Han Changsheng picked some topics as topics, mainly the delicious food, beautiful scenery and cultural affairs on the road.

As for earthquakes, sandstorms, rainstorms, etc., he didn't mention them.

There is also a rainbow chattering along with it in the middle, which makes the chat not too awkward.

More than an hour later, the meal was ready, and Gu Li Nazha had finished taking a bath.

Her skin is still wheat-colored after soaking for so long, but after soaking off the dust on her body, she feels refreshed.

"Wow! It smells so good, you can tell it's my mother's cooking when you smell it!"

Gu Li Nazha took a breath of the fragrance in the air, and immediately salivated.

She happily ran to the dining room, grabbed a piece of braised beef and stuffed it into her mouth, without any image.

Nazha's mother came out with the meal and glared at her second daughter, "You start eating before the longevity is served, there are no rules at all."

"It's okay, Changsheng dotes on me very much."

Gu Li Nazha smiled, and then helped to hold the bowl and chopsticks, and also helped to serve the rice.

With Nazha acting as an intermediary, plus her reverting to her unrestrained character after returning home, the dinner was quite enjoyable for both guests and hosts.

After the meal, Gu Li Nazha helped clean up, and then was kicked out of the kitchen by her mother, "I can do this by myself, you and those who have traveled a long distance are also very tired, go to rest quickly."

"Ha... let's go to bed then, and I'll help you make breakfast tomorrow morning."

Gu Li Nazha yawned and rubbed his somewhat confused eyes.

She also drove a day's journey today, and she really couldn't stand it anymore.

Nazha turned and walked out of the house, and shouted to Han Changsheng who was feeding the snow-treading soybeans: "Brother Changsheng, go back to sleep."


Han Changsheng responded, and patted Taxue's head, "Sleep well, and I'll take you to take a bath in the river tomorrow."

"Bah, bah..."

Ta Xue nodded cheerfully, along the way, it also hasn't bathed for several days.

"Master, don't worry, I will accompany Taxue."

Rainbow stood on Ta Xue's head and flapped its wings, like a big sister.

"Okay, I'm at ease with you here."

Han Changsheng smiled and nodded Rainbow's little head, reminded him again, and then returned to the house...

Nazha's house is just like hers, with aloofness and blue tones, only a few Pikachu doll pillows expressing her girlish heart.

Han Changsheng scanned around, and held his forehead speechlessly, "If you sleep in this room in summer... it's pretty cool, but won't you catch a cold if you sleep in winter?"

Gu Li put on a new pillow, and said crisply: "The temperature in the room is related to the heat of the earth, not the color."

Han Changsheng shook his head, "But it has something to do with your mood. Looking at the sea blue every day, your heart will not be as wide as the sea, but as cold as the sea."

Gu Li stomped her feet in disbelief, "How can I be so tall to know that we are together or I am after you."

Han Changsheng spread his hands, "That's it... But why didn't I see what gift you gave me? You said that I got a marriage certificate with you without mentioning anything. Isn't that a bit of a loss?"

Gu Li threw away her hand angrily, threw herself directly into Han Changsheng's arms, and said... a mouthful to his heart, "Don't be unreasonable, you are a man and I am a woman, I and you Do I have to give you a gift?"

Han Changsheng's words are strict and righteous, "Shouldn't it be?"

"should it be"

"Shouldn't it be"

"should it be"

The two quarreled for a few words, and suddenly there was no sound.

But it turned out that I didn't know who moved his mouth first and blocked the mouth of the other person.

Han Changsheng was arguing with Gu Li Nazha, when the door suddenly opened, and Nazha's sister came in anxiously, speaking quickly, "Can you two talk calmly when something happens, can you not be arguing...arguing"

Sister Nazha finished her last sentence word by word, then she suddenly exited with a flushed face, and then closed the door with a click.

Sister and brother-in-law are enough, arguing one second, and mouth-to-mouth the next second, it really leaves her, a sister, speechless.

Gu Li Nazha's body froze for three seconds, and then punched Han Changsheng, and said coquettishly, "I hate it.

It's all you, now my sister saw it! How can I see her!"

Han Changsheng shrugged nonchalantly, "Just being seen by your sister, not by your mother, that's not bad.

But we just... just kiss, you have nothing to be shy about, your sister has never seen it before."

Gu Li Nazha bit her lip and stared at Han Changsheng, "You're not shy, otherwise let's continue."

Han Changsheng blinked, and put the tie directly into her quilt, "Forget it, you have been tired for several days, and sleeping well is more important than anything else."

Seeing that Han Changsheng didn't dare to make any big moves, Gu Li Nazha pouted contemptuously and muttered "coward"

Han Changsheng's face darkened, and instead he slapped Nazha, "Shut up! Go to sleep!"

This is Nazha's home, and it's the first time his son-in-law has come here. It's better to be quiet at night than anything else! Gu Li Nazha sensed Han Changsheng's embarrassment, covered his mouth and smiled secretly, and then held the little finger of his right hand The head draws circles on his heart.

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