Nazha's sister reprimanded: "Brother-in-law said that because he loves you, but you can't use chicken feathers as arrows, you really spend money so willfully!"

Gu Li Nazha pursed her mouth and turned her head away without saying a word, but her little hand stroked Han Changsheng's palm back and forth, beckoning him to speak for him.

Han Changsheng patted Nazha's hand to express his reassurance, and then said to Nazha's mother and sister, "Mom, sister, what Nazha said is true, the money they earn is indeed at their disposal, but they never spend it recklessly." Money, when you go out to buy food, you will always bargain.

As for cosmetics and other daily necessities, I only buy new ones when they are almost used up, and I never buy one after another.”

Hearing this, Nazha's mother felt relieved, "It's really so."

"Of course it's true, and they'll get along now."

Han Changsheng nodded, lying, his face not red and his heart beating.

What he said...of course it is false! These girls really don't spend money recklessly, but the ones who bargain are Yaya, Tangtang and Yingbao, Mimi...the domineering female president is very good at spending.

As for Nazha, Sisi, and Fatty, these three girls have never paid back the price for ice cream and other snacks, basically what other people say is what, they will live a life ass.

But these words can't be said in front of mother-in-law and sister-in-law, otherwise it will lead to another... family war.

Gu Li Nazha saw that her mother and elder sister didn't discipline her anymore, so she felt aggrieved and said: "Since my father passed away, my elder sister resigned from her job as a stewardess in order not to let my father's hard work go to waste.

She is busy in the company, but I can't help at all.

This time I want to contribute some money to do my part, and you still say that about me!"

Speaking of the deceased father, Nazha's eyes were a little red, and Nazha's mother and sister were also a little sad, causing the atmosphere in the room to become a little silent.

Seeing this, Han Changsheng hurriedly changed the subject, "Naza is right, we are too far away from Urumqi, and we don't know much about the jade business, so we really can't help you much, so we can only spend money to help our family. "

Sister Nazha wiped the corners of her eyes, nodded and said, "You can invest some money, but Nazha must own the shares, otherwise I don't want the money."

Nazha's mother glared at Nazha, "It's not good for a family to talk about money, but brothers will settle accounts clearly.

Decades later, my mother passed away, although the two of you are still sisters.

But it will also be the wife and mother of the two families, so we have to make things clear in advance.

Nazha, the [-]% of the shares you bought with your money belong to you.

The company was created by your father, and it will be divided into two after your mother leaves.

You two sisters should each get [-]%, but your older sister contributed more, so she gets [-]%, and you get [-]%."

As soon as Han Changsheng heard what his mother-in-law and sister-in-law said, he immediately knew what was going on.

It turned out that Nazha wanted to spend money, but he didn't want shares in his family's company.

He also agrees with this point, after all, he said that Nazha's money is under her own management.

And to be honest, their family really despised the assets of their father-in-law Yushi Company.

But the mother-in-law and aunt-in-law don't think so.

These two women who have been able to support the company until now after their father-in-law left, are obviously strong women, how could they ask for that money for nothing.

As soon as Yi Nazha's proposal came out, it immediately aroused the stubbornness in the two hearts.

Han Changsheng squeezed Nazha's hand to keep her from speaking, and said to Nazha's mother and sister, "Nazha's previous intention was not that she didn't want shares, but that she wanted less. I can't do anything, and I can't help you."

Gu Li Nazha squinted at Han Changsheng, and kept her mouth shut.

Although these words are meant to appease the mother and sister, and it is true that she does not know how to run the family business, she is going too far in this arrangement.

Chapter 636 We Are Husband and Wife, Not Friends

After hearing Han Changsheng's words, Nazha's mother immediately softened her face, "If Changsheng is sensible, then the old woman will decide. Nazha will hold [-]% of the company's shares, and Nati will hold [-]%."


Gu Li Nazha jumped three feet high, and was stopped by Han Changsheng when he was about to yell, and was even glared at by Han Changsheng.

This little girl still doesn't understand the psychology of her mother-in-law and sister-in-law, and if she makes such a noise, the family will probably be full of quarrels.

Han Changsheng said to his mother-in-law and sister-in-law: "Mom, the [-]% of the shares that Zha bought can remain unchanged, but I think there is something wrong with your distribution plan just now."

Nazha's mother frowned, "What's the problem?"

Han Changsheng dipped some tea, drew a circle on the table, and drew a line in the middle to divide the whole circle into two halves.

"You and your father-in-law only have a pair of precious daughters, sister and Naza, and everything in the future will indeed be given to them.

But giving more and giving less should not be done according to your wish, but the actual situation should be considered.

After my father-in-law left, my sister resigned to manage the company, which has been busy for several years.

Not only is she tired, but she has also delayed her lifelong event, and she hasn't found her other half until now.

Nazha is different, not only did she not help the family, but she always made her sister worry.

So I think the other [-]% of the shares, my sister will take [-]%, and I will give you [-]%: that's fine."


Sister Nazha interrupted Han Changsheng's words in a low voice, stood up and stared at Han Changsheng, "Nazha is my sister, it is only natural for me to take care of her, this cannot be measured by shares!"

Han Changsheng spread his hands, "Sister, I agree with what you said, because you and Nazha are both emotional people.

But I want to ask you something."


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