of totem meaning, hanging directly outside the cushion.

He hugged Gu Li Nazha onto the back of Taxue's horse, and turned directly onto the horse, "Taxue! Let go... let's run!"



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