The unbelievers were positioned three times in a row, and they were displayed in Miha City.

Han Changsheng glanced at Taxue who was drinking water and eating grass, and his eyes were a little strange. The distance from Mihashi to Ushih was more than [-] kilometers, but Taxue ran it all in one day.

Even if deducting the time of late departure in the morning and the delay on the road, the total is seven hours.

Calculated, it means that the average speed of treading snow has reached [-] kilometers per hour, which is half faster than a normal sweaty BMW.


At this moment, Han Changsheng's cell phone vibrated suddenly, and the screen showed that Gu Li Nazha had sent a video call.

Han Changsheng went easy, not only the faces of Nazha, Mimi, Yaya, Yingbao and Fatty also appeared on the screen.

Di Lieba rushed to talk: "Master, where did you go?"

Han Changsheng said truthfully, "Miha."

"Na Miha"

"Miha is at least [-] kilometers away from Urumqi, how could you get there in one day?"

"Can you make a draft when you cheat"

"Do you think we are mentally handicapped like you?"

Han Changsheng's telling the truth immediately aroused a series of denunciations on the other side.

The meaning inside and outside the words, as if he is not only mentally retarded, but also always tells mentally retarded lies.

Han Changsheng rolled his eyes, sent his real-time location directly, and turned the camera around to let them see the honeydew melon greenhouses around him, "Look for yourself if you don't believe me."


The five sisters glanced at the message and then the video, and were a little dumbfounded.

After confirming three times in a row, I finally found that the real-time location and pictures sent by my master were indeed true.

But how is it possible to run more than 55 kilometers in one day on the snow? Han Changsheng squinted his eyes and stared at the five 55 girls across the street, "Am I here? Honey, who among you five [-]s is mentally handicapped?"

Yang Mi rubbed her nose, changed the subject directly, and asked lightly, "Master, are you sure it was Ta Xue who carried you over instead of flying over?"

Tong Liya chimed in, "That's more than [-] kilometers! It's hard for us to believe that you ran over like that."

Gu Li Nazha nodded again and again, "If the speed of stepping on the snow can be so fast, it won't take so many days for us to return to Wushi."

Han Changsheng shrugged, "The speed of stepping on the snow has increased by half, but this way it ran down in one breath, and I don't know why it ran so non-stop."

After saying that, Han Changsheng glanced at the five sisters who were smiling happily, "Don't change the subject for me, and quickly say that you are mentally retarded, otherwise, wait until you get home, and wait for my family law!"

Di Lieba scratched her head and smiled dryly, "Master, this is actually...a misunderstanding, don't worry about it so much."

Zhao Liying nodded again and again, "Fatty is right, this is a misunderstanding caused by information asymmetry. In fact, we still trust you, Master."

"Master is the best!"

"Master is the most handsome and smartest little brother!"

"Master, come back quickly, we miss you so much."

The five sisters changed the subject again and again, just...not acknowledging their mistakes.

It's nothing to beat the family law, and the master is reluctant to do it, so it's just a few pains that don't hurt or itch.

But it is absolutely impossible for them to admit that they are mentally handicapped! These girls are quite thieves.

Han Changsheng saw through what the five sisters were thinking, and suddenly laughed out of breath.

Cooperating with them, they thought that they were thousands of miles away and couldn't deal with them immediately, so they started to make small plans.

After returning home, the slap needs to be done a little harder.

Tong Liya noticed the look in Han Changsheng's eyes, she felt a little guilty, and hurriedly asked, "Master, have you had dinner yet?"

Han Changsheng: "I haven't eaten yet, I stopped walking on the snow."

"Then what do you eat?"

"I'll see where there are small restaurants around, just take a bite, and let Taxue eat some soybeans by the way.

Have you eaten?"

"I haven't eaten yet."

Han Changsheng frowned, "Why don't you eat? It's past six o'clock."

Yang Mi said sweetly in her heart: "Tangtang and Sisi's plane will arrive in more than an hour, we will pick them up in a while, and come back to eat together."

"Go to bed early after eating, don't watch dramas or play with your phone."

"Know it."

The five sisters covered their mouths to prevent Han Changsheng from seeing their smiles.

The old man is not very old, but he looks like he is [-] or [-] years old. I really don't know what to say about him.

Chapter 646 Wuzi reappears?

Han Changsheng chatted with Yang Mi and the five daughters for a while, and then hung up the video call when the phone was almost dead.

At this time, Taxue had already started to graze, raising his head vigilantly from time to time to observe the surrounding situation.

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