But his surname is Zhu, "Huang"

The word is still a must-have word in the names of the next generation of Zhu family, so it is not necessary to point out what it means.

The person in front of you...Han Changsheng has crossed paths with Zhu Shilang and Zhu Huangren and Director Zhu..., as long as the procedures are in compliance, the speed will be as it is today, ten times, or even dozens of times faster than others.

Chapter 694 Han Changsheng is about to be reduced to scum

Han Changsheng chatted with Wen Zhengyang for a while, and left the Department of Art Production with the formalities of the review.

After walking a few steps, I ran into Zhu Huangren who was holding his left arm.

Seeing Han Changsheng, Zhu Huangren was stunned for a while, then shook his head and laughed, "Brother Han, we are really destined!"

Han Changsheng rolled his eyes, "I don't think it's a fate."

Whenever he meets Zhu's father and son, it's not because of the other party's business.

, that is...he has something to do..

This isn't fate at all, it's just... a relationship of mutual restraint.

Zhu Huangren said hello to Wen Zhengyang, and walked out with Han Changsheng in his arms, "It hurts my heart when you say that, I've always been concerned about your safety, and seeing that you're fine now, I'm really relieved."

Han Changsheng: "It's fine if you don't cheat me, you still care about my safety, why don't I believe it so much!"

Zhu Huangren: "Must! What are you holding in your hand?"

Han Changsheng: "It's nothing."

Zhu Huangren snatched it up, "Let me see! Youth Thanksgiving "Father" - "Father and Daughter" is a movie about father and daughter. I must take my Jiajia to watch it."

"You're not afraid that your Jiajia will cry when she sees it."

"Crying yarn! Don't you write a short comedy film? This should be about laughing."

"If you don't believe me, you will fall down, regret it and don't look for me."

"Don't worry, you won't regret it!"

Wen Zhengyang looked at Han Changsheng and Zhu Huangren who were going away, his eyelids twitched.

He thought that Han Changsheng and Zhu Huangren had crossed paths... that's all, but looking at the scene in front of him, they are quite familiar, okay?

Otherwise, the dialogue between the two would not be like this.

And I don't know if there is something wrong with his eyes, he has a feeling: Zhu Huangren is in a hurry...  

Han Changsheng and Gu Li Nazha returned home, Yang Mi and Zhao Liying arrived home early.

Yang Mi helped Han Changsheng change into his home clothes, looked him up and down carefully, and found that he still looked the same, then kissed him with a smile on his face, "It's okay, I'm a bit haggard after staying for so long You don't have any appearance, you are really as good as you said, and you are alive and well!"

Han Changsheng pinched Yang Mi's face with a smile, "It's not like you haven't seen how my body is. Last time I stayed up for a few days and nights to take care of you, isn't there still nothing wrong?"

Yang Mi put away her smiling face, and rolled her annoyed eyes, "Do you think I'm complimenting you? If you stay up all night, stay up all night, can't you let me know in advance? I spent two nights and one day in the study, and I don't know that we are in a hurry to get angry outside. what?"

Han Changsheng rubbed his nose apologetically, "For a while... the inspiration exploded, so I confiscated it, and I must pay attention next time!"

"It's strange to believe you!"

Yang Mi gouged out Han Changsheng's eyes, and said nothing else.

The master stayed in the study for so long because of Nazha, and Nazha should blame himself again.

Dili Reba ran over bouncingly and stretched out her little white hand, "Master, I can't be the heroine of your new movie, you can always read the script."

Han Changsheng raised his hand, "Take it and see."

Swish Swish Swish.........Di Lieba took the script over, and not only she was the one who read it, Tong Liya and the others also read it together.

Looking at it, the eyes of the six sisters are not right.

They took out the shot of the wedding ceremony, and stared at Han Changsheng unkindly.

In order to let Nazha recover completely, the master tailor-made a new movie for her.

This is the master's good intentions, so they understand very well, although they are envious, they are not jealous.

After all, such a master is the... big warm man in their minds.

But! But but! Putting on a suit and a wedding, a wedding ceremony would be too much! They have acted opposite to the master, although there are husband and wife, boyfriend and girlfriend, etc.... relationship, but none of them have shown that they are married The scene! Han Changsheng noticed the unkind eyes of the six sisters, glanced over, and said speechlessly: "Don't think too much, okay, this is just a movie scene, there is no final wedding march, and Li Cheng, etc... pictures."

"you sure"

"Of course! I am the director and screenwriter, and I can assure you that there will be no behind-the-scenes pictures!"

The six sisters looked at each other, reluctantly choosing to believe.

The movie hasn't been made yet, no matter how much you object, it's useless, so I reluctantly believe it.

If there is something wrong with the patting behind, then don't blame the six of them for going crazy together! At this moment, Tong Liya noticed that Gu Li Nazha was a little embarrassed, and immediately knew that their jokes stabbed Xiao Nazha's heart again .

She secretly poked Di Lireba, and let her take a look at little Nazha's embarrassment.

Dili Reba rolled her eyes and directly turned the script to the first page, "Master, there are three main characters on this page, the fifth sister will definitely play the daughter, which one do you play?"

Han Changsheng rolled his eyes, "Aren't you talking nonsense, I will definitely be the son-in-law!"

"You don't play the leading role"

"I don't look like a retired old man in his sixties or seventies."

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