She looked at her straight-backed sister outside the door in a daze, and said in a distressed tone, "My sister is overwhelmed by the company's affairs, now is the time for her to feel proud, of course she has to be outside alone. "

Last night when she was sleeping in the tent on the top of the mountain, she saw her sister secretly hiding in bed and crying.

She knew at that moment that my sister saw it again... After the two pieces of mountain material, the pressure disappeared, so she couldn't control it and burst into tears of joy.

Han Changsheng pointed at the green jade material, "You are not afraid that the jade will be robbed."

Gu Li Nazha shook her head, "The material: but it weighs two tons, who can snatch it away! Besides, this is the Hualing Jade Market, and all the people around are doing jade business. If someone dares to snatch it , I am worried whether he can withstand the knives of so many people."

Knife Han Changsheng looked up and looked around, and found that the jade merchants had a knife pinned to their waists.

It is inlaid with all kinds of gems and agates, which is not too dazzling.

Han Changsheng: "Their knives are not just decorations"

Guli Nazha: "It's an ornament, but it's also a table knife for eating mutton."

Han Changsheng suddenly realized that this is a knife with two uses.

Chapter 643 Ready to go home

Gu Li Nazha stared at the piece of sapphire mountain material, "Master, can you lift that piece of mountain material?"

Han Changsheng thought for a while, "I guess it can be lifted a few centimeters."

Gu Li Nazha's pupils dilated and his eyes sparkled, "You are so strong, no wonder you are so confident that you can protect us."

Han Changsheng bent his arms and made a strong man, "Are you envious?"

Gu Li Nazha rolled her eyes, "I'm not envious, if my figure is really like yours, then I should cry."

Han Changsheng glanced at Gu Li Nazha's figure, and then thought about what he wanted to see... The figure of the Uighur middle-aged aunt, especially the situation of the mother-in-law, couldn't help but feel a little worried.

Yaya is from the Xibo nationality, and she has always been thin, so her figure will definitely not lose shape.

But Nazha and Fatty are both Uighurs, and these two girls have always been lazy. If they are still so lazy after forty or fifty years old, will their figures change? Looking at him quite uncomfortably, he crossed his arms and stared at him warily, "What are you doing looking at me like this, are you trying to trick me?"

"Hit you big-headed ghost!"

Han Changsheng gave Na Zha a nod, and put his hands on her soft belly, "Fatty will grow smaller if he doesn't exercise for a month: Swimming ring, you said that if you two become more lazy after forty years old, Will this waist become a bucket waist?"

"I wouldn't do that!"

Hearing this, Gu Li Nazha shook his head in fright, and then said firmly: "Absolutely not!"

Her small waist is so thin, how could it become a bucket waist? It will definitely not change!!! After returning to the capital, she must insist on exercising for an hour every day.

In that case, even at the age of thirty, forty, or even fifty, her body will still be as perfect as it is now.

"I hope so!"

Han Changsheng held Gu Lina in his arms, and kissed her forehead.

What he likes is a soft and boneless body, not a fat body, which will be so fat that you can't touch the bones.

When the two are cuddling each other here, the outside deal has already been concluded.

Forty jade merchants jointly offered a price of [-] million yuan to buy that huge piece of green jade.

As for how to divide, Sister Naza doesn't care.

After finishing this work, Sister Nazha gave each company employee a big red envelope, and then drove home accompanied by Han Changsheng and Gu Li Nazha.

Gu Li Nazha flipped through the incoming text messages, her eyes lit up with the light of a small fortune fan, "Wow, two hundred million! This is twice the total assets of our company! Sister, my parents are born strong enough! "

Nazha's sister pursed her lips and nodded with a smile: "Your parents are really good at life, the word 'lucky' is almost engraved on his forehead."

When her father passed away, she was in a state of grief.

In addition, she was running a jade company for the first time, resulting in good business conditions and a decline in assets.

After that, she stumbled all the way, and this year, her total assets have just reached [-] million.

Unexpectedly, accompanied by this lucky brother-in-law, he went to the mine for a while, and when he came back, he sold this newly mined green jade mountain material for [-] million.

Even now, she still has the illusion that all this is a dream.

Han Changsheng patted Nazha's little head, dumbfounded, "If you continue to flatter me like that, I can easily fly up to the sky and stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun, and you won't be afraid that I will be burnt."

Gu Li Nazha bit her lip and muttered, "Then your luck is already strong enough?"

Han Changsheng: "..."

He couldn't refute this sentence. He couldn't say that he had sensed where the jade was, so he had someone dig it... When he got home, the lights were on in the house, and it was obvious that Zha's mother hadn't slept.

Gu Li Nazha and her sister entered the house, Han Changsheng appeased Ta Xue, whom he had not seen for two days, before entering the house.

As soon as he entered, he was dragged to the living room by Gu Li Nazha.

Nazha pointed to the white jade mountain material on the table, and said crisply: "Changsheng, mother and sister will take this piece of white jade mountain material as our wedding present."

Han Changsheng shifted his gaze and saw that it was the piece of white jade that was dug up yesterday afternoon when he was looking for new veins.

Glancing at Nazha, the girl obviously didn't want to accept it.

Han Changsheng blinked at Nazha knowingly, then shook his head and said, "Mom, sister, this gift is a bit heavy."

Sister Nazha waved her hand, "Compared to your help to the family today, this gift is a bit light."

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