Han Changsheng rolled his eyes and said angrily, "How can the prince be bald in a few years!"

It's just a prince of the eagle country. There are people with this status that are exciting. There are people in all parts of Europe.

Take a brick and go to those...the big oil country, if you take pictures among the crowd, nine out of ten are princes.

Di Lieba tore off Liu Sisi's clothes, and said with a smile: "Sixth sister, don't make the prince excited just because you are a five-year-old, the master will be jealous."

Liu Sisi was stunned, then immediately put on a serious face and muttered.

"The nose is too big, bad review! The hair is withered and yellow, it doesn't look good! The skin is too white, it looks like a... little white face! The pores are thick, and it must be slovenly! In addition, the master said that the top will be bald after a few years. The more miserable it is! The more the comparison, the more handsome the master! Are you the most handsome man in the world!"

Han Changsheng held down the corners of Ji Tiao's eyes, and patted Liu Sisi casually, "Can you not be so obvious about your flattery?"

Liu Sisi stuck out her tongue, and said with a snicker: "I'm afraid that if the pictures are not obvious, you won't be able to tell that I'm praising you."

"Is my IQ so low!"

"Of course you usually have a super high IQ, but God knows if you still have... IQ when you're jealous."

"Find a fight!"

"Slightly slightly slightly..."

Liu Sisi made a grimace, and after dodging Han Changsheng's big hand, she hugged Han Changsheng's arm and continued walking without even looking at that...Prince Williams.

The reason why she was amazed just now was that she didn't expect to meet this... Prince Williams who was always on the news.

As for the others, a middle-aged man who is about to lose his head is not as handsome as his own long-lived brother.

Besides, the little brother Changsheng is sweet and salty, and he is so cute and cute when he eats jealousy, how can a broken five, a prince can be compared!

Chapter 662 My Eyes Are Not Blind

After Han Changsheng completed the normal boarding procedures, he walked back to the airport where he came out just now.

At this time, an Airbus 320 private jet was parked at the airport.

Except for Han Changsheng, Di Lireba, Liu Sisi, Zhu Huangren and Prince Williams on the plane.

In addition, there are eight 8 male bodyguards for these two men.

When we got on the plane, there were five people in it.

Catherine, wife of Prince Williams, and four female bodyguards.

This private jet is quite luxurious, it can seat one or two hundred people, but the space has been changed to nearly thirty 30 seats.

A bodyguard checked the surroundings, and then disappeared directly.

Only the three of Zhu Huangren who were protected were left behind 3.

And Han Changsheng's family of three.

Zhu Huangren met with Catherine, and then introduced the three of Han Changsheng 3, making everyone familiar, and then exchanged a few pleasantries.

Then, Zhu Huangren sat next to Han Changsheng, and said apologetically, "Brother Han, do you have any questions?"

Han Changsheng rubbed his chin for a while, then he said with certainty: "Brother Ren, the person who lost his appetite you mentioned just now can't be the elderly queen of Ying Kingdom."

Zhu Huangren opened his mouth wide, his eyes were full of astonishment, "How did you..."

Han Changsheng spread his hands, "It's very simple! You said to go to Eagle Country, but also said that the patient has a very high status in Eagle Country.

Seeing that you looked condescending when you collided with Williams' aura, it shows that your status is not low.

Then in this way, the only one who can make you say that you have a high status is that old lady in Eagle Country."

When he heard Zhu Huangren say that before, he just thought it was the other party's elder.

But after some calculations, all the ones that match are only that one.

Zhu Huangren rubbed his nose in embarrassment, "You can see it too."

Han Changsheng nodded his eyes, smiled lightly and said, "My eyes are not blind, and you should also know that the sensitivity and observation ability of psychopaths are far beyond ordinary people."

What kind of mental illness is this nonsense! Zhu Huangren twitched the corner of his mouth, not believing Han Changsheng's words at all.

According to the materials he has read, this...has never had an attack since he fully woke up, and he is obviously able to control himself.

Zhu Huangren sighed, and said in a low voice: "I won't hide it from you, my father is Zhu Ronggang, the third prince of the Ming Empire, and I am his eldest son, known as Prince Huangren."

When Zhu Ronggang, the first and assistant minister of the cabinet, Han Changsheng heard the name, he immediately thought of that...a person with a deep memory.

One sentence made him stay at home for many days, and he couldn't remember it if he wanted to.

Han Changsheng put away his thoughts, squinted his eyes, "By the way, your father is really a man! One sentence made our family of eight people stay at home for so many days, and almost suffocated to death."

"He's just... casually mentioning it, but... I didn't expect to cause so much trouble for your family."

Zhu Huangren replied subconsciously apologetically, and then looked at Han Chang in surprise, "You don't seem to care about my identity."

Han Changsheng pointed to Zhu Huangren's left arm that was still hanging, "Why are you in the prince's place? In my eyes, you are just a sick person."

If one really wants to compare his identities, he returned the evil emperor and absorbed his soul and body essence by the way.

, If he calculates this way, he doesn't even know whether his ID card is high or higher.

"That's true. You still connected my arm, so I'm not your patient."

Zhu Huangren moved his left hand, looking at Han Changsheng's eyes even more surprised.

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