"Princess Catherine will accompany them."

“The reception standard is so high”

Zhu Huangren shrugged, "Here you are the only one with your female relatives, and the royal family of the Eagle Kingdom will naturally have to be received by the ladies waiting for the party. This is a rule that the royal families of all countries must abide by."

Han Changsheng nodded.

There is a saying that the tiger falls: the shelf is in.

No matter how weak the Royal Family of the Eagle Kingdom is, they always have to save face, after all, this is the only bit of dignity they have left.

After a while, the gentle Princess Catherine came over in casual clothes, took the hands of Fatty and Sisi familiarly, and smiled at Han Changsheng, "Mr. Han, I want to take the two younger sisters to chat. know if you say yes"

Han Changsheng hugged Dili Reba and kissed Liu Sisi, and said in a low voice: "Relax, Left and Right are just the princesses of the Eagle Kingdom. Her status in the Eagle Kingdom is just a spiritually oriented star. Our Zhu Uncle is a serious prince."

Di Lieba: "We are not nervous, but we are worried about you!"

Liu Sisi nodded, "Don't do anything to those four 44 doctors, or Uncle Zhu won't be able to save you."

Han Changsheng's face darkened, "If you two dare to slander me again, believe it or not, I will attack you right now."

"A little bit..."

The second daughter made a grimace, and followed Princess Catherine to the courtyard to chat.

Han Changsheng looked at the two cubs going away, not worried about embarrassment.

The two girls' English is not bad at all, and they didn't ask for normal daily communication.

Moreover, there is a Chinese-English bilingual female translator next to Three People 3, which will not cause too many obstacles to the communication between the two parties. …

After Di Lireba and Liu Sisi disappeared from Han Changsheng's sight, Han Changsheng calmly walked to the doctor on the right, and sat down lazily:.

The royal staff next to him poured Han Changsheng a cup of steaming hot tea, smelling the authentic West Lake Longjing tea.

A middle-aged doctor from the Eagle Kingdom Royal College of Medicine raised the coffee cup in his hand to Han Changsheng and said curiously: "Chinese medicine"

Han Changsheng raised his teacup with a smile, "You can say that."

Seeing Han Changsheng's peaceful attitude, the middle-aged doctor of Yingguo smiled and said, "When will you be free, sir, let's talk about it. I'm very curious about the Chinese medicine in your country."


The young man from the Bangzi Kingdom curled his lips and said dismissively: "The traditional Chinese medicine is passed down from our Korean nation. The name of Chinese medicine is nothing more than you Ming people putting gold on your face!"

Han Changsheng frowned slightly but didn't even look at the young man from the Bangzi country, and smiled lightly at the middle-aged doctor from the Ying country: "If there is a destiny, of course."

The Japanese doctor on the side stared at Han Changsheng, and suddenly asked seriously: "Are you really a Chinese medicine doctor? Why don't you even have the necessary medicine box?"

The youth of Bangziguo said contemptuously: "You don't even have a medicine box with you, so you are not a fake Chinese medicine doctor, are you?"

"medicine chest"

Han Changsheng pointed at the small red sandalwood medicine box next to the two little devils with his mouth bent, and his tone had a taste of educating the younger generation.

"Teach you to be good! In our Great Ming Empire, when real Chinese medicine practitioners walk the rivers and lakes, there will always be a little apprentice of the medicine boy by their side.

Traditional Chinese medicine is responsible for treating diseases, while the medicine boy is responsible for helping out.

For those of you who bring your own medicine kit to your home for treatment, the normal title is Dr. Fang.”

The young man of Bangzi Kingdom was furious, and reprimanded him in a low voice: "Only you, Daming, hold on to the dross of the old days, but in our Korean nation, the really good doctors always carry a medicine box with them! Like my red sandalwood medicine box, Only four great doctors in the country are eligible to carry it!"

The Japanese doctor nodded and said: "In our Great Japanese Empire, good Chinese medicine doctors also carry a medicine box with them.

And your Excellency looks young, and you must not have studied medicine for a few years, and now you come here empty-handed, can't it be to hype yourself?"

Han Changsheng took a sip of hot tea, ordered his own solar system, and said slowly: "In my opinion, curing diseases and saving lives should be tailored to local conditions. It is better to carry a medicine box and other foreign things with you. It is the foundation of life!"

Isn't everyone sitting here just to put a fork in?

Then he will put the fork in his mouth and belittle the red sandalwood medicine box that these two little devils used to put the fork in. After saying this, Doctor Ruidian, who had been silent by the side, suddenly nodded, "It turns out that the three doctors in the country they are in are at the same level. The definitions are not the same, I always thought that the origin of the medical skills of the three countries is the same."

Yes, Han Changsheng raised his eyebrows and looked at Dr. Ruidian, with a mocking look in his eyes.

The four doctors from the four 44 countries around me are from the Ying country who are kind on the surface, and the arrogant ones are from the Bangzi country and the Wa country.

This...Rui is so fun, arrogant, with a dark belly, likes to provoke dissension, and has the same personality as a bastard.

Just at this time, an elderly woman who looked like... the housekeeper of Yingguo walked into the living room, bowed slightly to Han Changsheng and five people, and said in a round and round accent, "Five, Her Majesty the Queen is awake, and the five of you can go to the Queen for medical treatment."

"It is my honor to be able to treat the empress!"

The four doctors with different thoughts hurriedly got up, and after replying respectfully, they followed the palace housekeeper and walked forward.

Four people 4 walked very quickly, as if they were about to win a prize.

Han Changsheng waved goodbye to Zhu Huangren on the other side, and followed slowly, but he was very speechless in his heart.

No matter how high the status of the Queen of the Eagle Kingdom is, in the eyes of doctors, shouldn’t she also be for the patient? It should be the patient’s honor to treat the patient. When did the reverse happen?

Chapter 665 To die?To live?

The room where the empress lives is equally magnificent, the bedroom alone has an area of ​​more than two hundred square meters.

But from Han Changsheng's point of view, living alone in such a wealthy place is even more desolate in his later years.

Although the old empress had a sick face, she was still calm and elegant, sitting on the European-style bed, maintaining the posture of an empress.

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