Seeing this scene, the onlookers who were eating melons were immediately amazed.

"What a spiritual horse! Not only can it save people in the river, but it can also respond."

"Treading snow has the blood of sweaty BMW, so it is naturally spiritual."

"That's got to be raised by someone. The one we went to...the racecourse had... there were pure-blooded horses, and they all didn't look very smart."

"If you want me to say that Han Changsheng has the ability, one stepping on the snow and one rainbow, this spirituality is nothing to say."

"Rainbow is really clever. Without its cry, my precious daughter would not have been rescued so quickly."

"Yes, yes, if Rainbow doesn't shout, the four 44 children will be in danger."

As soon as these words came out, the people around who praised him suddenly froze for a moment.

They glanced at the two little girls, then hurriedly turned their heads to look at the other child who had rescued ashore in the distance.

Taking care of these two little girls, I forgot that there are four children in total.

After a while, news came from the people who eat melons.

"Those two children...were rescued, but...the time they fell into the water was a bit long."

"I heard that the critical period can be overcome, but it's hard to say how long it will be."


The little girl with princess braids suddenly muttered something, which stunned the people around her.

The father of the little girl with princess braids frowned and reprimanded: "Jiajia, you can't talk like that,"

The little girl with ponytail next to her pouted and said, "Why can't Jiajia say that? It was the two of them who pushed us into the water!"

The little girl with princess braids nodded repeatedly and said aggrievedly: "The reason why we fell into the water was because they pushed us, and when we panicked, we dragged them into the water too."

An old lady next to her shook her mobile phone, "I was taking pictures of the surrounding scenery just now, and I took a picture of the situation just now. It was indeed those two little boys who pushed these two little babies into the river."


People around saw the real picture in the video, and immediately stood beside the two aggrieved little girls.

It's just that they opened their mouths, but they couldn't say anything, and their eyes were a little weird.

This matter seems to correspond to a sentence, bear children who do bad things will be cleaned up by God, and retribution will be a matter of time.

While the people eating melons were sighing, the four 44 bear parents came over with their bear cubs in their arms.

Xiong’s parent Jia pointed out that the words of the deer are justified and unreasonable, "Your children fell into the water, why did you take my child into the water? You are fully responsible for it!"

A normal parent said angrily: "Please understand that it is your children who pushed my precious daughter into the water first, and they will pull them down."

Xiong's parent B looked indifferent: "Nonsense! My child is so good, how could I push your child into the water?"

Normal parents laughed out of breath, "Here's a video, which family's children are good and whose children are hateful, you can watch for yourself!"

The four 44 Xiong parents watched the real video, hesitated and dared not argue, but focused their embarrassment and anger on Han Changsheng.

"As a star, you are desperate to die, what qualifications do you have to be a star?"

"You make so many film and television dramas to educate this and should educate yourself first!"

"Don't leave, you must be responsible for the medical expenses of my child going to the hospital, who will let you die!"

Gu Li Nazha's eyes widened when he heard the words, "Your child pushed other people's children into the river, what does this have to do with my parents' life!"

Xiong Parent A: "He didn't push it, why should he save people!"

Xiong's parent B: "I think the one pushing the child is...he, he also made the video just now."

Xiong's parent C: "You two don't have a good thing!"

The people who eat melons are immediately angry when they hear such despicable and shameless words.

"You guys are too shameless! Your own brats still push other people's kids into the river. If you don't apologize, don't say anything, you're still blaming the rescuer!"

"My old woman has lived to be more than seventy years old, and I have seen quite a lot, but this is the first time I have seen someone as brazen as you."

"My child is touching porcelain here before he fully recovers. It's really hard for your family to survive until now!"

"I've seen shameless people, but I've never seen such shameless people. It's been a long time to see you!"

The four 44 bear parents were pointed at by the melon-eating crowd around them, and they immediately shouted angrily: "What does this matter have to do with you and dare to talk nonsense, believe it or not, I say that you pushed our child into the river."

The melon eaters around were choked by these words, and were immediately speechless in anger.

These four 44 bear parents have lost the most basic qualities and self-cultivation of human beings. Are they still human? To save your children, am I your ancestor? Instead of uttering wild words here, you should worry about your own body first! If you live in such a domineering, arrogant, and vitriolic way every day, you will be punished sooner or later !"

Bear parent A: " are despicable and shameless! You spout blood!"

Han Changsheng squinted his eyes, "I may not be able to spit blood, but you can almost vomit blood."

Xiong Patriarch A clapped his heart, and said arrogantly: "I'm in good health, there's no need for...cough cough..."

Before he finished his arrogant words, he even coughed up two mouthfuls of blood, rolled his eyes and fell to the ground.

"Old Wang! Old Wang!!"

Lao Wang's wife exclaimed, took a peek at Han Changsheng, who was as indifferent as ice, and hurriedly helped her husband up and slipped away.

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