
Treading the snow suddenly stopped, raised his front hoof, and screamed towards the blue sky that has changed again and again. …

There was indescribable tiredness in that voice, but more clearly visible excitement and excitement.

Taxue looked back at Han Changsheng, grinning, eyes full of gratitude.

Without the help of the master, it would not have made such great progress.

"Wow! Stepping on the snow, your running speed is almost catching up with me, you are amazing!"

The rainbow landed on Ta Xue's head, flicked the rainwater off his wings, and screamed happily.

"You two are fine!"

Han Changsheng touched the little heads of Taxue and Rainbow, and heaved a sigh of relief.

To overcome the crisis of life and death in nature, this journey back is not in vain.

Rainbow pointed to the front, and said mysteriously: "Master, I saw the hostess in our horse farm, and all seven of them are there."

"Seven 7's are there"

Han Changsheng froze for a moment, squinted his eyes and looked at the racecourse in the distance, and vaguely saw a few familiar figures.

"Tread the snow, go home!"

"Baby baby!"

Treading the snow raised his legs and turned into: with brisk four hooves, he ran to the Han family's horse farm in a swift motion.

And behind Han Changsheng, Taxue and Rainbow, a huge rainbow across the north and south appeared in the sky, colorful and extremely beautiful!

Chapter 649 Honey: You Heartless

Gu Li Nazha looked northwest with the binoculars, and when the familiar figure appeared in sight, she shouted in surprise, "It's the master! The master is back!"

"I'll see, I'll see!"

Di Lieba grabbed the binoculars and took a closer look, jumped three feet high, "It's really the master!"

Yang Mi breathed a sigh of relief, showing a happy smile, "This guy has returned safely!"

Tong Liya smiled gently, and the two small dimples at the corners of her mouth were faintly visible, "Yeah, I haven't seen him for more than 20 days, I almost forgot what he looks like."

Tang Yan lowered the corner of his mouth, "Second Sister, what you said is too false!"

Tong Liya wrinkled her nose, "Where is it fake?"

Zhao Liying covered her mouth and snickered, "You fall asleep looking at the photos of the master every night, probably the pictures of the master and you are in your dreams!"

Liu Sisi nodded again and again, "I can prove it! The second sister has a lot of photos of the master in her mobile phone, and they probably took them secretly while the master was not paying attention! I just don't know how she and the master showed their affection in the second sister's dream."

"You guys will bully me!"

"You are the second sister, the master's favorite, how dare we bully you!"

"Yes, yes, the only master in our family can bully you, second sister, we don't have the guts."

During the fight between the seven sisters, Treading Snow carried Han Changsheng to the fence outside the racecourse, and then jumped into it.

After running for dozens of seconds, it finally stopped in front of Seven Sisters.

Han Changsheng jumped off the ground and pinched his cheeks one by one, "I haven't seen you in more than sixty years, you ladies are still so radiant!"

Yang Mi touched Han Changsheng's forehead, "Master, are you confused?"

Tong Liya shook her head and laughed, "You will only be away from home for 23 days and 6 hours.

It’s been more than 6 years”

, Fat Di tilted his head and stared at Han Changsheng, "Master, have you gone to cultivate immortality?"

Han Changsheng said with a smile: "As the saying goes, if you don't see each other every day, it's like every three autumns. If you calculate it like this, it means you haven't seen each other for nearly 70 years."

Zhao Liying pinched the water on Han Changsheng's clothes, and said worriedly: "Stop chatting for now, go in and change into dry clothes, don't... catch a cold again."

"Yes, yes! Change clothes quickly!"

Gu Li Na Zha, Liu Si Si and Di Li Reba nodded, dragged and pushed Han Changsheng into the big yurt.

You take off your clothes and I take off your shoes, and she wipes herself with a towel.

After a while, Han Changsheng was replaced from inside to outside.

Even the beard was hung up for him, and even the fingernails were cut for him.

Although Han Changsheng was relaxed, he smiled wryly, "I'm not a disabled person who can't move, do you need me like this?"

Tong Liya rolled her eyes at Han Changsheng, "You have been away from home for 23 days and 6 hours. We don't use our hands to sense your skin and temperature. How can we relieve the longing in our hearts?"

Yang Mi bit Han Changsheng's shoulder, and echoed, "Second sister is right, you are a heartless person who left home for so long and didn't say that you thought about us, but we dressed you up and hated it!"

"If you don't have newcomers, you will forget the old ones. Master, you are really cruel!" "We haven't seen you for such a long time, and we are disgusted when we serve you and dress you. It's really sad!"

"Don't you know that our old man is famous for his aloofness, and the girls outside all call him an aloof male god?"

"Yes, yes, the master is not only cold to others, but also to us. I think we have done so many mistakes!"

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