If she hadn't taken such a few photos at that time, and there were no other people around, she would have deleted these few photos that hindered her beautiful appearance.

Dili Reba finished complaining, and finally turned to the photo of the two rabbits with one arrow, close-ups from all angles, and a close-up of her proudly holding the two rabbits high.

"Did you see it! This is the record of my master archer Di Li Reba Di Li Mu Lati, unprecedented!"

Liu Sisi looked at the photos carefully, her envy flashed for a moment, then she pouted and said, "Just what these few photos can prove is that the master kills two rabbits with one arrow, and then you rub your hands when you are in the light." Where's the photo!"

Gu Li Nazha nodded again and again, "With Little Fatty's character, this kind of thing is very likely to happen!"

Yang Mi smiled and said: "It's not possible, but ninety-nine out of ten."

Di Lieba jumped three feet high when she heard the words that slandered her personality.

She pointed at the six sisters and shouted: "You guys are envious and jealous of me, I will go to the master to be my witness!"

After saying that, Dili Reba ran to the study in a hurry, dragged Han Changsheng out without any explanation.

Han Changsheng said helplessly: "You talk about your Naadam meeting, I read my book, didn't we agree not to disturb each other?"

"I dragged you out because I needed your help, and only you can prove it to me."

Di Lieba shook the phone picture in her hand, and said arrogantly: "Master, I killed these two rabbits with one arrow!"

Han Changsheng glanced at it, then nodded slowly, "You're just a blind cat meeting a dead mouse."

"A fart blind cat meets a dead mouse! I'm purely relying on my strength!"

Di Lireba corrected her angrily, and then looked at the lights on the ceiling with her neck stuck up, without having to look directly at the six 66 sisters, "How about I said that Di Lireba Di Limulati is a sharpshooter, That must be the sharpshooter!"

Liu Sisi originally wanted to praise Fatty, but she was offended by her arrogant posture, and she immediately laughed angrily.

She glanced at Han Changsheng who was about to leave, and said with a smile: "Master, Fatty just said that your photography skills are terrible, and that you are stupid."

Di Lieba froze, backed away in shock, shaking her head like a rattle, "I didn't say that!"



"The master you said is out of his mind!"

Di Lieba stared, "I didn't say that!"

Liu Sisi proudly grabbed Dili Reba, and said to Han Changsheng with a grin: "Master, listen, Fatty said the previous two sentences! I caught her for you, and you can use your family law to your heart's content." !"

Di Lieba struggled a few times but did not break free, waiting for Liu Sisi, "Sister Six! You tricked me!"

Liu Sisi raised her eyebrows triumphantly, "It's...you who got it wrong!"

Dili Reba hugged Liu Sisi in a fit of anger, "Since you tricked me, then we will die together."

After saying that, Di Lireba turned her head and shouted to Han Changsheng: "Master, Sixth Sister said just now that you are out of your mind, but you heard it with your own ears, you can't just impose family laws on me alone! We have to count Sixth Sister."

"I...I...Master, I was wrong! Hit it lightly!"

Liu Sisi faltered a few times, wanted to run away but was entangled by Fatty, and couldn't help crying without tears.

She is... just trying to cheat Fatty, how could she even think of cheating herself, how can this be "miserable"

Great words.

Chapter 699 Go!Little Fatty!

"Tears are a little salty and a little sweet, your fierce chest kissed my side face, looking back at the snow you stepped on, slowly melting into a grassland..."

Han Changsheng was exercising family law on Di Lireba and Liu Sisi when his cell phone rang suddenly and the caller ID was Wang Zhengyu.

"Master, your cell phone!"

Dili Reba obediently handed over the mobile phone, then took Liu Sisi's hand and ran away quickly.

If the two of them continue to entangle, it will be purely a snipe and a clam fighting for the fisherman's gain, and they will not run away if they are stupid.

Han Changsheng compared Fatty and Sisi for a while... and then continued to teach the gesture, took the phone and connected.

"Director Wang Da, why are you calling me when you have time?"

Wang Zhengyu smiled and said: "I can't be called a great director, brother Han, you are the great director, your "Father" moved me to tears for several times, even my family members were crying too .”

"Thank you for coming."

"I also want to thank you for letting us realize the next life."

Wang Zhengyu chatted a little more, and asked: "Brother Han, "Father" has already been released, do you have any other movies to make?"

"There is something wrong with you.


"That's right! We recorded three episodes of "Let's Go Love" last year, and I think we'll be recording the fourth episode recently. I wonder if you're free."

Han Changsheng scratched his head, "But our family is going to the Xilamuren Grassland to attend the Naadam Conference recently, so can we delay the shooting time for a few days?"

He does not resist the recording of "Let's Go Love", after all, this is an opportunity for him to go out alone with seven girls.

It's just that he has already promised Uncle Balth that he can't break his promise and get fat when it comes to the moment. The opposite side was quiet for a while, and Wang Zhengyu suggested: "Brother Han, do you think it's okay for us to record the fourth episode together with the Naadam Conference?" "

Han Changsheng thought for a while, "I have no objection, but can the Naadam Conference agree?"

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