Chatting with the innocent girl Zhu Ziyan does not delay his meal.

After all, he didn't want to show any gentleman's demeanor to attract the other party's attention, nor did he want to gain the other party's favor.

The young man in black waited for the little girl to come back, "It''s the first time I saw you talking so happily with a stranger."

Zhu Ziyan smiled sweetly, "That's because he didn't beat me up"

The young man in black raised his eyebrows, "What are you doing?"

Zhu Ziyan smiled lightly and said: "Because he didn't even look at me, he only cared about eating his roasted rabbit meat.

I can see that it's not pretending to be mysterious to attract my attention, I really want to eat it."

The youth in black: "..."

The little girl's brain circuit is really clear enough, no wonder she can become the most favored in the family.

"Little sister, you don't want to fall in love with this Han Changsheng, do you?"

Zhu Ziyan shook his head and laughed, "You think too much, he has seven 7 wives, how can I fall in love with him and the father will not allow it."


The world surrounded by the sky is very quiet.

Han Changsheng has only one tent here, and there is snow and rainbows outside, and there is no bonfire to accompany him.

Not far away, six 66 tents formed a circle, with a campfire in the middle, surrounded by six horses and two hounds.

The two groups separated quite tacitly, taking care of each other.

Speechless all night.

Early the next morning, Han Changsheng got up and tidied up, casually ate some boiled vermicelli for breakfast, and prepared to continue the journey home.

The one in the team of six... The noble young man saw this, and suddenly said loudly: "Han Changsheng, your horse is very good, do you want to have a race!"

Han Changsheng frowned, but he didn't pay attention to that luxurious young man at all.

He got on the horse, and the moment he lowered his body, Treading was already flickering, flying away like a black lightning.

Tap, tap, tap... The dense trampling sound is like the sound of drums, from slow to fast, and then gradually disappears in the distance.

Wherever it passed by, Xiao Cao lowered her head tremblingly under the pressure of the gust of wind, and gradually straightened her waist after more than ten seconds.

"This... this speed..."

The noble young man looked at the man, horse and parrot who disappeared quickly, his pupils dilated and the corners of his eyes trembled.

His horse is a purebred sweat horse, that's why he wanted to have a race with this Han Changsheng, to suppress the opponent's arrogance.

But he never thought that the speed of the other party's horse was so fast, and he felt like he was beyond his reach.

Handling the firewood in the hands of the Mongolian youth, he said in a low voice: "It is said that Mr. Han's horses are a group of hard-earned horses, and they are quite spiritual, so you'd better not race horses with him."

The eyelids of the people around the bloody BMW were twitching, and they were speechless.

It's not like they haven't seen a sweaty blood BMW before, but how can the speed of a sweaty blood BMW be so fast? It's not an exaggeration to say that this speed is like a thunderbolt! Zhu Ziyan opened his eyes wide and exclaimed: "Is this the legendary snow treading? The speed is so fast, it can’t really be able to step on the snow without a trace.”

The young man in black narrowed his eyes and said, "The speed of this snow tread is at least twice that of a bloody BMW. It should have reached two kilometers per second. This speed ranks among the top three in the world's horse racing rankings."

The luxurious young man sighed, and said with a wry smile: "Is it really just the top three? The starting time of stepping on the snow and the duration of running are not counted. I am afraid that if it can run like this for an hour, then it is not the top three, but the top three." Horses can go beyond."

The Mongolian youth straightened up, staring at the people with piercing eyes, and said in a serious and deep voice, "Everyone, it's best not to think about Mr. Han's idea of ​​walking in the snow, it will be bad for you."

Zhu Ziyan's eyes flashed, and he tilted his head to look at the Mongolian youth, "Burigu, you always call Han Changsheng Mr. Han, you seem to respect him very much."

The Mongolian youth shook his head, "It's not respect, it's respect! Aren't you looking for the tombs of the four palliff guards? The one who discovered the tombs of the silver-knife pall guards is...Mr. Han!"

An old man next to him frowned, "Isn't the discoverer of the tomb of the Silver Knife Protector guards from the Grassland Ying clan and Shan Qiyu what does it have to do with Han Changsheng?"

The Mongolian youth shook his head and said sternly: "I don't know how you spread it, but all the ethnic groups in our grassland know that Mr. Han was the first person to discover the tomb of the guard with a silver knife, so he is the god of all ethnic groups in our grassland. The envoy you sent, if you target him, you will probably be listed as the most unwelcome person in the grassland!"

The youth in black and Zhu Ziyan squinted at the noble youth, who shrugged his shoulders, "Don't look at me like that, since I saw the speed of Treading Snow just now, I have already lost, and I will lose without a fight."

The young man in black patted the luxurious young man on the shoulder, "Not bad! You have grown up, it seems that I will hit you often in the future."

Luxurious youth: "..."

Chapter 648 Rainbow: I saw the hostess

"Baby, baby."

"Go home, you can rest."

On the green grass, Han Changsheng was eating beef jerky, while Taxue and Rainbow were playing happily.

They have now entered the boundary of the Xilamu Prairie, and there will be more than two hundred kilometers to the Han Family Racecourse.

Han Changsheng looked at Treading Snow who was grazing grass and chattering with Rainbow, and felt infinite emotion in his heart.

It took him and Nazha more than ten days to go from the racecourse to Urumqi.

But it only took three and a half days to go back to the racecourse from Urumqi, and this was due to the fact that he suppressed the time spent running on the snow.

In order to improve his blood, Taxue wished he could run [-] hours a day. He had a desperate attitude of not getting tired and never giving up.

At this moment, a white light flashed across the sky, followed by rumbling thunder.

Han Changsheng looked up, and there were patches of dark clouds floating not far away, covering half of the sky in the blink of an eye.

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