Yang Mi straightened up, put her arms around Han Changsheng's neck and asked curiously: "How to test?"

"Didn't you say that there are tens of thousands of companies seeking my endorsement, why don't you call and ask them about their endorsement?"

"it is good."

"Call a few more."


Yang Mi made eight 8 calls, and then slowly turned her head to look at Han Changsheng, as if the machine was rusted.

Seeing this situation, Han Changsheng squeezed Yang Mi's chin with a smile, "These companies never mention the endorsement thing!"

Yang Mi shook her head, and stared into Han Changsheng's eyes in astonishment, "Four families talked about him, three said they had found a spokesperson, and one said that they don't need a spokesperson for the time being."

Han Changsheng laughed dumbfounded, "Aren't they all the same, they all started to dislike me."

Yang Mi pursed her lips, "You're still happy, no company here is willing to ask you to speak for it."

Han Changsheng smiled faintly, "Isn't it good that no company asks me to speak for you, after all, I have never spoken for anyone.

What's more, the power of capital is too great, and getting involved will not end well."

After the words fell, Han Changsheng saw that Yang Mi was still confused, and didn't explain anything to her.

Nine out of ten companies that seek him to speak for him are pharmaceutical companies.

Medicines, which were supposed to rely on curative effects, have now turned into advertising.

No one cares whether the quality of the medicine is good or not, they only care about whether the advertisement is good or not.

So there are so many celebrities who speak for pharmaceutical companies.

When the money is collected, hello, me, and everyone is happy.

As for consumers spending money and not getting good medicines, no one cares.

He Han Changsheng wanted face, so naturally he would not do that shameless thing.

Chapter 675 If there is even a little bit of falsehood, it will definitely be thunderous!

Golden Khan Palace.

Prince Williams walked into the Queen's office with two newspapers and put them on the desk in front of the Queen, "Grandmother, this is today's "The Times" and "Daming Daily", which contain news about Mr. Han."

queen "hmm"

With a sigh, he took the gold-rimmed reading glasses presented by Williams, squinted his eyes and began to read seriously.

This...old lady had read the entire content of the two newspapers, took off her reading glasses and murmured: "The description of this matter is...very true, it should be written by Mr. Han himself."

Williams nodded and said: "I guess it's the same. Only Mr. Han participated in the whole treatment process from beginning to end, and only Mr. Han can explain the points of attention so clearly."

The queen opened her cloudy eyes and looked at her grandson Williams, "Then what do you think Mr. Han's medical skills are very high, or let his writing be opportunistic?"

Williams said with a light smile: "Psychology research once discovered an interesting thing, the less a person has, the more he has to show off.

When Mr. Han taught me how to make clear soup noodles and yellow rice porridge, his words were concise and to the point.

Moreover, he never showed extra, which shows that he has high cooking skills but never likes to show off.

As for Mr. Han's medical skills, he didn't show them in detail, and I don't know much about them.

But through the process of making food, he told me how to use the simplest ingredients to make delicious food, and also to ensure the health of my grandmother.

It can be deduced from this that Mr. Han's medical skills must also be very high!"

The queen smiled in relief and nodded.

"Mr. Han doesn't need to feel the pulse, he can tell at a glance that I will definitely vomit, which shows that his medical skills are very high.

But he didn't say anything at first, and only opened his mouth when others ridiculed him, which shows that his character is modest and prudent.

After you personally invited Mr. Han to come back, he took my pulse seriously and did not deal with it because of his superb medical skills. This shows his awe of Chinese medicine.

With great ability, he is more modest and prudent, calm and calm.

Perhaps only a person like Mr. Han would take the heat off him by blackmailing himself."

Williams nodded in agreement, then pointed to the newspaper, "Then..."

The queen waved her hand, "Don't worry about it, just let it develop."


Williams nodded in response, feeling a little bit in his heart.

Grandma recognized Mr. Han's medical skills very much, but she could not recognize the profession of Chinese medicine.

Because the pharmaceutical industry is related to the cultural industry and the medical and health industry.

The money interests in it alone are in the trillions, which cannot be controlled by one person or even one country.

Even the royal family of the Eagle Kingdom, and even the Eagle Kingdom cannot...

The Ming Empire, the third prince's mansion, or the mansion of the chief minister of the cabinet.

Zhu Ronggang, this... the third prince who has cheated Han Changsheng once, is looking at "Das Kapital" in his hand in the [-]-meter study.

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