Han Changsheng had no choice but to hold Yaya in his arms, and said helplessly, "If you have anything to say, just say it."

Tong Liya moved her body and found a comfortable position in Han Changsheng's arms.

She also smirked and rubbed on Han Changsheng's shoulder, lazy and cute.

"Sir, do you know that today is the day I drink the most."

"You've never drunk so much before"

Tong Liya shook her head, "No, I don't dare to drink for fear of accidents, so I am very alert."

Han Changsheng patted Yaya on the back, "Then why did you drink so much today?"

Tong Liya raised her head and bit Han Changsheng's chin, there was a lot of sweetness in her silly smile, and the blurred eyes also shone with light.

"Because you are here, I know that you will protect my safety, so I don't have any burden on my heart."

"You are not afraid that if I get drunk, we will have an accident together"

"I'm not afraid. You have the physique of a thousand glasses of alcohol, how could you get drunk?"

"You...you have thought about all this very thoughtfully."

"That's right, I'm your most virtuous, virtuous, beautiful... wife!"

Tong Liya praised herself: Finally, seeing that Han Changsheng didn't respond, she raised her head and bit Han Changsheng again, "Master, do you know when I fell in love with you?"


Tong Liya shook her head to wake herself up for a while..., recalling the scenes of the two of them in the past, "I don't know too well, it seems that when you ignored our beauty and forcibly collected money for noodles, it seemed that you pressed us: belly button It's more like the time when you ignored me on the day of parting..."

Han Changsheng listened to Tong Liya babbling about the things they had experienced, his eyes became more...soft.

He also didn't expect that this girl could even remember the things he just met two years ago.

Han Changsheng pinched Tong Liya's little nose, and said in a low voice, "How can you remember these things?"

Tong Liya wrinkled her nose, and slapped Han Changsheng's thug, "You must remember, because these things are connected together, that is... the whole process of your evolution from a little boy covered in thorns to a warm man who tolerates everything. .”

After saying that, Tong Liya bit Han Changsheng's finger, "But you, a warm man, threatened me today, I am really disappointed!"


As soon as Tong Liya's little white teeth pressed hard, Han Changsheng felt a tingling pain.

He flicked Tong Liya's face while taking a breath, and rescued his fingers.

Shaking the finger full of tooth marks at Yaya, he couldn't laugh or cry: "Let's not mention the threat to you, first tell me why you always bite me over and over again, and you can't grow two small tiger teeth just to imitate your mother." Tiger!"

Tong Liya straightened her neck and said confidently: "Who made you rough and thick, pinching your arm doesn't hurt you, and I can't beat you, so I have to bite you."

After saying that, Tong Liya aimed at Han Changsheng's shaking finger and took another bite, her vicious little eyes were exactly like those of a tigress.

"Loose mouth."

"Not loose."

"Hurry up and let go."

"It's not loose."

Han Changsheng stared at Yaya's small eyes for a few seconds, endured the pain, pinched Yaya's nose, and covered her mouth together.

Ten seconds later, the bitten finger was released, and Han Changsheng retracted it like lightning.


Han Changsheng gritted his teeth and rubbed his fingers, truly speechless.

Never let: Yaya get drunk! Otherwise, she will change from a virtuous little lady to a tigress who always bites him.

After Han Changsheng had finished slandering, he looked down at Yaya again, she was already asleep.

However, even in her sleep, Yaya's small canine teeth are still shining, exuding a vigor of the tiger.

Chapter 686 Convincing people with reason and force

Early in the morning, Han Changsheng was soundly asleep when he suddenly noticed a strange feeling around him.

He opened his eyes and found that he was being stared at by seven pairs of big shining eyes.

The owner of the shining big eyes is none other than Mimi and the other seven girls.

Among them, the little eyes of Yaya and Fatty are wronged, and the other five are as sharp as a knife.

Han Changsheng shrank back, and deliberately covered his body with the quilt, looking like a little boy about to be bullied.

He narrowed his eyes and glanced at the pajamas of the seven 7 girls, "You seven 7 don't sleep in the morning, what are you doing staring at me like this, are you free?"

Yang Mi put her arms around her shoulders, and stared at Han Changsheng with a half-smile, "Master, did you take advantage of the opportunity of riding a horse to go to the appointment yesterday to threaten Yaya, and warned her to tell you the result of our seven sisters' small meeting. "

Yaya isn't just turning into a tigress after drinking, she's already sober and sued! Han Changsheng squinted at Tong Liya, Yaya didn't dare to look at Han Changsheng, she looked away guiltily.

Seeing this, Han Changsheng said confidently: "I am the head of our family. After you have a meeting, shouldn't you tell me the result?"

Tang Yan pouted, "This is a whisper between us women, why should I tell you!"

Han Changsheng: "Because your whispers are related to me, so I should know!"

Zhao Liying snorted, "If you say that, we miss you every day, do you miss us every day?"

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